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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1042767


Incidental findings are commonly noted in advanced imaging studies. Few data exist regarding the rate of incidental findings on computed tomography (CT) for preoperative shoulder arthroplasty planning. This study aims to identify the incidence of these findings and the rate at which they warrant further work-up to help guide orthopedic surgeons in counseling patients. Methods: A retrospective review was performed to identify patients with available preoperative shoulder CT who subsequently underwent shoulder arthroplasty procedures at a single institution between 2015 and 2021. Data including age, sex, and smoking status were obtained. Radiology reports for CTs were reviewed for incidental findings and categorized based on location, tissue type, and/or body system. The rate of incidental findings and the rate at which further follow-up was recommended by the radiologist were determined. Results: A total of 617 patients was identified. There were 173 incidental findings noted in 146 of these patients (23.7%). Findings ranged from pulmonary (59%), skin/soft tissue (16%), thyroid (13%), vascular (9%), spinal (2%), and abdominal (1%) areas. Of the pulmonary findings, 50% were pulmonary nodules and 47% were granulomatous disease. Overall, the final radiology report recommended further follow-up for 50% of the patients with incidental findings. Conclusions: Incidental findings are relatively common in preoperative CTs obtained for shoulder arthroplasty, occurring in nearly one-quarter of patients. Most of these findings are pulmonary in nature. Overall, half of the patients with incidental findings were recommended for further follow-up. These results establish population data to guide orthopedic surgeons in patient counseling. Level of evidence: III.

Odovtos (En linea) ; 25(1)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1422192


To determine the accuracy of the Kvaal method in the estimation of dental age through the analysis of digital panoramic radiographs of patients between 20 and 47 years of age who attended the stomatological clinic of the Universidad Científica del Sur, (2018 to 2019), Lima-Perú. 289 digital panoramic radiographs belonging to individuals of both sexes, aged 20 to 47 years were analyzed. Length and width measurements were obtained in the dental and pulp chamber in the upper central incisors. These data were subsequently evaluated by calculating the proportions between the pulp and root length of the upper central incisor by applying the formula of the method of Kvaal et al. to obtain the accuracy of the method in estimating dental age. Applying the formula of Kvaal et al. indicates that the relationship between the width of the pulp and the length of the root has a higher level of significance in relation to others proportions: M mean value of all ratios except T (-0.659) and W-L difference between W and L (-0.643). The coefficient of determination (r²) and standard error of estimation (SEE) using the original Kvaal formula is r²: 0.70, SEE: 4.90 years, then a modified Kvaal formula was proposed for the Peruvian population. The Method of Kvaal et al. has an accuracy of 1.24 in estimating the dental age of individuals, using the upper central incisor in digital panoramic radiographs.

Determinar la precisión del método de Kvaal en la estimación de la edad dental mediante el análisis de radiografías panorámicas digitales de pacientes entre 20 a 47 años atendidos en la clínica estomatológica de la Universidad Científica del Sur, (2018 a 2019), Lima-Perú. Se analizaron 289 radiografías panorámicas digitales pertenecientes a individuos de ambos sexos, de 20 a 47 años. Se obtuvo medidas de longitud y anchura en la cámara dental y pulpar en los incisivos centrales superiores. Estos datos se valoraron posteriormente al calcular las proporciones entre la pulpa y longitud de la raíz del incisivo central superior aplicando la fórmula del método de Kvaal et al. para obtener la precisión del método en la estimación de la edad dental. Al aplicar la fórmula de Kvaal et al. indica que la relación entre la anchura de pulpa y la longitud de la raíz presentan un nivel de significancia mayor en relación a otras proporciones: M valor medio de todas las proporciones excepto T (-0.659) y W-L: diferencia entre los valores de W y L (-0.643). El coeficiente de determinación (r²) y el error estándar de la estimación (SEE) utilizando la fórmula original de Kvaal es de r²: 0.70, SEE: 4.90 años, después se propuso una fórmula modificada de Kvaal para la población peruana. El Método de Kvaal et al. tiene una precisión del 1.24 en la estimación de la edad dental de los individuos, utilizando el incisivo central superior en radiografías panorámicas digitales.

Humanos , Adulto , Determinação da Idade pelos Dentes/métodos , Peru , Radiografia Panorâmica , Incisivo
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 137-145, abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430591


Resumen La reserva cognitiva (RC) se refiere al nivel de adaptabilidad de la cognición frente a cambios cerebrales. Varios estudios la han considerado un factor de protección de la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). En la región argentina no se cuenta con un instrumento validado que permita medir este constructo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es adaptar el Cuestionario de Reserva Cognitiva (CRC) a la población argentina, establecer puntajes de corte para determinar desde niveles bajos a superiores de RC y analizar qué variables predicen el puntaje total de la reserva. Las modificaciones introducidas a la adaptación fueron evaluadas a través de un proceso de juicio de expertos. Un total de 177 sujetos sanos completaron el Cuestionario de Reserva Cognitiva en su adaptación argentina (CRC-a). Mediante la medida de cuartiles, se establecieron puntajes de corte para determinar niveles bajos, medios, altos y superiores de la reserva. Se realizó una regresión lineal para evaluar si el sexo, la edad y la escolaridad predicen el nivel de RC. En la adaptación argentina del CRC se modificaron 3 de las 8 dimensiones totales y 16 de los 33 ítems totales con respecto al cuestionario original. La media del puntaje total obtenido por la muestra a partir del cuestionario fue de 15.06 con DS = 3.42. Puntajes menores a 13 reflejaron niveles bajos de RC, puntajes entre 13 y 16, niveles medios, puntajes entre 16 y 20, niveles altos, y puntajes superiores a 20, niveles superiores. La escolaridad resultó ser la única variable de predicción del nivel de RC. Si bien se encontraron diferencias entre grupos respecto a la variable sexo, esta no demostró ser predictiva. El CRC-a es el primer instrumento desarrollado en esta región para medir el nivel de RC. Contar con su validación abriría futuras líneas de investigaciones sobre posibles intervenciones para la prevención de enfermedades, tales como la EA.

