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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 83(3): 471-474, ago. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506703


Resumen Los inhibidores del punto de control inmunitario han demostrado mejorar el pronóstico de múltiples enfer medades oncológicas. Recientemente se han reportado eventos adversos relacionados a la inmunoterapia. La to xicidad neurológica es poco frecuente. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con encefalitis relacionada con inhibido res del punto de control inmunitario.

Abstract Immune checkpoint inhibitors have been shown to improve the prognosis of multiple oncological diseases. Recently, adverse events related to immunotherapy have been reported. Neurologic toxicity is infrequent. We pre sent the case of a patient with encephalitis associated to immune checkpoint inhibitors.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 92(3): 362-370, jul.-sep. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393832


Resumen Las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) comprenden un grupo de enfermedades cuyo denominador común es la afectación de vasos sanguíneos, corazón y ritmo cardiaco. El tratamiento de las ECV representa costos muy altos para los sistemas de salud y está enfocado en el control de los factores de riesgo. A pesar de existir una gran variedad de fármacos para el tratamiento de las ECV, estas continúan siendo las principales causas de mortalidad, posiblemente debido a que su origen es multifactorial y por ello se requiere de más de un fármaco. En este contexto, la alicina, un compuesto derivado del ajo, ha mostrado regular la expresión de vías de señalización y factores de riesgo asociados a la progresión de las ECV. Por ello el objetivo del presente trabajo es revisar los mecanismos celulares y moleculares por medio de los cuales la alicina ejerce sus efectos terapéuticos y describir las evidencias científicas del porqué la alicina podría representar un potencial candidato para coadyuvar en el tratamiento de las ECV.

Abstract Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) include a group of diseases whose common denominator is the affection of the blood vessels, heart, and heart rate. The treatment of CVD represents high costs to the health systems and is focused on the control of risk factors. Despite the existence of a great variety of treatments of the CVD, these continue as the main cause of mortality mainly due to the multifactorial origin, and therefore more than one drug is required. In this context, allicin, a compound derived from garlic, has shown regulate the expression of signaling pathways and risk factors associated with the progression of CVD. Therefore, the objective of this work is to review the cellular and molecular mechanisms through which allicin exert its therapeutic effects and to describe the scientific evidences why allicin represents a potential candidate to assist in the treatment of CVD.

Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 22(2)abr. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448383


La sepsis es la respuesta desordenada del organismo a la infección y se caracteriza por un daño a los órganos que puede ser irreversible y mortal. El microbioma intestinal regula a un grupo de mecanismos homeostáticos en el huésped, como la función inmunológica y la protección de la barrera intestinal, la pérdida de la estructura y la función microbiana intestinal normal; además, se ha asociado con el inicio de enfermedades de características diversas. La evidencia reciente ha demostrado un nexo entre el microbioma intestinal y la sepsis: la alteración del microbioma intestinal aumenta la susceptibilidad a la sepsis a través de varios mecanismos como la expansión de bacterias intestinales patógenas, la respuesta proinflamatoria marcada y la disminución de la formación de productos microbianos beneficiosos como los ácidos grasos de cadena corta. Una vez establecida la sepsis, la alteración del microbioma intestinal empeora y aumenta la susceptibilidad a la disfunción del órgano terminal. Existen pruebas limitadas de que las terapias basadas en microbiomas (que incluyen a probióticos y a la descontaminación digestiva selectiva) pueden disminuir el riesgo de sepsis y mejorar sus resultados en poblaciones de pacientes seleccionadas, pero las preocupaciones sobre la seguridad causan una aceptación limitada. Si bien gran parte de la evidencia que vincula el microbioma intestinal y la sepsis se ha establecido en estudios preclínicos, aún es necesaria la evidencia clínica en distintas áreas.

Sepsis is the body's overwhelming response to an infection. It is characterized by damage to the organs that may be irreversible and life-threatening. The gastrointestinal microbiome regulates a series of homeostatic mechanisms in the host, such as the immune function and the protection of the intestinal barrier, and the loss of normal intestinal microbial structure and function. Moreover, it has been associated with the onset of diseases of diverse characteristics. Recent evidence has shown a link between the gastrointestinal microbiome and sepsis: the alteration of the gastrointestinal microbiome increases the susceptibility to sepsis through various mechanisms, including the expansion of pathogenic intestinal bacteria, marked pro-inflammatory response and decreased production of beneficial microbial products such as short-chain fatty acids. Once sepsis is established, the alteration of the gastrointestinal microbiome worsens and the susceptibility to end-organ dysfunction increases. There is limited evidence that microbiome-based therapies, which include probiotics and selective digestive decontamination, can decrease the risk of sepsis and improve its outcomes in selected patient populations. However, safety concerns generate limited acceptance. While much of the evidence linking the gastrointestinal microbiome and sepsis has been established in preclinical studies, clinical evidence is still necessary in many areas.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 82(1): 47-54, feb. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365127


