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Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 7-11, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975608


BackgroundIn 1988, the Forty-first World Health Assembly adopted a resolution for the Global Polio Eradication.Since the initiative was launched, number of polio cases has fallen by over 99%. Today, only threecountries in the world, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria - remain polio-endemic. The Polio Eradicationand Endgame Strategic Plan of 2013-2018 calls for the gradual eradication of wild virus strain and thevaccine virus strain at the same time. In order to prevent the border transmission of wild type poliovirus,virus leakage from laboratories, it is required to conduct inventory of laboratories handling poliovirus andpotential infectious materials every 2 year.GoalTo identify laboratories handling poliovirus and potential infectious materialsMethodsSurvey of laboratories handling poliovirus and potential infectious materials was conducted amongstate, private, clinical, biomedical and environmental testing in total of 127 laboratories operating in21 provinces and 9 districts of Ulaanbaatar city by questionnaire. Survey questionnaire consists of 6sections (general, sample storage, laboratory biosafety, staff knowledge, information source, trainingand etc.). Study results were processed using SPSS-19 statistical programme.Results34.7% of 96 biomedical laboratories were analyzed stool samples. These laboratories were analyzedrotavirus (17.0%), intestinal bacteria (67.0%), Helicobacter (14.3%), parasite and other indicators (1.7%)in stool samples. 43.8% of laboratories were stored stool samples for one day and 3.1% up to oneyear. From 31 environmental testing laboratories 73.3% were bacterialdetection test on environmentalsamples. 60% of wastewater samples were collected from rivers, 16% on entrance to wastewatertreatment plant and after biological treatment combined, and 24% from other sources. Soil sampleswere collected near waste disposal and other sources (46.4%), and from unknown sources (53.6%).24.1% of all laboratories were stored environmental samples for 3 days, 3.4% for 45 days. Accordingto results, surveyed laboratories did not store samples for more than 1 year. Also, none of surveyedlaboratories (100%) were not stored poliovirus and potential infectious materials.Conclusion· The investigated laboratories were not stored poliovirus and potential infectious materials.· The biosafety and biosecurity status of laboratories should be improved in near future throughenhancing knowledge of laboratory workers and organizing training related to biosafetyandbiosecurity.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 2-6, 2010.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975857


Goal: The aim of the study was to identify economic burden from hypertention in Ulaanbaatar and develop some recommenadations. Material and Method: The top down approach was used to calculate direct costs of hypertension in five hospitals of the secondary and tertiary levels. To calculate cost of hypertension financial reports and cost centres data were used. A self-administered questionnaire was used to calculate indirect costs from the disease. Patients, admitted to six UB district and three tertiary level hospitals due to hypertension filled in the questionnaire. Data was analysed using SPSS 15 programme.Results: Some 114 patients were surveyed. The average cost of hypertension was 143914 ± 38189.5 (average bed days 8.7) and 264756 ± 40760.4¥ (average bed days 9.5) in the selected district and tertiary level hospitals respectively. The average cost for per out-patient visit was 4237 ± 2123.5¥ in the selected district hospitals and 3,162 ± 308.3¥ in the selected tertiary level hospitals. The indirect costs included transport cost to and from hospital, food, transport cost of relatives to visit them, cost of medications, and some other expenses related to their admission. Average indirect cost of an admission of patients with the hypertension was 253,395 and 212,717.44¥ in district and tertiary level hospitals respectively. Economic burden from temporary loss of working ablility due to hypertension was 177.1 millions tugrigs. National average wage was 300500¥ in 2009. Some 65.8% of respondents used antihypertension drugs at least once a day and average cost was 653.4¥ per patient per day. Annual and 10 years drug use estimates were 238491 and 2.3 million tugrigs per patient respectively (Inflation and price changes were not counted).Conclusion: Indirect and direct costs for admission were 1.1 billion (49.6%) and 939 million (42.5%) tugrigs respectively. Cost of hypertension in Ulaanbaatar was 2.2 billion tugrigs in 2009 and it is 1.1% of total health sector financing.