Abstract Cognitive reserve (CR) refers to the level of adaptability of cognition after brain changes. It is based on processes that allow the activation of new synaptic connections after neurodegeneration, which permits to better withstand the consequences. This reserve is constituted by the interaction of innate individual characteristics (intrauterine or genetically determined) and the exposure to different life experiences. It begins its development in early stages of life and continues its transformation up to advances ages. The sociodemographic variables reported as the main ones to build the reserve are education, leisure activities, lifestyle, socioeconomic level and intelligence. Several studies have considered it as a protective factor for Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Subjects with high levels of CR have lower prevalence and incidence of AD in comparison to those with low levels of reserve. CR would lead to a late onset of symptoms, despite not having any effect on the underlying pathophysiological process of the disease. The reserve would not prevent AD from developing, but it would compensate the symptoms and, therefore, delay their onset. In some cases, there is such compensation that the symptoms do not manifest. There is no validated instrument available for the Argentinian region that allows to measure this construct. The aim of this study is to adapt the Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire to the Argentinian population, to establish cut-off scores to distinguish between low, medium, high and superior levels of CR and analyze which variables could predict the total reserve score. The modifications introduced in the adaptation were evaluated through an expert judgment process. A total of 177 healthy subjects completed the Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire in its Argentinian adaptation (CRQ-a). Through the measure of quartiles, cut-off scores were established to determine low, medium, high and superior levels of the reserve. A lineal regression was made to evaluate if age, education, and sex might predict the level of CR. Three of the eight total dimensions and 16 of the 33 total items that make up the original questionnaire were modified. The mean of the total score obtained by the sample from the questionnaire was 15.06 with SD = 3.42. Scores under 13 reflected low CR levels, scores between 13 and 16 reflected medium levels, scores between 16 and 20 reflected high levels, and scores above 20 reflected superior levels. Education turned out to be the only predictor variable for the level of CR. Although differences were found between groups of different sex, this variable turned out to be not predictive. The CRQ-a is the first instrument for the Argentinian population to measure the level of the reserve. It allows to quickly explore different dimensions, considered as the most relevant for its formation. These are: formal education, courses, parents' formal education, employment, musical training, languages, reading activity and intellectual games. In patients with AD, is particularly important to have a measure for CR to prepare interventions for those subjects whose reserve levels are perceived as low, aiming to delay and, when possible, prevent the clinical manifestation of the disease. Its validation would open future lines of research on possible interventions for the prevention of diseases such as AD.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; Arch. cardiol. Méx;93(1): 37-43, ene.-mar. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429703


Resumen Introducción: Las cardiopatías congénitas son los trastornos congénitos más frecuentes en la población mundial, se manifiestan generalmente después del nacimiento. Las altitudes entre 2,500 y 3,500 metros sobre el nivel del mar se han relacionado con la alta incidencia de cardiopatías congénitas como el ductus arterioso persistente, los defectos del septum auricular y los defectos del septum ventricular. Objetivo: Caracterizar clínica y sociodemográficamente los pacientes con diagnóstico de cardiopatías congénitas procedentes de altitudes bajas, moderadas y altas en un hospital regional de Colombia. Metodología: Estudio observacional, descriptivo retrospectivo. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes menores de 18 años con diagnóstico de cardiopatías congénitas, atendidos en el Hospital Universitario San Rafael de Tunja entre el 2015 y 2021. Resultados: El 51.9% de los pacientes eran de sexo masculino, el 16.3% tenían antecedente de prematurez y el 9.1% tenían diagnóstico de síndrome de Down. Las cardiopatías más frecuentes fueron: ductus arterioso persistente (35.1%), seguido de comunicación interventricular (21.6%) y comunicación intrauricular (19.7%). Conclusiones: Se deben establecer estrategias como el tamizaje y diagnóstico oportuno de las cardiopatías congénitas en poblaciones de riesgo con el fin de mejorar el pronóstico de vida de los pacientes y desenlace de la enfermedad.

Abstract Introduction: Congenital heart diseases are the most common congenital disorders in the world population, they generally manifest after birth. Altitudes between 2,500-3,500 meters above sea level have been linked to the high incidence of congenital heart diseases such as patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septum defects, and ventricular septum defects. Objetives: To characterize clinically and sociodemographically the patients diagnosed with congenital heart disease from low, moderate and high altitudes in a regional hospital in Colombia. Methodology: Observational, descriptive retrospective study. All patients under 18 years of age with a diagnosis of congenital heart disease, treated at the San Rafael de Tunja University Hospital between 2015 and 2021, were included. Results: 51.9% of the patients were male, 16.3% had a history of prematurity and 9.1% had a diagnosis of Down syndrome. The most frequent heart diseases were: persistent ductus arteriosus 35.1%, followed by ventricular communication representing 21.6% and intra-atrial communication with 19.7%). Conclusions: They must eestablish strategies such as screening and timely diagnosis of congenital heart disease in at-risk populations in order to improve the life prognosis of patients and the outcome of the disease.

Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 30(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536229


Introduction: Dermatomyositis is an idiopathic inflammatory myopathy characterized by the presence of skin lesions; it is considered a heterogeneous disease, due to its clinical presentation, course, and prognosis. In Colombia there are few records that describe the clinical characteristics of these patients. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Medical records of patients who consulted a university hospital in Colombia between January 2004 and December 2019 were reviewed. The records were obtained using databases from the dermatology, rheumatology, dermatopathology, and electrophysiology units, and CIE10 diagnostic codes. Results: Seventy patients with a dermatomyositis diagnosis were found, 63 (90%) fulfilled the Bohan and Peter diagnostic criteria and 7 (10%) had amyopathic dermatomyositis, with an average age of 43 years (SD ± 15.3). Forty-eight were women (68.5%). The most frequent clinical signs were Gottron's papules 80%, periorbital violaceous (heliotrope) erythema with edema 78.5% (n = 55) and poikiloderma 75.7% (n = 53). The most frequently found systemic manifestations were dysphagia (21.4%, n = 15), interstitial lung disease (11.4%, n = 8), and pulmonary hypertension (8.5%, n = 6). Cancer was documented in 8.5% (n = 6) of patients. Conclusion: We showed clinical information of patients with dermatomyositis in a referral hospital in Colombia. The data obtained is consistent with information from other case series worldwide.