Resumen El uso de terapia nasal de alto flujo (TNAFO) en pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda grave (IRAG) por neumonía COVID-19 (NCOVID-19) es debatido. Ante la falta de camas en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos en el Sistema de Salud Pública de la Provincia del Neuquén, se implementó su uso en salas generales. Con el objetivo de describir la experiencia de uso de la TNAFO en pacientes con IRAG por NCOVID-19, se llevó a cabo este estudio retrospectivo multicéntrico. El resultado primario fue la frecuencia de destete exitoso de TNAFO y la mortalidad intrahospitalaria (MIH). Se analizaron 299 pacientes, de éstos, 120 (40.1%) fueron retirados con éxito de la TNAFO. Esta fracasó en 59.8% (179), 44.1% (132) requirió ventilación mecánica invasiva (VMI) y 15.7% (47) no eran candidatos a la intubación. Un índice ROX ≥ 5 a las 6 h después del inicio, se asoció con el éxito de la TNAFO (OR 0.26 [IC 95% 0.15-0.46] p<0.0001). La MIH general fue del 48.5% (145/299), 70.4% (93/132) en aquellos con VMI, 4.2% (5/120) falleció post destete exitoso de la TNAFO y 100% (47/47) en el grupo no candidatos a la intubación. Los pacientes con TNAFO tuvieron una disminución estadísticamente significativa en la MIH y en días de internación. El uso de TNAFO en salas generales logró una reducción en la utilización de VMI, con una reducción de la mortalidad y días de estada en los internados por NCOVID-19 con IRAG.

Abstract The use of high-flow nasal therapy (HFNT) in patients with severe acute respiratory failure (SARF) due to COVID-19 pneu monia (NCOVID-19) is debated. Given the lack of beds in Intensive Care Units in the Public Health System of the Province of Neuquén, their use was implemented in general wards. This restrospective multicenter study was carried out to describe the experience of using HNFT in patients with SARF due to NCOVID-19. The primary outcome was the frequency of successful weaning from HFNT and in-hospital mortality (IHM). Two hundred ninety-nine patients were analyzed; 120 (40.1%) were successfully withdrawn from HFNT. This failed in 59.8% (179), 44.1% (132) required invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), and 15.7% (47) was not candidates for intubation. A ROX index ≥ 5 at 6 h after initiation was associated with the success of HFNT (OR 0.26 [IC 95% 0.15-0.46] p<0.0001). The general IHM was 48.5% (145/299), 70.4% (93/132) in patients with IMV, 4.2% (5/120) died after successful weaning from HFNT and 100% (47/47) in the group not candidates for intubation. Patients with TNAFO had a statistically significant decrease in MIH and days of hospitalization. TNAFO in general wards achieved a decrease in the use of IMV, with a reduction in mortality and days of stay in hospitalized for NCOVID-19 with SARF.

Barchi, Leandro Cardoso; Ramos, Marcus Fernando Kodama Pertille; Dias, André Roncon; Forones, Nora Manoukian; Carvalho, Marineide Prudêncio de; Castro, Osvaldo Antonio Prado; Kassab, Paulo; Costa-Júnior, Wilson Luiz da; Weston, Antônio Carlos; Zilbertein, Bruno; Ferraz, Álvaro Antônio Bandeira; ZeideCharruf, Amir; Brandalise, André; Silva, André Maciel da; Alves, Barlon; Marins, Carlos Augusto Martinez; Malheiros, Carlos Alberto; Leite, Celso Vieira; Bresciani, Claudio José Caldas; Szor, Daniel; Mucerino, Donato Roberto; Wohnrath, Durval R; JirjossIlias, Elias; Martins Filho, Euclides Dias; PinatelLopasso, Fabio; Coimbra, Felipe José Fernandez; Felippe, Fernando E Cruz; Tomasisch, Flávio Daniel Saavedra; Takeda, Flavio Roberto; Ishak, Geraldo; Laporte, Gustavo Andreazza; Silva, Herbeth José Toledo; Cecconello, Ivan; Rodrigues, Joaquim José Gama; Grande, José Carlos Del; Lourenço, Laércio Gomes; Motta, Leonardo Milhomem da; Ferraz, Leonardo Rocha; Moreira, Luis Fernando; Lopes, Luis Roberto; Toneto, Marcelo Garcia; Mester, Marcelo; Rodrigues, Marco Antônio Gonçalves; Franciss, Maurice Youssef; AdamiAndreollo, Nelson; Corletta, Oly Campos; Yagi, Osmar Kenji; Malafaia, Osvaldo; Assumpção, Paulo Pimentel; Savassi-Rocha, Paulo Roberto; Colleoni Neto, Ramiro; Oliveira, Rodrigo Jose de; AissarSallun, Rubens Antonio; Weschenfelder, Rui; Oliveira, Saint Clair Vieira de; Abreu, Thiago Boechat de; Castria, Tiago Biachi de; Ribeiro Junior, Ulysses; Barra, Williams; Freitas Júnior, Wilson Rodrigues de.
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 34(1): e1563, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248513


ABSTRACT Background : The II Brazilian Consensus on Gastric Cancer of the Brazilian Gastric Cancer Association BGCA (Part 1) was recently published. On this occasion, countless specialists working in the treatment of this disease expressed their opinion in the face of the statements presented. Aim : To present the BGCA Guidelines (Part 2) regarding indications for surgical treatment, operative techniques, extension of resection and multimodal treatment. Methods: To formulate these guidelines, the authors carried out an extensive and current review regarding each declaration present in the II Consensus, using the Medline/PubMed, Cochrane Library and SciELO databases initially with the following descriptors: gastric cancer, gastrectomy, lymphadenectomy, multimodal treatment. In addition, each statement was classified according to the level of evidence and degree of recommendation. Results : Of the 43 statements present in this study, 11 (25,6%) were classified with level of evidence A, 20 (46,5%) B and 12 (27,9%) C. Regarding the degree of recommendation, 18 (41,9%) statements obtained grade of recommendation 1, 14 (32,6%) 2a, 10 (23,3%) 2b e one (2,3%) 3. Conclusion : The guidelines complement of the guidelines presented here allows surgeons and oncologists who work to combat gastric cancer to offer the best possible treatment, according to the local conditions available.

