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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210434


Nanotechnology has become an outgrowing field in novel drug delivery system. It confers several merits overconventional formulations like increased solubility and bioavailability, targeted drug delivery and a decreaseddose of the drug. The selection of appropriate method for the preparation of nanoparticulate system depends on thephysicochemical characteristics of the drug to be loaded and polymer. This review has covered the most widelyacceptable preparation techniques for polymeric and lipidic nanoparticles including nanoprecipitation, milling,extrusion, supercritical fluid technology, salting out, gelation, sonication, high-pressure homogenization, and solventemulsification methods. Nanocarriers, the traditional nano-formulation drug delivery systems, encountered somemajor problems in process scale-up, reproducibility, and stability during storage. To circumvent these problems a newapproach has emerged which are “In situ or self-assembled nanoparticles drug delivery system.” Such approachescomprise experimentation with different types of polymers, surfactants or novel process in order to prepare a preconcentrate of drug formulation, which on entering into an aqueous medium (gastrointestinal fluid, blood) will formnanoparticles. The in situ nanoformulations can be the futuristic approach in nanocarriers to overcome the problemsassociated with the scale-up process and also minimize the cost of production. This review focuses on differentpreparation techniques for polymeric and lipidic nanocarriers preparation, in situ nanoformulation approaches andrelease characteristics of stimuli responsive nanoformulation

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215602


Background: Prolonged administration of neurolepticdrugs cause disrupted D dopamine receptor which 2leads to increased prolactin level, causesgyanaecomastia. Presently, dopamine receptor agonistis the choice of treatment for hyperprolactinemia. Aimand Objectives: The study aims to determine the antihyperprolactinemic effect of methanolic extract ofButea monosperma (MEBM) against haloperidol(HPL) and sulpiride (SPD) induced hyperprolactinemiaand to correlate with its active constituents. Materialand Methods: To induce hyperprolactinemia HPL 5mg/kg for 16 continuous days and SPD 20 mg/kg for 28continuous days was administred. MEBM 200mg/kg/day and 400 mg/kg/day were administered for16 and 28 days respectively half an hour beforeadministration of HPL and SPD. The serum prolactin(PRL) level, dopamine (DA) level and antioxidantstatus in the rat brain, hematological parameters weremeasured and histological examination of the anteriorpituitary gland, adrenal gland and spleen were done. Inaddition, antioxidant enzymes like superoxidedismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were alsoestimated. Results: MEBM decreases serum PRL leveland increased DA level in brain significantly. Further,MEBM also restored SOD and CATstatus significantly.The inflammatory markers induced by HPL and SPDwere suppressed by MEBM. Discussion: Neuronal DAinhibition by neuroleptic drugs decreases the release ofDAwhich leads to hyperprolactinemia. MEBM (butrin)may activate DA neurones to ameliorate hyperprolactinaemia. The dopaminergic, anti-oxidant andanti-inflammatory effect of MEBM may be attributed toits anti-hyperprolactinemic effect. Conclusion: Buteamonosperma possesses anti-hyperprolactinemic effectwhich may be attributed to its marker constituent likeButrin.