Introducción: La dermatomiositis es una miopatía inflamatoria idiopática que se caracteriza por presentar lesiones en la piel; por su presentación clínica, su curso y su pronóstico, se la considera una enfermedad heterogénea. En Colombia existen pocos registros que describan las características clínicas de los pacientes afectados por esta enfermedad. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se revisaron las historias clínicas de pacientes que consultaron a un hospital universitario en Colombia entre enero del 2004 y diciembre del 2019. Los registros se obtuvieron utilizando bases de datos de las unidades de dermatología, reumatología, dermatopatología, electrofisiología y códigos diagnósticos CIE10 asociados con dermatomiositis. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 70 pacientes con diagnóstico de dermatomiositis, 63 (90%) de los cuales cumplían criterios de clasificación de Bohan y Peter, en tanto que 7 (10%) presentaban dermatomiositis amiopática. El promedio de edad fue de 43 arios (DS ± 15,3); 48 fueron mujeres (68,5%); los signos clínicos más frecuentes fueron: pápulas de Gottron (80%, n = 56), eritema heliotropo (78,5%, n = 55) y poiquilodermia (75,7%, n = 53). Las manifestaciones sistêmicas más comúnmente encontradas fueron: disfagia (21,4%, n = 15), enfermedad pulmonar intersticial (11,4%, n = 8) e hipertensión pulmonar (8,5%, n = 6). Se documentó cáncer en el 8,5% (n = 6) de los pacientes. Conclusión: Se presenta información clínica de pacientes con dermatomiositis en un centro hospitalario de referencia en Colombia; los datos obtenidos concuerdan con la información de otros estudios de series de casos a escala mundial.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Doenças Musculoesqueléticas , Dermatomiosite , Doenças Musculares
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1000204


Preoperative traditional software planning (TSP) is a method used to assist surgeons with implant selection and glenoid guide-pin insertion in shoulder arthroplasty. Mixed-Reality (MR) is a new technology that uses digital holograms of the preoperative plan and guide-pin trajectory projected into the operative field. The purpose of this study was to compare TSP to MR in a simulated surgical environment involving insertion of guide-pins into models of severely deformed glenoids. Methods: Eight surgeons inserted guide-pins into eight randomized three-dimensional-printed severely eroded glenoid models in a simulated surgical environment using either TSP or MR. In total, 128 glenoid models were used and statistically compared. The outcomes compared between techniques included procedural time, difference in guide-pin start point, difference in version and inclination, and surgeon confidence via a confidence rating scale. Results: When comparing traditional preoperative software planning to MR visualization as techniques to assist surgeons in glenoid guide pin insertion, there were no statistically significant differences in terms of mean procedure time (P=0.634), glenoid start-point (TSP = 2.2 ± 0.2 mm , MR = 2.1 ± 0.1 mm; P=0.760), guide-pin orientation (P=0.586), or confidence rating score (P=0.850). Conclusions: The results demonstrate that there were no significant differences between traditional preoperative software planning and MR visualization for guide-pin placement into models of eroded glenoids. A perceived benefit of MR is the real-time intraoperative visibility of the surgical plan and the patient’s anatomy; however, this did not translate into decreased procedural time or improved guide-pin position. Level of evidence: Basic Science Study; Biomechanics

Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 29(supl. 1)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536179


Se han descrito casos de patologías autoinmunes de inicio posterior a la infección por el virus SARS-CoV-2. La relación causal aún no es clara, por lo que es importante la construcción de la literatura frente a esta incógnita. Reportamos el caso de una mujer de 44 años que 18 días luego de cursar con infección por SARS-CoV-2 sin hipoxemia, presenta poliartralgias inflamatorias y paraclínicos compatibles con un diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide. Este caso refuerza la posibilidad de una relación causal entre ambas entidades.

Cases of autoimmune pathologies with onset after infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been described. The causal relationship is not yet clear. We report the case of a 44-year-old woman who, 18 days after presenting with SARS-CoV-2 infection without hypoxaemia, presented with a clinical picture compatible with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. This case reinforces the possibility of a causal relationship between both entities.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Infecções , Artrite Reumatoide , Viroses , Doenças Musculoesqueléticas , COVID-19 , Artropatias
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 29(2): 113-124, Apr.-June 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423914


Abstract Introduction: Axial spondyloarthritis is a rheumatic condition affecting young patients with social and occupational consequences. Diagnosis delay is associated with functional impairment and impact on quality of life, requiring a multidisciplinary approach. Objective: To develop a set of recommendations based on the best available evidence for the early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of adult patients with axial spondy-loarthritis. Methods: A working group was established, questions were developed, outcomes were graded, and a systematic search for evidence was conducted. A multidisciplinary panel of members was established (including patient representatives), minimizing bias in relation to conflicts of interest. The GRADE approach "Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation" was used to assess the quality of the evidence as well as the direction and strength of recommendations. In total, 11 recommendations on diagnosis (n=2), pharmacological treatment (n=6), non-pharmacological treatment (n=2) and monitoring (n=1) are presented. Results: Sacroiliac joint radiography as the first diagnostic method, and the use of disease activity scales for patient monitoring (ASDAS or BASDAI), are recommended. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the first treatment option; in case of intolerance or residual pain, acetaminophen or opioids are recommended. In patients with axial involvement, it is recommended not to use conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs or systemic or local glucocorticoids. In patients with failure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-TNF or anti-IL17A are recommended. In those patients presenting with anti-TNF failure, starting an anti-IL17A is recommended. Exercise, physical and occupational therapy are recommended as part of treatment. It is recommended not to use unconventional therapies as the only treatment option. Conclusions: This set of recommendations provides an updated guideline for the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of patients with axial spondyloarthritis.