RESUMO Racional: O II Consenso Brasileiro de Câncer Gástrico da Associação Brasileira de Câncer Gástrico ABCG (Parte 1) foi recentemente publicado. Nesta ocasião inúmeros especialistas que atuam no tratamento desta doença expressaram suas opiniões diante declarações apresentadas. Objetivo: Apresentar as Diretrizes da ABCG (Parte 2) quanto às indicações de tratamento cirúrgico, técnicas operatórias, extensão de ressecção e terapia combinada. Métodos: Para formulação destas diretrizes os autores realizaram extensa e atual revisão referente a cada declaração presente no II Consenso, utilizando as bases Medline/PubMed, Cochrane Library e SciELO, inicialmente com os seguintes descritores: câncer gástrico, gastrectomia, linfadenectomia, terapia combinada. Ainda, cada declaração foi classificada de acordo com o nível de evidência e grau de recomendação. Resultados: Das 43 declarações presentes neste estudo, 11 (25,6%) foram classificadas com nível de evidência A, 20 (46,5%) B e 12 (27,9%) C. Quanto ao grau de recomendação, 18 (41,9%) declarações obtiveram grau de recomendação 1, 14 (32,6%) 2a, 10 (23,3%) 2b e um (2,3%) 3. Conclusão: O complemento das diretrizes aqui presentes possibilita que cirurgiões e oncologistas que atuam no combate ao câncer gástrico possam oferecer o melhor tratamento possível, de acordo com as condições locais disponíveis.

Humanos , Neoplasias Gástricas/cirurgia , Brasil , Consenso , Gastrectomia , Excisão de Linfonodo
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 42(4): 368-374, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145183


Abstract Objective: This study investigated stress and performance levels in candidates for the Brazilian Bar Association examination (Exame da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil) in Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. Methods: The following instruments were used: A sociodemographic data sheet, Lipp's Stress Symptom Inventory for Adults, the Ways of Coping Scale, the Adult Self-Report Scale, and the Self-Report Questionnaire. The final sample comprised 117 candidates, aged from 18 to 59 years (mean = 29.7, standard deviation = 7.8), 76 women (65%) and 41 men (35%). Results: In the first phase of the examination, 67 candidates were approved (57.3%), but there was no significant difference in terms of stress: stress symptoms were present in 76.1% of the successful candidates and 62% of the unsuccessful candidates; (χ2 (1) = 2.09; p = 0.148). In terms of stress phases, 70.6% of the successful candidates (n = 36) were in the resistance phase and 78.4% of these had psychological symptoms. The mean age of successful candidates (28.2 years) was lower than that of unsuccessful candidates (31.7 years); (t (115) = −2.48; p = 0.015). Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms were detected in 18 successful candidates (26.9%) and 6 unsuccessful candidates (12.2%); (χ2 (1) = 2.85; p = 0.091). Conclusions: Candidates who were successful in the first phase of the Brazilian Bar Association examination tended to be younger and scored higher for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms, but their stress levels did not differ from those of unsuccessful candidates.

Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Sociedades/estatística & dados numéricos , Estresse Psicológico/epidemiologia , Credenciamento/estatística & dados numéricos , Advogados/estatística & dados numéricos , Desempenho Acadêmico/estatística & dados numéricos , Brasil
Horiz. méd. (Impresa) ; 20(4): e1219, oct-dic 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339993


RESUMEN La sepsis es una entidad potencialmente mortal a causa de la disfunción multiorgánica que genera una respuesta alterada del huésped frente a la infección y que culmina, luego de varios procesos, en un estado de inmunosupresión. Hoy en día, existen varias estrategias de manejo de la sepsis para disminuir el impacto multisistémico y mejorar la supervivencia, pero ninguna ha mostrado una clara eficacia. Es por esto que los últimos estudios se centran en aclarar y buscar alternativas terapéuticas basadas en el análisis de la fisiopatología molecular, con la finalidad de entrar en un periodo tardío de inmunosupresión continúa, conocida también como parálisis inmune. La apoptosis es un mecanismo molecular y fisiológico, cuya homeostasis es alterada en presencia de sepsis y que elimina células clave de la inmunidad innata y adaptativa, lo que conlleva a un mayor riesgo de infección secundaria, muchas veces fatal. Varios estudios post mortem han confirmado que la apoptosis de las células inmunes inducida por sepsis es un factor protagonista en la génesis de la inmunosupresión relacionada a la sepsis. Se cree que las estrategias terapéuticas dirigidas a regular la apoptosis podrían mejorar la supervivencia. Este es un artículo de revisión que describirá el rol fisiopatológico del fenómeno apoptótico en la sepsis y su repercusión en la evolución de esta entidad.

ABSTRACT Sepsis is a life-threatening entity caused by a multiorgan dysfunction that generates a dysregulated host response to infection and, after several processes, results in immunosuppression. Today, there are several sepsis management strategies to reduce its multisystemic effect and improve survival, but none of them have shown clear efficacy. Therefore, latest studies focus on clarifying and seeking therapeutic alternatives based on the analysis of the molecular pathophysiology of sepsis, in order to enter a late period of continuous immunosuppression also known as immunoparalysis. Apoptosis is a molecular and physiological mechanism, whose homeostasis is altered by the presence of sepsis. It causes the elimination of key cells of innate and adaptive immunity, which leads to an increased risk of-and often fatal- secondary infection. Several postmortem studies have confirmed that sepsis-induced immune cell apoptosis is a leading factor in the genesis of sepsis-related immunosuppression. It is believed that therapeutic strategies aimed at regulating apoptosis could improve survival. This review article describes the pathophysiological role of the apoptotic phenomenon in sepsis and its effect on the evolution of this entity.

