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Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-924494


The case was a 77-year-old man. He had dizziness and dysphagia for 2 years, and underwent detailed screening at the internal medicine department for general malaise and bloody sputum. He was hospitalized for aspiration pneumonia due to dysphagia of unknown origin. This time, he visited a local doctor with palpitations and shortness of breath. Echocardiography indicated a left atrial tumor involving the mitral valve and arrhythmia. Emergency surgery was performed to remove the left atrial myxoma and close the patch at our hospital's cardiovascular surgery department. After the excision, swallowing function was restored, and the patient was diagnosed with postoperative Ortner's syndrome. We report a case where echocardiography was considered important as a detailed investigation of the cause of swallowing dysfunction and dizziness.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-688744


A 68-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a high fever of 39.0 degrees Celsius. His past surgical history was significant, including mitral valve replacement and, tricuspid valve annuloplasty in 2012. On echocardiography, multiple vegetation with a maximum diameter of 20 mm was identified on the leaflet of the prosthetic valve. The vegetations were large, multiple, and appeared floating. Moreover, advanced prosthesis valve regurgitation was observed. Candida grablata was detected in the blood culture, suggesting a high probability of PVE due to fungal infection. Emergency surgery was performed to prevent deterioration of his condition. Multiple large vegetations were noted attached to the prosthetic valve, resulting in damage to the valve leaflets and subsequent stenosis. The operation was concluded following removal of the last prosthetic valve and re-enforcement of the MVR. After surgery, antibiotic therapy with amphotericin B liposome was administered. Given that there were no signs of infection, the patient was discharged from the hospital on the 50th day after surgery. Although the vegetation was deemed large with a likelihood of patient deterioration, we believe that the degree of destruction to the leaflets prevented fatality. Existing literature reported cases whereby patients were discharged despite having such large vegetation on the valve. In cases of fungal infective endocarditis (Fungal IE), regardless of whether the valve was natural or prosthetic, the optimal treatment is to combine infected tissue debridement with thorough lesion removal, valve replacement surgery or valve annuloplasty, supplemented with a long-term antifungal agent. We believe this to be an effective treatment, especially if intervention is implemented early.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-375260


We report a rare case of a 70-year old woman who suffered right ventricular failure and shock with a comparatively rapid course due to a huge primary right atrial malignant lymphoma occupying the right atrium. She had undergone mitral valve replacement and tricuspid valve annuloplasty due to combined valvular disease 12 years previously, and she had been treated for liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis C. The transthoracic echocardiography and the computed tomography scan revealed a huge tumor occupying the right atrial cavity and incarceration into the tricuspid valve ring. We performed an emergency operation to resect the heart tumor. As the tumor strongly adhered to the free wall of the right atrium and the tricuspid valve ring, we performed complete resection of the right atrial free wall and tricuspid valve. Therefore, we performed tricuspid valve replacement with a bioprosthesis, and reconstruction of the right free wall with an EPTFE sheet. The pathological examination of the tumor was consistent with malignant lymphoma of B-cell origin. These surgical procedures were effective to reduce acute right heart failure due to severe tricuspid valve regurgitation, but she died 3 months after surgery because of liver failure due to cirrhosis. Even though the operation was not curative, it might have been effective for preventing sudden death and acute right ventricular heart failure due to incarceration into the tricuspid valve ring of the huge right atrial tumor.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-375900


A 78-year-old man underwent replacement of a descending thoracic aorta in 1980 using a Cooley double velour knitted Dacron (CDVKD) following a diagnosis of DeBakey type III b aortic dissection. He had back pain and bloody sputum from around January 2012, and so the patient was referred to our department. Upon multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT), we diagnosed a graft aneurysm caused by the prosthetic graft carried out 32 years previously that had expanded to a maximum of greater than 80 mm. An emergency operation was considered due to the continuing back pain and bloody sputum. As a strategy for treatment, low invasive treatment by thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) was initially planned. However, due to the large size of the aneurysm relative to the surrounding vessels and severe aortic calcification of the landing zone, complications of endoleak and migration were considered possible upon TEVAR. Instead, we selected total aortic arch replacement with extracorporeal circulation upon median sternotomy, even though this required increased surgical invasion. Postoperative prognosis was good and the patient was discharged from hospital 5 weeks following surgery. There are few reports on the failure of a prosthetic graft causing a graft aneurysm, particularly involving an aging CDVKD graft, but it is possible that deterioration of a prosthetic graft may cause a graft aneurysm. Therefore, postoperative follow-up must be carried out with care.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374415


A 39-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with symptoms of anterior chest pain and slightly dyspnea. At that time, he had chest discomfort, hypertension, and with enlargement of mediastinal shadow on chest X ray. Medical treatment rapidly improved the hypertension and the other symptoms. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and enhanced chest CT revealed aortic root dilation, and trivial aortic valve regurgitation, but these examinations could not identify the cause of such as typical Stanford type A dissection. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and chest MD-CT were undertaken on 7 days after the admission revealed a localized aortic dissection, intimal flap, and enlargement of sinotubular junction (STJ). An Urgent operation was performed. During the operation, a localized aortic dissection appeared to be above the left coronary cusp through the right coronary cusp of the aortic valve, but the valve findings were normal, so we decided to perform a aortic valve remodeling operation. The aortic sinuses were excised leaving 4 mm of arterial wall attached to the aortic annulus and around the coronary arteries. A Woven Dacron graft of diameter equal to the diameter of the STJ was tailored to recreate three aortic sinuses. The three commissures were suspended into the tailored graft and the neo-aortic sinuses were sutured to the aortic annulus and remnants of arterial wall. The coronary arteries were reimplanted into their respective neo-aortic sinuses and the graft anastomosed to the distal aorta. The postoperative course was uneventful. We concluded that this procedure is useful for a localized aortic dissection around the coronary orifice.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374595


A 62-year-old man had suffered from massive pedal edema, dyspnea and sinus bradycardia for 10 days. He had been heavy drinker for over 20 years. He was transferred to our hospital with severe heart failure. Echocardiography showed severe diffuse hypokinesis of left ventricular wall motion (EF20%) with dyssynchrony, and thrombus in the left ventricular apex. Under a diagnosis of LV thrombus due to severe heart failure, we made a plan for an emergency open heart surgery, but it could not be performed because of initial cardiogenic embolic stroke. Therefore, we waited for 2 weeks while performing anticoagulation therapy. The removal of LV thrombus and atrio-biventricular pacing for heart failure due to dyssynchrony were performed 2 weeks later. The pathological specimen of myocardium showed marked fibrous and hypertrophic change, which were similar to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy due to alcohol intake for many years is similar to a clinical image of dilated cardiomyopathy, but its clinical prognosis by abstinence is not bad. In this case we performed an urgent open heart surgery due to cardiogenic embolic stroke, but must be essentially performed as an emergency operation. Postoperative course was uneventful and he was discharged 21 days after open heart surgery without any complications.