RESUMEN Introducción: La espondiloartritis axial es una enfermedad reumatológica que afecta a individuos jóvenes y tiene una gran repercusión sociolaboral. El retraso en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento se asocia con un mayor deterioro funcional y un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida, por lo que requiere un abordaje multidisciplinario. Objetivo: Desarrollar y formular un conjunto de recomendaciones específicas basadas en la mejor evidencia disponible para la detección temprana, el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y el seguimiento de los pacientes adultos con espondiloartritis axial. Métodos: Se configuró un grupo desarrollador, se formularon preguntas clínicas contestables, se graduaron los desenlaces y se realizó la búsqueda sistemática de la evidencia. El panel de la guía fue multidisciplinario (incluyendo representantes de los pacientes) y balanceado, minimizando el sesgo por conflictos de intereses. Se utilizó la aproximación Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) para evaluar la calidad de la evidencia, al igual que la dirección y la fortaleza de las recomendaciones. Se presentan 11 recomendaciones relacionadas con diagnóstico (n = 2), tratamiento farmacológico (n = 6), tratamiento no farmacológico (n = 2) y seguimiento (n = 1). Resultados: Se recomienda la radiografía de articulaciones sacroilíacas como primer método diagnóstico, y el uso de escalas de actividad para el seguimiento de los pacientes (ASDAS o BASDAI). Los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos son la primera opción de tratamiento; en caso de intolerancia o dolor residual se recomienda acetaminofén u opioides. En pacientes con compromiso axial se recomienda abstenerse de utilizar medicamentos antirreumáticos modificadores de la enfermedad convencionales ni glucocorticoides sistémicos o locales. En pacientes con falla a los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos, se recomienda un anti-TNFα o un anti-IL17A. En pacientes con falla a anti-TNFα, se recomienda iniciar un anti-IL17A. El ejercicio y la terapia física y ocupacional se recomiendan como parte del tratamiento. Se recomienda no utilizar las terapias no convencionales como única opción de tratamiento. Conclusiones: Este conjunto de recomendaciones proporciona una guía actualizada sobre el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la espondiloartritis axial.

Humanos , Doenças Ósseas , Doenças Musculoesqueléticas , Espondilartrite
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 29(2): 170-176, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376875


Resumen Introducción: La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia cardíaca más frecuente, es una de las causas más importantes de eventos cerebrovasculares de origen embólico y se asocia con el desarrollo de insuficiencia cardíaca y muerte súbita. En Colombia, constituye una enfermedad con altos costos para el sistema de salud; sin embargo, su prevalencia es desconocida. Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia de fibrilación auricular reportada a los sistemas oficiales de información en Colombia. Método: Mediante la extracción, el tabulado y el análisis de datos de la herramienta SISPRO, del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia, se calculó la prevalencia de fibrilación auricular estandarizada por edad, global y para las diferentes regiones geográficas del país, entre los años 2013 y 2017. Resultados: Se identificaron 143,656 casos reportados con el código I48X, que corresponde a fibrilación auricular en la CIE-10. La prevalencia de fibrilación auricular se incrementó desde 41 hasta 87 por cada 100,000 habitantes entre 2013 y 2017 (p < 0.001). En Colombia, la fibrilación auricular es más frecuente en las mujeres, con mayor prevalencia en mayores de 60 años (606/100,000 en 2017); hay zonas con prevalencia superior a 150/100,000 en los departamentos de Antioquia, Caldas, Santander y Bogotá D.C. Conclusiones: Este estudio sugiere que la fibrilación auricular tiene una tendencia ascendente en Colombia, es más frecuente en las mujeres y más prevalente en los centros urbanos, posiblemente debido a una mayor proporción de pacientes mayores y al mejor acceso a los sistemas de salud.

Abstract Introduction: Atrial fibrillation is the most frequent cardiac arrhythmia. It is responsible for an important proportion of embolic strokes and is associated with the development of congestive heart failure and sudden cardiac death. In Colombia, atrial fibrillation is highly costly for the healthcare system; however, its true prevalence is unknown. Objective: To describe the prevalence of atrial fibrillation reported to the official information systems in Colombia. Method: We calculated the prevalence of atrial fibrillation through the extraction, tabulation and analysis of data contained in the Integral Information System for Social Protection tool, which was created by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in Colombia. Global and age-standardized prevalence rates were obtained for the period between years 2013 and 2017. Results: A total of 143,656 cases were identified. These were reported through the ICD-10 code I48X, corresponding to atrial fibrillation. The prevalence of atrial fibrillation increased from 41 to 87 cases per 100,000 inhabitants between years 2013 and 2017 (p < 0.001). In Colombia, atrial fibrillation is more frequent among women, and individuals over the age of 60 (606/100,000 in 2017). The departments of Antioquia, Caldas, Santander and Bogotá D.C had zones with prevalence greater than 150/100,000. Conclusions: This study suggests that atrial fibrillation displays an upward trend in Colombia. Its prevalence is higher in women and urban centers. The latter may be due to the higher proportion of older patients and better access to healthcare in these subgroups.

Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 29(1): 44-56, Jan.-Mar. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423903


ABSTRACT Background: Peripheral spondylarthritis is a chronic Inflammatory disease whose clinical presentation is related to the presence of arthritis, enthesitis and/or dactylitis. This term is used interchangeably with some of its subtypes such as psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, and undifferentiated spondyloarthritis. Objective: To develop and formulate a set of specific recommendations based on the best available evidence for the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of adult patients with peripheral spondyloarthritis. Methods: A working group was established, clinical questions were formulated, outcomes were graded, and a systematic search for evidence was conducted. The guideline panel was multidisciplinary (including patient representatives) and balanced. Following the for mal expert consensus method, the GRADE methodology "Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation" was used to assess the quality of the evidence and generate the recommendations. The clinical practice guideline includes ten recommendations related to monitoring of disease activity (n = 1) and treatment (n = 9). Results: In patients with peripheral spondyloarthritis, the use of methotrexate or sulfasalazine as the first line of treatment is suggested, and local injections of glucocorticoids are conditionally recommended. In patients with failure to cDMARDs, an anti TNFα or an anti IL17A is recommended. In case of failure to bDMARDs, it is suggested to use another bDMARD or JAK inhibitor. In patients with peripheral spondylarthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease, it is recommended to start treatment with cDMARDs; in the absence of response, the use of an anti TNFα over an anti-IL-17 or an anti-IL-12-23 is recom mended as a second line of treatment. In patients with psoriatic arthritis, the combined use of methotrexate with a bDMARD is conditionally recommended for optimization of dosing. To assess disease activity in Psoriatic Arthritis, the use of DAPSA or MDA is suggested for patient monitoring. Conclusions: This set of recommendations provides an updated guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of peripheral spondyloarthritis.