Acta méd. peru ; 37(3): 336-340, jul-sep 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142020


RESUMEN La enfermedad del COVID-19 presenta actualmente una gama de síntomas que van desde la presencia de síntomas clásicos de compromiso de las vías respiratorias altas y bajas hasta alteraciones sensitivas como anosmia o trastornos del gusto. Las trombosis valvulares cardíacas y la endocarditis subsecuente son presentaciones extremadamente raras y poco descritas de la infección por COVID-19. Presentamos el caso de un paciente positivo para virus SARS-Cov2, quien desarrolló una bacteriemia por Staphylococcus hominis y que, ante episodios febriles persistentes y posterior evaluación de diagnósticos diferenciales, se identificó el diagnóstico de endocarditis infecciosa en válvula aórtica nativa sana -mediante ecocardiografía-, la cual fue adquirida en el hospital.

ABSTRACT Covid-19 disease shows many different manifestations, from common symptoms affecting both the upper and lower respiratory tract, and also sensorial alterations such as anosmia or taste perversion. Heart valve thrombosis and subsequent endocarditis are extremely rare manifestations and they have been scarcely described within the context of Covid-19. We present a case of a patient that was positive for SARS-Cov-2, who developed Staphylococcus hominis bacteremia. Afterwards, he developed persistent fever, and after ruling out some differential diagnoses, a diagnosis of infective endocarditis affecting a native healthy aortic valve was made, using cardiac ultrasonography. This occurrence was considered to be hospital-acquired.

Artigo em Espanhol, Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1177948


La pandemia causada por el SARS-CoV-2 presenta más de un millón de defunciones de los 28 millones de casos confirmados en todo el mundo. La gravedad de esta infección se determina usando tasa de letalidad, definida como el porcentaje del número de muertes por la infección respecto del total de casos COVID-19 confirmados

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic presents more of a million deaths out of 28 million cases confirmed worldwide. The severity of this infection is determined using case fatality rate, defined as the percentage of the number of deaths per infection with respect to total COVID-19 cases confirmed

Barchi, Leandro Cardoso; Ramos, Marcus Fernando Kodama Pertille; Dias, André Roncon; Andreollo, Nelson Adami; Weston, Antônio Carlos; Lourenço, Laércio Gomes; Malheiros, Carlos Alberto; Kassab, Paulo; Zilberstein, Bruno; Ferraz, Álvaro Antônio Bandeira; Charruf, Amir Zeide; Brandalise, André; Silva, André Maciel da; Alves, Barlon; Marins, Carlos Augusto Martinez; Leite, Celso Vieira; Bresciani, Claudio José Caldas; Szor, Daniel; Mucerino, Donato Roberto; Wohnrath, Durval R; Ilias, Elias Jirjoss; Martins Filho, Euclides Dias; Lopasso, Fabio Pinatel; Coimbra, Felipe José Fernandez; Felippe, Fernando E. Cruz; Tomasisch, Flávio Daniel Saavedra; Takeda, Flavio Roberto; Ishak, Geraldo; Laporte, Gustavo Andreazza; Silva, Herbeth José Toledo; Cecconello, Ivan; Rodrigues, Joaquim José Gama; Grande, José Carlos Del; Motta, Leonardo Milhomem da; Ferraz, Leonardo Rocha; Moreira, Luis Fernando; Lopes, Luis Roberto; Toneto, Marcelo Garcia; Mester, Marcelo; Rodrigues, Marco Antônio Gonçalves; Carvalho, Marineide Prudêncio de; Franciss, Maurice Youssef; Forones, Nora Manoukian; Corletta, Oly Campos; Yagi, Osmar Kenji; Castro, Osvaldo Antonio Prado; Malafaia, Osvaldo; Assumpção, Paulo Pimentel; Savassi-Rocha, Paulo Roberto; Colleoni Neto, Ramiro; Oliveira, Rodrigo Jose de; Sallun, Rubens Antonio Aissar; Weschenfelder, Rui; Oliveira, Saint Clair Vieira de; Abreu, Thiago Boechat de; Castria, Tiago Biachi de; Ribeiro Junior, Ulysses; Barra, Williams; Costa Júnior, Wilson Luiz da; Freitas Júnior, Wilson Rodrigues de.
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 33(2): e1514, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130540


ABSTRACT Background: Since the publication of the first Brazilian Consensus on Gastric Cancer (GC) in 2012 carried out by the Brazilian Gastric Cancer Association, new concepts on diagnosis, staging, treatment and follow-up have been incorporated. Aim: This new consensus is to promote an update to professionals working in the fight against GC and to provide guidelines for the management of patients with this condition. Methods: Fifty-nine experts answered 67 statements regarding the diagnosis, staging, treatment and prognosis of GC with five possible alternatives: 1) fully agree; 2) partially agree; 3) undecided; 4) disagree and 5) strongly disagree A consensus was adopted when at least 80% of the sum of the answers "fully agree" and "partially agree" was reached. This article presents only the responses of the participating experts. Comments on each statement, as well as a literature review, will be presented in future publications. Results: Of the 67 statements, there was consensus in 50 (74%). In 10 declarations, there was 100% agreement. Conclusion: The gastric cancer treatment has evolved considerably in recent years. This consensus gathers consolidated principles in the last decades, new knowledge acquired recently, as well as promising perspectives on the management of this disease.