RESUMEN Antecedentes: La espondiloartritis periférica es una patología Inflamatoria crónica cuya presentación clínica está determinada por la presencia de artritis, entesitis y/o dactilitis. Este término se utiliza indistintamente con algunos de sus subtipos como artritis psoriásica, artritis reactiva y espondiloartritis indiferenciada. Objetivo: Desarrollar y formular un conjunto de recomendaciones específicas basadas en la mejor evidencia disponible para el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y el seguimiento de pacientes adultos con espondiloartritis periférica. Métodos: Se constituyó un grupo desarrollador, se formularon preguntas clínicas, se graduaron los desenlaces y se realizó la búsqueda sistemática de la evidencia. El panel de la guía fue multidisciplinario (incluyendo representantes de los pacientes) y balanceado. Siguiendo el método de consenso formal de expertos, se utilizó la metodología GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) para para evaluar la calidad de la evidencia y generar las recomendaciones. La guía de práctica clínica incluye 10 recomendaciones: una sobre seguimiento de la actividad de la enfermedad y nueve sobre tratamiento. Resultados: En pacientes con espondiloartritis periférica se sugiere usar metotrexato o sulfasalazina como primera línea de tratamiento y se recomienda en forma condicional la inyección local de glucocorticoides. En los pacientes que fallan a cDMARDs, se recomienda iniciar un anti TNFα o un anti IL17A. Ante falla terapéutica a la primera línea con bDMARDs, se sugiere usar otro bDMARD o un inhibidor JAK. En pacientes con espondiloartritis periférica y enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal asociada, se recomienda iniciar tratamiento con cDMARDs; en ausencia de respuesta, se recomienda el uso de un anti TNFα sobre un anti IL-17 o un anti IL-12-23 como segunda línea de tratamiento. En pacientes con artritis psoriásica se recomienda, de forma condicional, el uso combinado de metotrexato con bDMARD para favorecer la optimización de la dosis de estos. Para evaluar la actividad de la enfermedad en artritis psoriásica, se sugiere el uso del DAPSA o MDA para el seguimiento de los pacientes. Conclusiones: Este conjunto de recomendaciones proporcionan una guía actualizada sobre el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la espondiloartritis periférica.

Humanos , Doenças da Coluna Vertebral , Doenças Ósseas , Doenças Musculoesqueléticas , Espondilartrite
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 29(1): 29-35, ene.-feb. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376851


Resumen Introducción: La hipertensión arterial es el principal factor de riesgo cardiovascular modificable y aumenta la probabilidad de mortalidad de causa cardiovascular. Las mediciones de prevalencia en Colombia han incluido ciudades principales y pequeñas regiones, pero no se dispone de información en el país. Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial a partir de los reportes a los sistemas oficiales de información en Colombia. Método: Mediante la extracción y el análisis de datos de la herramienta SISPRO del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia, se calculó la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial, estandarizada por edad y para las diferentes regiones geográficas del país, entre los años 2013 y 2017. Resultados: Durante los 5 años evaluados hubo 12,386,343 registros con diagnóstico principal de hipertensión arterial; en 2013 se observó la menor prevalencia (4.65%) y en 2017 la mayor (5.83%). El promedio de prevalencia nacional en los mayores de 60 años durante los 5 años fue del 28.14%. La prevalencia es mayor en las mujeres, con una relación mujer: hombre de 1.78:1. El grupo de mayor prevalencia durante el estudio fueron las mujeres mayores de 80 años en 2017, con una prevalencia ajustada del 54.4%. Las regiones con prevalencia mayor al 10% fueron Risaralda, Caldas, Boyacá, Antioquia y Sucre. Conclusiones: La prevalencia nacional de los registros de consultas por hipertensión arterial a las fuentes oficiales de información es menor que la reportada en estudios realizados en poblaciones similares y sugiere que existe un subregistro del reporte a dichas fuentes de información.

Abstract Introduction: Systemic hypertension is the main modifiable cardiovascular risk factor, leading to increased probability of mortality due to cardiovascular causes. Studies assessing the prevalence of systemic hypertension in Colombia have included main cities and small regions. However, there is no available data regarding the country as a whole. Objective: To describe the prevalence of systemic hypertension according to reports made to the official information systems in Colombia. Method: The prevalence of systemic hypertension was calculated through the extraction and analysis of data contained within the SISPRO tool, the official information system for the Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection. The prevalence was then standardized by age, and for the different geographical regions of the country in the period comprised between years 2013 and 2017. Results: During the five years of follow-up, we located 12,386,343 registries reporting systemic hypertension as a main diagnosis. The lowest prevalence (4.65%) was found in year 2013, and the highest prevalence (5.83%) was found in 2017. The mean national prevalence for patients above the age of 60, during the aforementioned 5-year period, was 28.14%. The prevalence was higher in women, with a women-to-men ratio of 1.78:1. The group with the higher adjusted prevalence during the study period was composed of women above the age of 80 in year 2017, with an adjusted prevalence of 54.4%. The regions with a prevalence over 10% were Risaralda, Caldas, Boyacá. Antioquia and Sucre. Conclusions: The national prevalence of registered consultations due to systemic hypertension to the official information sources is lower than that reported in previous studies conducted on similar populations, suggesting the existence of underreport to said information sources.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 46: e203, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450188


ABSTRACT Objectives. To assess factors associated with admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) and death from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in fully vaccinated patients with severe COVID-19 in Brazil and the association between ICU admission and death from COVID-19. Methods. This was retrospective study of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 from February 12, 2021 to January 10, 2022 across Brazil who were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before hospitalization. Outcomes were admission in an ICU for COVID-19 and death from COVID-19. Variables evaluated were: sex; age; self-reported skin color; macroregion; comorbidities; time between full vaccination and onset of symptoms; and time between onset of symptoms and hospitalization. A Poisson regression model was used to estimate crude and adjusted risk ratios. Results. Of 74 991 patients hospitalized for severe COVID-19, 67.28% were ≥ 70 years and 68.32% had at least one comorbidity. Men, patients aged 60-69 years, and patients aged 18-39 years with obesity had the greatest risk of ICU admission. Patients aged 18-39 years with obesity, diabetes, or renal diseases had the highest risk of death from COVID-19. When age and time between onset of symptoms and hospitalization were considered effect modifiers, patients admitted to an ICU 9-13 days after symptom onset in each age category had the greatest risk of death from COVID-19. Conclusion. Although older patients were at greatest risk of ICU admission and death from COVID-19, the difference in the risk of dying from COVID-19 between patients admitted to an ICU and those not admitted was greatest for young adults.