RESUMO Racional: Desde a publicação do primeiro Consenso Brasileiro sobre Câncer Gástrico em 2012 realizado pela Associação Brasileira de Câncer Gástrico (ABCG), novos conceitos sobre o diagnóstico, estadiamento, tratamento e seguimento foram incorporados. Objetivo: Promover uma atualização aos profissionais que atuam no combate ao câncer gástrico (CG) e fornecer diretrizes quanto ao manejo dos pacientes portadores desta afecção. Métodos: Cinquenta e nove especialistas responderam 67 declarações sobre o diagnóstico, estadiamento, tratamento e prognóstico do CG com cinco alternativas possíveis: 1) concordo plenamente; 2) concordo parcialmente; 3) indeciso; 4) discordo e 5) discordo fortemente. Foi considerado consenso a concordância de pelo menos 80% da soma das respostas "concordo plenamente" e "concordo parcialmente". Este artigo apresenta apenas as respostas dos especialistas participantes. Os comentários sobre cada declaração, assim como uma revisão da literatura serão apresentados em publicações futuras. Resultados: Das 67 declarações, houve consenso em 50 (74%). Em 10 declarações, houve concordância de 100%. Conclusão: O tratamento do câncer gástrico evoluiu consideravelmente nos últimos anos. Este consenso reúne princípios consolidados nas últimas décadas, novos conhecimentos adquiridos recentemente, assim como perspectivas promissoras sobre o manejo desta doença.

Humanos , Neoplasias Gástricas , Sociedades Médicas , Brasil , Consenso
Rev. Asoc. Argent. Ortop. Traumatol ; 84(3): 236-241, jun. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1020338


Introducción: La artroscopia se ha convertido en una importante herramienta para tratar diversas afecciones del tobillo. El uso de portales anteriores y posteriores, asociados o no a distracción mecánica, permite una completa exploración de esta articulación. Como toda técnica quirúrgica, no está exenta de complicaciones. Objetivos: Evaluar las complicaciones tempranas de la artroscopia anterior de tobillo, sin distracción articular, y compararlas con las descritas en la bibliografía internacional. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo que evaluó a 198 pacientes sometidos a artroscopia anterior de tobillo por diversas patologías. Todos fueron operados por un único cirujano, en dos instituciones de salud, durante un período de 6 años, con un seguimiento posquirúrgico mínimo de 12 meses. Los pacientes fueron evaluados mediante el puntaje de la AOFAS y se consignaron las complicaciones intra y posoperatorias tempranas. Resultados: Se evaluó a 34 mujeres y 164 hombres (edad promedio 37.5 años). Hubo 23 complicaciones (11,61%): celulitis local (6 casos), parestesias transitorias del nervio peroneo superficial (4 casos), parestesia permanente del nervio peroneo superficial (1 caso), dolor residual en los portales (4 casos), artritis séptica (2 casos) y un caso de otras complicaciones. Conclusiones: Un conocimiento preciso de la anatomía, una asepsia y una técnica quirúrgica correctas, y los cuidados de manejo intraquirúrgico del instrumental permiten evitar la mayoría de las complicaciones. La artroscopia anterior de tobillo sin distracción por medio de los clásicos portales antero-lateral y antero-medial es una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones y una muy baja morbilidad para el paciente. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: Arthroscopy has become an important tool to treat various conditions of the ankle. The use of anterior and posterior portals, with or without mechanical distraction, allows for a complete exploration of this joint. Like all surgical techniques, it is not without complications. Objectives: To evaluate the early complications of anterior ankle arthroscopy with or without joint distraction, and to compare them with those described in the international literature. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study that evaluated 198 patients undergoing anterior ankle arthroscopy for various pathologies. All were operated on by a single surgeon, in two health centers, during a period of 6 years, with a postoperative follow-up of at least 12 months. Patients were evaluated by AOFAS score and early and postoperative complications were recorded. Results: 34 women and 164 men were evaluated (average age 37.5 years). There were 23 complications (11.61%): local cellulitis (6 cases), transient paresthesia of the superficial peroneal nerve (4 cases), permanent paresthesia of the superficial peroneal nerve (1 case), residual pain in the portals (4 cases), septic arthritis (2 cases) and one case of other complications. Conclusions: Most complications can be avoided by a precise knowledge of the anatomy and the aseptic techniques, as well as an adequate surgical approach and intra-operative management of the instrumentation. Anterior ankle arthroscopy without joint distraction through standard antero-lateral and antero-medial portals is a safe technique, having a low rate of complications and a very low morbidity for the patient. Level of Evidence: IV

Adulto , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Artroscopia/métodos , Articulação do Tornozelo/cirurgia , Resultado do Tratamento
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-758992


BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a growing public health concern, and available treatments are insufficient in limiting disease progression. New strategies, including regenerative cell-based therapies, have emerged as therapeutic alternatives. Results from several groups, including our own, have reported evidence of a supportive role for mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in functional recovery and prevention of tissue damage in murine models of CKD. Prompted by these data, an open pilot study was conducted to assess the safety and efficacy of a single injection of autologous adipose tissue-derived MSCs (AT-MSCs) for treatment of CKD. METHODS: AT-MSCs were infused intravenously into six CKD patients at a dose of 1 million cells/kg. Patients were stabilized and followed for one year prior to MSC infusion and one year following infusion. RESULTS: No patients presented with adverse effects. Statistically significant improvement in urinary protein excretion was observed in AT-MSCs transplanted patients, from a median of 0.75 g/day (range, 0.15–9.57) at baseline to 0.54 g/day (range, 0.01v2.66) at month 12 (P = 0.046). The glomerular filtration rate was not significantly decreased post-infusion of AT-MSCs. CONCLUSION: Findings from this pilot study demonstrate that intravenous infusion of autologous expanded AT-MSCs into CKD patients was not associated with adverse effects and could benefit patients already undergoing standard medical treatment.

Humanos , Progressão da Doença , Taxa de Filtração Glomerular , Infusões Intravenosas , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Projetos Piloto , Proteinúria , Saúde Pública , Insuficiência Renal Crônica , Células-Tronco
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 31(3): 188-195, jul.-set. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-978258


Abstract Background: Tarsus hyperflexion alters locomotion biomechanics in horses. This alteration is of frequent presentation in the Colombian creole horse (CCH). Objective: To determine the echographic alterations of lateral digital extensor (LDE) muscle, tendon, and synovial sheath in CCH with clinical signs of tarsus hyperflexion. Methods: Thirty horses were divided into two groups: 15 healthy horses with no history of locomotion defects (Group 1; control), and 15 horses with clinical signs of tarsus hyperflexion (Group 2). A cross-sectional and a longitudinal echocardiographic examination of the LDE muscle and tendon was performed in all horses, and a histopathological study was performed only to Group 2. Results: 86.7% of the horses showed echographic alterations, with 53.4% showing signs of adhesions in the LDE muscle and tendon in the lateral surface of the hock, where it crosses the tarsus. 33.3% presented increased tendon synovial sheath fluid. 13.3% showed no echographic alterations and 53.3% presented histopathological alterations. Conclusion: These findings may be related to the presentation of tarsus hyperflexion that could characterize the classic stringhalt in CCH.

Resumen Antecedentes: la hiperflexión del tarso (corvejon) altera la biomecánica del desplazamiento en los caballos. Esta alteración es de presentación frecuente en el caballo criollo colombiano (CCC). Objetivo: determinar las alteraciones ecográficas del músculo extensor digital lateral (EDL), tendón y vaina sinovial en CCC con signos clínicos de hiperflexión del corvejón. Métodos: treinta caballos fueron divididos en dos grupos: 15 equinos clínicamente sanos, sin historia de defectos de locomoción (Grupo 1; considerado como control), y 15 equinos con signos clínicos de hiperflexión del corvejón (Grupo 2). Se realizó un examen ecográfico transversal y longitudinal del músculo y tendón del EDL en todos los animales, y un estudio histopatológico solo al Grupo 2. Resultados: el 86,7% de los caballos mostraron alteraciones ecográficas. El 53,4% mostró signos de adherencias en el músculo y tendón del EDL, en donde la superficie lateral del corvejón se cruza con el tarso. El 33,3% presentó un aumento en el líquido de la vaina sinovial del tendón. El 13,3% no presentó ninguna alteración ecográfica, y el 53,3% mostró alteraciones histopatológicas. Conclusión: estos hallazgos podrían estar relacionados con la presentación de hiperflexión del tarso que puede caracterizar el arpeo clásico en el CCC.

Resumo Antecedentes: a hiperflexão do tarso altera a biomecânica da locomoção dos cavalos. Esta alteração é de frequente apresentação no cavalo crioulo colombiano (CCC). Objetivo: determinar as alterações no ultrassom do músculo extensor digital lateral (EDL), o tendão e a bainha sinovial em CCC com sinais clínicos de hiperflexão do jarrete. Métodos: trinta cavalos foram divididos em dois grupos: 15 cavalos clinicamente saudáveis sem histórico de alterações em locomoção (Grupo 1; considerada como controlo), e 15 cavalos com sinais clínicos de hiperflexão do jarrete (Grupo 2). Se realizaram avaliações ultrassonográficas transversais e longitudinais do músculo e do tendão do EDL na totalidade dos animais e estudo histopatológico só ao Grupo 2. Resultados: o 86.7% dos equinos mostraram alterações no ultrassom, o 53.4% mostrou aderências no tendão do EDL na proximidade onde cruza a superfície lateral do jarrete, o 33.3% apresentou aumento do líquido da bainha sinovial do tendão, o 13.3% não apresentou nenhuma alteração ultrassonográfica e o 53.3% mostrou alterações histopatológicas. Conclusão: esses achados podem estar relacionados à apresentação da hiperflexão do tarso que poderiam caracterizar o arpejamento clássico no CCC.

Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 42(1): 46-55, jun.2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1005064


Objetivo: determinar si la saturación venosa central de oxigeno inicial (SvCO2) anormal (alta o baja) es un factor predictor de mortalidad en los pacientes con choque séptico que ingresan al área critica de emergencia del hospital "Carlos Andrade Marín". Diseño y lugar: estudio analítico, observacional, prospectivo sobre una cohorte de pacientes que ingresaron al área crítica de emergencia de este hospital. Pacientes: 107 sujetos ingresaron en los meses de junio a septiembre del 2015, con seguimiento para la mortalidad a 28 días. Medidas y resultados: se midió la SvcO2 inicial a través de un catéter venoso central al momento del diagnóstico de choque. La mortalidad a los 28 días fue de 46,2%. Solo los valores de APACHE II (OR:1,11; IC: 1,04 a 1,19 p=< 0,01); la asistencia ventilatoria mecánica (OR:0,19; IC: 0,05 a 0,62, p=<0,01) tuvieron un valor estadístico significativo en regresión logística. APACHE II fue el factor individual más importante, en el modelo CART, el pH arterial y procalcitonina fueron útiles. Conclusiones: la saturación venosa central de O2 inicial (SvcO2) anormal alta o baja no mostró tener utilidad para predecir mortalidad a los 28 días. La medición de la SvcO2 es un método simple que refleja de manera indirecta la oxigenación tisular. El APACHE II es un predictor independiente de mortalidad a 28 días y la ventilación mecánica tuvo una relación inversa con la mortalidad. (AU)