RESUMEN Objetivos. Evaluar los factores asociados con el ingreso en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) y la muerte por la enfermedad del coronavirus del 2019 (COVID-19) en pacientes con el esquema completo de vacunación que presentan un cuadro grave de COVID-19, así como la relación entre el ingreso en la UCI y la muerte por esta enfermedad en Brasil. Métodos. Se realizó en Brasil un estudio retrospectivo de pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 del 12 de febrero del 2021 al 10 de enero del 2022 que habían recibido el esquema completo de vacunación contra la COVID-19 antes de ser hospitalizados. Los resultados fueron el ingreso en la UCI debido a la COVID-19 y la muerte por esta enfermedad. Las variables evaluadas fueron sexo, edad, color de piel autonotificado, macrorregión, comorbilidades, período entre el esquema completo de vacunación y la aparición de los síntomas y período entre el inicio de los síntomas y la hospitalización. Se utilizó un modelo de regresión de Poisson para estimar los cocientes de riesgo crudo y ajustado. Resultados. De los 74 991 pacientes hospitalizados con un cuadro grave de COVID-19, 67,28% tenía 70 años o más y 68,32% tenía al menos una comorbilidad. Los varones, los pacientes de 60 a 69 años y los pacientes de 18 a 39 años con obesidad presentaron el mayor riesgo de ingreso en la UCI. Los pacientes de 18 a 39 años con obesidad, diabetes o enfermedades renales presentaban el mayor riesgo de muerte por esta enfermedad. Cuando la edad y el período entre el inicio de los síntomas y la hospitalización se consideraron modificadores del efecto, los pacientes ingresados en la UCI entre 9 y 13 días después del inicio de los síntomas en cada categoría de edad presentaron el mayor riesgo de muerte debido a la COVID-19. Conclusión. Aunque los pacientes de mayor edad presentaron el mayor riesgo de ingreso en la UCI y muerte debido a la COVID-19, la diferencia en el riesgo de morir por esta enfermedad entre pacientes ingresados en la UCI y pacientes no ingresados fue más elevada en adultos jóvenes.

RESUMO Objetivos. Avaliar fatores associados à admissão em unidade de tratamento intensivo (UTI) e óbito por doença do coronavírus 2019 em pacientes com COVID-19 grave, totalmente vacinados, no Brasil, bem como a relação entre a entrada na UTI e a morte por COVID-19. Métodos. Estudo retrospectivo de pacientes hospitalizados com COVID-19, de 12 de fevereiro de 2021 a 10 de janeiro de 2022, em todo o Brasil, que tinham o esquema vacinal completo contra a COVID-19 antes da hospitalização. Os desfechos foram a admissão em UTI devido à COVID-19 e a morte em decorrência da doença. As variáveis avaliadas foram sexo, idade, cor da pele autodeclarada, macrorregião, comorbidades, tempo entre a vacinação completa e o início dos sintomas, e tempo entre o início dos sintomas e a internação. Para estimar os coeficientes de risco bruto e ajustado foi usado um modelo de regressão de Poisson. Resultados. Dos 74.991 pacientes internados com quadro de COVID-19 grave, 67,28% tinham ≥ 70 anos e 68,32% apresentavam pelo menos uma comorbidade. Os homens, pacientes entre 60-69 anos e pacientes entre 18-39 anos com obesidade tinham o maior risco de internação na UTI. Os pacientes de 18-39 anos de idade com obesidade, diabetes ou doenças renais apresentavam o maior risco de morte por COVID-19. Quando a idade e o intervalo entre o início dos sintomas e a hospitalização foram considerados modificadores de efeito, os pacientes admitidos em UTI entre 9 e 13 dias após o início dos sintomas em cada categoria de idade tinham o maior risco de morte devido à COVID-19. Conclusão. Embora os pacientes mais velhos tivessem maior risco de admissão na UTI e morte por COVID-19, a diferença no risco de óbito pelo coronavírus entre os pacientes admitidos em uma UTI e aqueles não admitidos foi maior para os adultos jovens.

Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 56: 1-12, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1361134


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES To estimate the relative risk (RR) of death associated with obesity, the attributable fraction in the exposed/with obesity (AFo), and the hospitalized population attributable risk (hospitalized PAR) associated with obesity of death among all adults and among Black and non-Black adults hospitalized for severe COVID-19 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. METHODS This retrospective cohort study of prognostic factors analyzed all cases of adults hospitalized for severe COVID-19 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The occurrence of obesity was measured using secondary data from hospital teams' surveillance records. The outcome assessed was hospital deaths caused by severe COVID-19. Poisson regression was used to estimate RRs and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). RESULTS The study sample consisted of 100,099 patients hospitalized for severe COVID-19, most of whom were White (84.7%) and male (54.7%). The effect of obesity was strongly modified by age, being higher in younger age groups. For the 18-39-year-old age group, RR = 2.54 (95%CI: 2.33-2.77), and in individuals 70 years and above, RR = 1.09 (95%CI: 1.05-1.13). For the 18-39-year-old age range, AFo = 60.6% and AFo = 42.5% in individuals 40-59 years old. For all hospitalizations, Hospitalized PAR measuring obesity for individuals 18-39 years old was 25.3%, while in the 40-59-year-old range, the hospitalized PAR = 11.2%. The hospitalized PAR was 31.7% in the Black population aged 18-39 years and 24.8% in non-Blacks. The hospitalized PAR was also larger in Blacks aged 40-59 years. CONCLUSIONS Obesity largely impacted in-hospital case-fatality rates among young adults and Black people contaminated by COVID-19. These data highlight the extent of the risk concerning obesity, a highly prevalent chronic condition.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , COVID-19 , Brasil/epidemiologia , Pigmentação da Pele , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco , SARS-CoV-2 , Hospitalização , Hospitais , Obesidade/complicações , Obesidade/epidemiologia
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 28(4): 300-305, Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423892


ABSTRACT Inclusion body myositis is part of the group of inflammatory myopathies, representing 30% of this group of diseases, and is considered an orphan disease because its estimated prevalence is less than 5 per 10,000 inhabitants. It produces weakness and atrophy of the proximal and distal muscles. The pathophysiological mechanisms are mainly autoimmune, inflammatory, and degenerative. The cases are presented of two female patients who came to : the emergency department due to progressive loss of upper and lower limb strength, and progressive asymmetric muscle weakness.