Objective: to determine the central venous saturation of abnormal initial oxygen (SvCO2) (high or low) as a predictor of mortality in patients with septic shock admitted to the emergency area of Carlos Andrade Marín Hospital. Design and location: this is an analytical, observational, prospective study on a cohort of patients admitted to the critical area of emergency of this health unit. Subjects: 107 patients admitted in the months of June to September 2015, with a mortality follow-up of 28-day. Measurements and results: initial SvcO2 was measured by central venous catheter at the time of shock diagnosis. Mortality at 28 days was 46.2%. Only APACHE II values (OR 1.11, CI 1.04-1.19 p = <0.01) and mechanical ventilation (OR 0.19, CI 0.05-0.62, p = 0.01) had significant statistical value in the logistic regression. APACHE II was the most important single factor, in the CART model arterial pH and procalcitonin were useful. Conclusion: Central venous saturation of abnormal or high initial O2 (SvcO2) was not found to be useful in predicting mortality at 28 days of follow-up. Measurement of SvcO2 is a simple method that indirectly reflects tissue oxygenation. The APACHE II is an independent predictor of mortality at 28 days and the use of mechanical ventilation had an inverse relationship with mortality. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Choque Séptico , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Sanguíneos , Sistemas Sanguíneo e Imunitário , Processos Patológicos , Condições Patológicas, Sinais e Sintomas , Síndrome de Resposta Inflamatória Sistêmica
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 65-68, 2017.
Artigo | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959837


OBJECTIVE: To describe outcomes of two simulation teaching methods in developing intubation skills of year level six medical students (clinical clerks).METHODS: Students were shown a 6-minute video on intubation. Students were exposed to video-assisted learning, video-assisted learning with instructor-guided simulation, and video-assisted learning with experiential learning. Each student was assessed by a non-graded 11 point objective structured clinical examination.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The three learning strategies: 1. Video-assisted learning, 2. Video-assisted learning with instructor-guided simulation, 3. Video-assisted learning with experiential learning (self-discovery learning) simulation showed OSCE mean scores (standard deviations) of 5.76 (2.16), 7.21 (2.35) and 7.60 (1.72), respectively. Failure of intubation was 21% (8/38), 2% (1/40) and 0% (0/36), respectively. There is an absolute risk reduction of 27-30% in failure of intubation when either VGL or VEL is used. Students recognized the contribution of the simulation-based activities to the development of their intubation skills. They appreciated the opportunity to actually perform intubation in a rehearsal setting before doing the procedure on real patients.CONCLUSION: Medical simulation enhanced student skills development. Experiential learning or self-discovery learning method may be as effective as instructor guided simulation.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas , Estudantes de Medicina , Números Necessários para Tratar , Estágio Clínico , Aprendizagem , Exame Físico , Intubação
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 65-68, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-633384


@#<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>OBJECTIVE:</strong> To describe outcomes of two simulation teaching methods in developing intubation skills of year level six medical students (clinical clerks).<br /><strong>METHODS:</strong> Students were shown a 6-minute video on intubation. Students were exposed to video-assisted learning, video-assisted learning with instructor-guided simulation, and video-assisted learning with experiential learning. Each student was assessed by a non-graded 11 point objective structured clinical examination.<br /><strong>RESULTS AND DISCUSSION:</strong> The three learning strategies: 1. Video-assisted learning, 2. Video-assisted learning with instructor-guided simulation, 3. Video-assisted learning with experiential learning (self-discovery learning) simulation showed OSCE mean scores (standard deviations) of 5.76 (2.16), 7.21 (2.35) and 7.60 (1.72), respectively. Failure of intubation was 21% (8/38), 2% (1/40) and 0% (0/36), respectively. There is an absolute risk reduction of 27-30% in failure of intubation when either VGL or VEL is used. Students recognized the contribution of the simulation-based activities to the development of their intubation skills. They appreciated the opportunity to actually perform intubation in a rehearsal setting before doing the procedure on real patients.<br /><strong>CONCLUSION:</strong> Medical simulation enhanced student skills development. Experiential learning or self-discovery learning method may be as effective as instructor guided simulation.</p>

Intubação , Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 89(3,supl): 2113-2117, 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-886782


ABSTRACT Freshwater algae are rich sources of structurally biologically active metabolites, such as fatty acids, steroids, carotenoids and polysaccharides. Among these metabolites, lectins stand out. Lectins are proteins or glycoproteins of non-immune origin which bind to carbohydrates or glycoconjugates, without changing ligand structure. Many studies have reported on the use of Spirogyra spp. as effective bioindicators of heavy metals; however, reports on Spirogyra molecular bioprospecting are quite limited. Therefore, this study aimed to detect, isolate, purify and characterize a lectin present in the freshwater green algae Spirogyra. Presence of the lectin protein in the extract was detected by hemagglutination assays. Subsequently, the protein extract was subjected to a sugar inhibition assay to identify the lectin-specific carbohydrate. Following this, the extract was applied to a guar gum column to afford the pure lectin. The lectin was inhibited by N-acetyl-glucosamine and N-acetyl-beta-D-mannose, but more strongly by D-galactose. The apparent molecular mass of the purified lectin was evaluated by Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE). Electrophoretic analysis revealed a single protein band with an apparent molecular mass of 56 kDa. Thus, it could be concluded that a lectin was purified from Spirogyra spp.

Lectinas de Plantas/isolamento & purificação , Spirogyra/química , Testes de Hemaglutinação , Carboidratos/isolamento & purificação , Carboidratos/classificação , Cromatografia de Afinidade , Lectinas de Plantas/química , Eletroforese em Gel de Poliacrilamida , Água Doce
Ortodoncia ; 80(160): 34-41, jul. - dic. 2016. ilus.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-847838


Es intención del autor hacer hincapié en los pasos previos al comienzo del tratamiento, ya que estos pueden marcar la diferencia al final del mismo. Se presenta un paciente con Clase II esqueletal asociada a una Clase I dentaria, y severo apiñamiento superior e inferior, con aparatología instalada. La mecánica utilizada destaca los beneficios de los arcos seccionales en el plan de tratamiento y la validez de un recurso vigente en épocas donde la búsqueda del automatismo intenta eclipsar el doblado de alambres.

The author´s intention is to emphasize the importance of the first steps at the beginning of the treatment because these can make the difference when finishing it. It is presented a patient with a skeletal Class II associated to a dental Class I and a severe lower and upper teeth crowding. The applied mechanics stands out the benefits of sectional arches in the treatment plan, and the validity of a current resource in times where the search of automatism is trying to outshine wire-bending.

Humanos , Má Oclusão Classe I de Angle , Má Oclusão Classe II de Angle , Fios Ortodônticos , Extração Dentária
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186302


Introduction: Renal transplantation is currently the preferred treatment modality for virtually all suitable candidates with end-stage renal disease. Compared with dialysis, kidney transplantation improves both patient survival and quality of life. Nonetheless, post transplant cardiac complications are associated with increased morbidity and mortality after renal transplantation. Aim of the Study: To analyze the risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the renal transplant recipients. Materials and methods: All renal transplant recipients were ABO compatible and crossmatch negative and they are followed up regularly in nephrology transplant OPD. Recipients’ demographic factors like Age, Gender, Occupation, and Literacy were noted. Nature of donor, post transplant duration, graft function was noted Blood pressure was reported as the average of three manual Measurements taken at 3-minutes intervals. Echocardiograph changes were assessed by standard methods. Results: Although all the determinants of enhanced CVD risks in renal transplant recipients had not been well defined, both conventional and unconventional risk factors had been suggested to be contributory. The former risks included diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, smoking, and family history. The latter risks include pre-existing left ventricular hypertrophy, coronary artery vascular calcification, impaired allograft function, proteinuria, anemia, acute rejection episodes, hyper homocysteinemia, and inflammatory cytokines. Conclusion: Cardiovascular mortality is increased in patients with chronic kidney disease. Mortality from cardiovascular disease is10–20 times higher among individuals treated with dialysis, as compared to general population. The incidence of cardiovascular disease in kidney transplant patients is nearly twice that of the general population. Even young transplant recipients (aged 35–45 years) experienced an almost 10-fold increase in cardiovascular disease-related mortality

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 75(5): 282-288, Oct. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-841514


Ante el uso potencial de biomarcadores para el diagnóstico temprano de la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA), nuevos dilemas éticos y de comunicación aparecen en la práctica clínica cotidiana. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la opinión de profesionales de la salud (PS) y del público en general (PG) sobre la realización de técnicas diagnósticas tempranas en la EA utilizando marcadores biológicos, aun a sabiendas que hasta ahora la enfermedad es incurable. Se confeccionó una encuesta en Internet con respuesta múltiple en dos versiones: una para PS y otra para el PG. Se invitó a participar a los encuestados a través de un sistema legal de envíos masivos de correo electrónico, utilizando direcciones recolectadas en la base de datos del CEMIC. Se analizaron 1503 respuestas: 807 grupo PS y 696 grupo PG. La mayoría de los encuestados (84.7%) prefirió la opción de realizar el diagnóstico temprano de la EA aun conociendo la falta de tratamiento curativo. El 45.1% del grupo PG vs. el 26.8% del grupo PS respondió que no cree que se genere un dilema de comunicación ni ético en los médicos al informar el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. El grupo PS mostró mayor divergencia en las opiniones que el PG. Estos resultados podrían indicar una nueva dinámica en la relación médico-paciente, mostrando al PG con una posición activa y favorable frente al uso de los biomarcadores para el diagnóstico temprano de la EA.

Given the potential use of biomarkers in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in early stages, new ethical and communication dilemmas appear in everyday clinical practice. The aim of this study was to know the opinion of health professionals (HP) and general public (GP) on the implementation of early diagnostic techniques in AD and the use of biomarkers for this purpose. A survey with multiple choice answers was elaborated in two versions: one for HP and the other for GP. Respondents were invited to participate through a system of mass mailing e-mail; e-mail addresses were collected from CEMIC database. A total of 1503 answers were analyzed: 807 HP and 696 GP. Most respondents, 84.7%, preferred the option of early diagnosis of AD even knowing the lack of curative treatment. Forty five percent of GP and 26.8% of HP replied that there is no ethical dilemma in the use of biomarkers and that no communication or ethical dilemma is generated to physicians when informing the diagnosis of the disease. The HP group showed more divergence in the views than the GP group. These results may indicate a change in the physician-patient relationship, showing the GP group with an active and supportive position towards the use of biomarkers for early diagnosis of AD.

Humanos , Relações Médico-Paciente/ética , Opinião Pública , Pessoal de Saúde/ética , Doença de Alzheimer/diagnóstico , Biomarcadores , Marcadores Genéticos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Temas Bioéticos , Diagnóstico Precoce , Doença de Alzheimer/prevenção & controle