RESUMEN La miositis por cuerpos de inclusión forma parte del grupo de las miopatías inflamatorias, de las que representa el 30%; es considerada una enfermedad huérfana, ya que se estima que su prevalencia es menor a 5 por cada 10.000 habitantes. Produce debilidad y atrofia de los músculos proximales y distales. Los mecanismos fisiopatológicos son principalmente autoinmunes, inflamatorios y degenerativos. Se presentan 2 casos de mujeres, quienes acudieron a urgencias por pérdida progresiva de la fuerza en miembros superiores e inferiores, con debilidad muscular asimétrica de curso progresivo.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doenças Musculoesqueléticas , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos , Diagnóstico , Eletromiografia , Doenças Musculares , Miosite
Colomb. med ; 52(3): e2004567, July-Sept. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360371


Abstract Background: Whole-brain radiation therapy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) are two treatment modalities commonly utilized to treat brain metastases (BMs). Aim: The purpose of this study is to analyse retrospectively the local control and survival of patients with BMs of breast cancer (BC) treated via radiosurgery using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT-RS). Methods: 18 patients with 41 BMs of BC and treated by VMAT-RS were studied. They were classified according to the molecular subtype of BC and the modified breast graded prognostic assessment -GPA- index. Patients presented 1-4 BMs, which were treated with 5 non-coplanar VMAT arcs. The spatial distribution of BMs, the influence of receptor status on the location of the lesions and survival assessed via the Kaplan-Meier model were analyzed. Results: The median survival time (MST) was 19.7 months. Statistically significant differences were determined in the MST according to the Karnofsky performance status (p= 0.02) and the HER2 status (p= 0.004), being more prolonged in the HER2+ patients. Finally, our results showed that the cerebellum is the predominant site of breast cancer BMs, and also suggested that HER2+BMs had a predilection for some structures of the posterior circulation, such as the cerebellum, brainstem and occipital lobes (p= 0.048). Conclusions: The VMAT-RS is a technique with an overall survival comparable to other radiosurgery techniques. The baseline situation at the time of treatment, the modified breast-GPA and the molecular subtypes, are factors that significantly influence patient survival.

Resumen Antecedentes: La radioterapia holocraneal (WBRT) y la radiocirugía estereotáctica (SRS) son dos modalidades de tratamiento comúnmente empleados para el tratamiento de las metástasis cerebrales (BMs). Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio es analizar de forma retrospectiva el control local y la supervivencia de los pacientes con BMs de cáncer de mama (BC) tratados mediante radiocirugía empleando arcoterapia volumétrica modulada (VMAT-RS). Métodos: Se analizaron 18 pacientes con 41 BMs de BC tratados mediante VMAT-RS. Se clasificaron según el subtipo molecular de BC y el GPA (Graded Prognostic Assessment) modificado de cáncer de mama. Los pacientes presentaron de 1-4 BMs, las cuales fueron tratadas con 5 arcos VMAT no coplanares. Se analizó la distribución espacial de las BMs, la influencia del status del receptor en la localización de las lesiones y la supervivencia evaluada mediante el modelo de Kaplan-Meier. Resultados: La mediana del tiempo de supervivencia (MST) fue de 19.7 meses. Se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el MST según el índice de Karnofsky (p= 0.02) y el status de HER2 (p= 0.004), siendo más prolongado en las pacientes HER2+. Por último, nuestros resultados mostraron que el cerebelo es el lugar predominante de las BMs de cáncer de mama, y también sugirieron que las BMs HER2+ presentaban una predilección por algunas estructuras de la circulación posterior, como el cerebelo, el tronco cerebral y los lóbulos occipitales (p= 0.048). Conclusiones: VMAT-RS es una técnica con una supervivencia global comparable a otras técnicas de radiocirugía. La situación basal en el momento del tratamiento, el GPA modificado de cáncer de mama así como los subtipos moleculares de cáncer de mama, son factores que influyen de forma significativa en la supervivencia de los pacientes.

urol. colomb. (Bogotá. En línea) ; 30(3): 204-209, 15/09/2021. tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1369432


Background and Objective Prostate cancer is a multifactorial disease and is among the top five causes of death in men worldwide. The Colombian Ministry of Health has adopted the Integrated Information System on Social Protection (Sistema Integrado de Información de la Protección Social, SISPRO, by its Spanish acronym) registry to collect comprehensive information from the Colombian health system. The system provides close to universal coverage (around 95%). We aimed to establish the prevalence of prostate cancer in Colombia and to describe its demographics, based on data provided by SISPRO, openly available for scientific analysis. Methods Using the SISPRO data from 2015 through 2019, we analyzed the prevalence and demographic characteristics of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. Results We identified a total of 43,862 patients with prostate cancer in the 5-year period and estimated a prevalence of 4.54 cases per 1,000 habitants, using as denominator males over 35 years old. We calculated a prevalence of early-onset prostate cancer (i.e., 35­54 years) of 0.14 per 1,000 habitants (791 cases in 5 years). The highest prevalence was observed in patients>80 years (33.45 per 1,000 habitants). The departments with the highest prevalence were Bogotá, Valle del Cauca, Risaralda, and Boyacá, and the region with the lowest prevalence was Amazonas.

Antecedentes y Objetivo El cáncer de próstata es una enfermedad multifactorial, y se encuentra entre las cinco principales causas de muerte en hombres a nivel mundial. El Ministerio de Salud de Colombia ha adoptado el Sistema Integrado de Información de la Protección Social (SISPRO) para la recopilación de la información integral del sistema de salud colombiano. El sistema proporciona una cobertura casi universal (alrededor del 95%). El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la prevalencia del cáncer de próstata en Colombia y describir su demografía, con base en los datos proporcionados por el SISPRO, disponibles de forma abierta para el análisis científico. Métodos Utilizando los datos del SISPRO de 2015 a 2019, se analizaron la prevalencia y las características demográficas de los pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer de próstata. Resultados Se identificó un total de 43,862 pacientes con cáncer de próstata en el período de 5 años, con una prevalencia de 4,54 casos por cada mil habitantes, utilizando como denominador hombres mayores de 35 años. La prevalencia de cáncer de próstata de inicio temprano (es decir, paciente de 35 a 54 años) fue de 0.14 por mil habitantes (791 casos en 5 años). La mayor prevalencia se observó en pacientes > 80 años (33,45 por mil habitantes). Los departamentos con mayor prevalencia fueron Bogotá, Valle del Cauca, Risaralda, y Boyacá. Y la región con menor prevalencia fue Amazonas. Conclusión Describimos la prevalencia y la demografía del cáncer de próstata y el cáncer de próstata de inicio temprano en Colombia utilizando la base de datos del sistema nacional de salud. Observamos una distribución desigual de la prevalencia entre las regiones, que puede estar relacionada con factores raciales, ambientales, o de acceso, que justifican más estudios.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasias da Próstata , Demografia , Sistemas Nacionais de Saúde , Sistemas de Informação , Prevalência , Causas de Morte , Colômbia , Cobertura Universal do Seguro de Saúde , Fatores Raciais
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 28(2): 89-94, abr.-jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357253


RESUMEN Introducción: Las redes sociales como Twitter®, Facebook® y YouTube® se han convertido en medios de interacción y visualización de información científica. Han surgido medidas alternativas (almetrics) que evalúan la diseminación y el impacto de las revistas científicas en las redes sociales; sin embargo, se desconoce si existe correlación entre la actividad de las revistas de reumatología en redes sociales y las métricas tradicionales de impacto basadas en número de citaciones. Métodos: Se identificaron las revistas de reumatología a partir de la base de datos de SCImago de Scopus® y se extrajo la información de las métricas tradicionales basadas en el número de citaciones. Se determinaron métricas alternativas de actividad de las revistas en Facebook®, Twitter®, YouTube® e Instagram®. Se evaluó la correlación entre ellas usando el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, ajustado por el tiempo transcurrido desde la creación de la cuenta. Resultados: De un total de 60 revistas de reumatología, 14 contaban con la presencia en las redes sociales evaluadas. El SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) fue más alto en revistas con red social (90,5 vs. 21; p < 0,05). La correlación entre el SJR y las métricas de actividad del Twitter® fue excelente: con el número de seguidores (r = 0,85), seguidores/ano (r = 0,83) y número de tweets (r = 0,82). Conclusión: Nuestro estudio sugiere que las métricas tradicionales de impacto basadas en el número de citaciones, se correlacionan muy bien con las métricas de presencia en redes sociales de las revistas de reumatología, en especial en Twitter®.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The social networks like Twitter®, Facebook® and YouTube® have become interaction media with visualisation scientific information. Alternative metrics (altmetrics) have emerged that assess the dissemination and the impact of the scientific journals in the social networks. However, it is unknown if there is a correlation between the journal and the traditional measurements of impact based on the number of citations for the journal of rheumatology. Methods: The journals of rheumatology included in Scimago Country and Journal Ranking were identified, and the results of their metrics were collected based on the number of cita tions. The presence in social networks was determined using metrics, such as the number of followers and tweets. The correlation between them was evaluated using the Spearman correlation coefficient, adjusted for the time elapsed since the account was created. Results: Out of a total of 60 rheumatology journals, 14 had a presence in social networks. The Scimago journal ranking indicator (SJR) was higher in journals with a social network (90.5 vs. 21; p< .05). The correlation between the SJR and Twitter® activity metrics was excellent: with the number of followers (r = 0.85), followers/year (r=0.83), and number of tweets (r = 0.82). Conclusion: This study suggests that traditional impact metrics based on the number of cita tions correlate very well with the social network presence metrics of rheumatology journals, especially on Twitter®.

Rede Social , Reumatologia , Bibliometria , Fator de Impacto de Revistas , Análise de Rede Social
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;412021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487645


ABSTRACT: The present article presents cases of conidiobolomycosis in adult goats with clinical signs characterized by serous nasal discharge, dyspnea, apathy, and weight loss. Two goats were necropsied. Necropsy displayed increased volume on the sagittal section of the head and an ulcerated surface containing a yellow friable mass with irregular and granular consistency in the nasal septum and in the ventral nasal turbinate. One goat also presented lesions on the ears skin and the right pelvic limb. Microscopically, lesions were characterized by multifocal granulomas with a central necrotic area containing non-stained fungal hyphae images surrounded by a granulomatous infiltrate. Samples of the lesions examined by immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction were positive for Conidiobolus lamprauges. This is the first report of conidiobolomycosis in goats, and the disease should be considered in the differential diagnoses for rhinitis and dermatitis in goats.

RESUMO: O presente artigo apresenta casos de conidiobolomicose em cabras adultas com sinais clínicos caracterizados por secreção nasal serosa, dispneia, apatia e perda de peso. Dois caprinos foram necropsiados. Na necropsia, em corte sagital da cabeça, foi observado aumento de volume e superfície ulcerada contendo massa amarela e friável com consistência irregular e granular no septo nasal e conchas nasais ventrais. Uma cabra apresentou também lesões na pele da orelha e no membro pélvico direito. Microscopicamente, as lesões foram caracterizadas por granulomas multifocais com área central de necrose, contendo imagens de hifas fúngicas não coradas, circundadas por infiltrado inflamatório granulomatoso. Amostras das lesões submetidas à imuno-histoquímica e reação em cadeia da polimerase foram positivas para Conidiobolus lamprauges. Este é o primeiro registro de conidiobolomicose em caprinos e deve ser considerado no diagnóstico diferencial de rinite e dermatite em caprinos.