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Rev. panam. salud pública ; 40(6): 462-467, Dec. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-845667


RESUMEN Objetivo Interpretar la percepción de profesionales sanitarios de Colombia sobre las barreras y los facilitadores para la introducción de las pruebas rápidas para sífilis y virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) en los servicios de control prenatal. Métodos Se aplicó una metodología cualitativa basada en entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se seleccionó una muestra de conveniencia de 37 participantes, que incluyó profesionales sanitarios vinculados a servicios de control prenatal, programas para gestantes, laboratorios clínicos y directores de unidades o centros asistenciales, así como representantes de las direcciones territoriales y del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social. Resultados En Colombia no hay un uso generalizado del tamizaje con pruebas rápidas para sífilis y VIH en el control prenatal. Los entrevistados manifestaron no tener experiencia previa en el uso de pruebas rápidas —excepto el personal de laboratorio— y sobre el curso de acción ante un resultado positivo. El sistema de aseguramiento de salud dificulta el acceso al diagnóstico y el tratamiento oportunos. Las autoridades de salud perciben como necesaria la revisión de la normativa existente, a fin de fortalecer el primer nivel de atención y promover el control prenatal integral. Los participantes recomendaron la capacitación del personal y la integración entre instancias de formulación de políticas de salud y académicas para actualizar los currículos de formación. Conclusiones El enfoque de mercado y las características del sistema de salud colombiano constituyen la principal barrera para la implementación de las pruebas rápidas como estrategia para la eliminación de la transmisión materno-infantil de sífilis y VIH. Entre las medidas identificadas están: realizar cambios en la contratación entre las aseguradoras y las instituciones prestadoras de servicios, adecuar los tiempos y la organización de los procedimientos de atención, y capacitar al personal médico y de enfermería vinculado al control prenatal en la interpretación y acción con pruebas rápidas para sífilis y VIH.

ABSTRACT Objective Interpret perceptions of Colombian health professionals concerning factors that obstruct and facilitate the introduction of rapid syphilis and HIV testing in prenatal care services. Methods A qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews was carried out. A convenience sample was selected with 37 participants, who included health professionals involved in prenatal care services, programs for pregnant women, clinical laboratories, and directors of health care units or centers, as well as representatives from regional departments and the Ministry of Health. Results Colombia does not do widespread screening with rapid syphilis and HIV tests in prenatal care. The professionals interviewed stated they did not have prior experience in the use of rapid tests—except for laboratory staff—or in the course of action in response to a positive result. The insurance system hinders access to timely diagnosis and treatment. Health authorities perceive a need to review existing standards, strengthen the first level of care, and promote comprehensive prenatal care starting with contracts between insurers and health service institutional providers. Participants recommended staff training and integration between health-policymaking and academic entities for updating training programs. Conclusions The market approach and the characteristics of the Colombian health system constitute the main barriers to implementation of rapid testing as a strategy for elimination of mother-to-child transmission of syphilis and HIV. Measures identified include making changes in contracts between insurers and health service institutional providers, adapting the timing and duration of prenatal care procedures, and training physicians and nurses involved in prenatal care.

Diagnóstico Pré-Natal , Sorodiagnóstico da Sífilis , HIV , Testes Diagnósticos de Rotina/estatística & dados numéricos , Colômbia
Perspect. nutr. hum ; 13(1): 45-56, ene.-jun. 2011. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-659417


Objetivo: describir los cambios en el peso, el porcentaje de grasa corporal y la ingesta de alimentos de personas con sobrepeso y obesidad, que consumieron 30 g diarios de linaza molida durante ocho semanas y reportar su tolerancia a este tratamiento. Materiales y metódos: se intervino un grupo de 10 participantes adultos con exceso de peso, voluntarios, quienes consumieron una dosis diaria de 30 g de linaza molida durante ocho semanas y a quienes se les solicitó que no modificaran su ingesta usual de alimentos y que no cambiaran su patrón de actividad física durante la intervención. Se midieron variables antropométricas, de consumo de alimentos y de actividad física en las semanas cero, cuatro y ocho, y se evaluó semanalmente la aceptación y tolerancia al tratamiento. Resultados: al finalizar la intervención los participantes no tuvieron cambios significativos en su peso (p=0,610), ni en su porcentaje de grasa corporal (p=0,866). No se presentaron efectos adversos. Conclusiones: el consumo de 30 g diarios de linaza molida durante ocho semanas, sin hacer reducciones en el consumo calórico y sin incrementos en la realización de actividad física, no permite reducciones de peso corporal en personas con exceso de peso.

Objective: To describe changes in weight, body fat mass and food intake in overweight and obese people, who consumed 30 g of ground flaxseed daily during eight weeks and to report the tolerance to this treatment. Materials and methods:It was an intervention study. A group of 10 overweight adults were selected to voluntarily consume 30 g of ground flaxseed through eight weeks. They were asked not to change their usual food intake and their physical activity routine during the intervention. , Food consumption, physical activity and anthropometric variables were measured at baseline, week four and week eight. Subject's tolerance to consumption of ground flaxseed was measured each week. Results: No significant changes in weight (p=0,610), and body fat mass (p=0,866) were observed. Participants did not report adverse effects. Conclusions: Intake of 30 g of ground flaxseed daily for eight weeks, without reductions of caloric intake and without increases in physical activity didn't show significant weight reductions in overweight individuals.

Humanos , Linho , Fármacos Antiobesidade , Ingestão de Alimentos , Obesidade , Sobrepeso
Perspect. nutr. hum ; 13(1): 73-91, ene.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-659419


Objetivo: evaluar los efectos del consumo de linaza sobre el perfil lipídico, control del cáncer y como reemplazo hormonal en la menopausia y en la andropausia. Materiales y metódos: se realizó una revisión sistemática de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados que examinaron los efectos del consumo de linaza sobre el peso corporal, la concentración de lípidos sanguíneos, el control del cáncer y los síntomas menopáusicos, usando las bases de datos de PubMed, Lilacs, OPS, OMS y Cochrane, publicados entre el 1 de enero de 2000 y el 30 de junio de 2010. A los artículos que cumplieron con criterios de inclusión se les evaluó su calidad metodológica. Resultados: fueron incluidos 49 artículos. Los estudios reportan que el consumo de linaza genera pequeños cambios en la concentración de los lípidos sanguíneos, mejora la sintomatología en mujeres menopáusicas, promueve la reducción de índices de proliferación tumoral y el aumento de apoptosis en cáncer de mama y próstata. Conclusiones: los resultados aún no son suficientes para recomendar el uso de la linaza para el control de la hipercolesterolemia en pacientes dislipidémicos. La evidencia favorece la linaza como una alternativa en la terapia coadyuvante del tratamiento del cáncer de mama y de próstata, y en la reducción de síntomas durante la menopausia.

Objective:To evaluate the effects of flaxseed consumption in changing the lipid profile, cancer control and hormone replacement therapy at menopause and andropause in individuals of all ages. Materials and methods:We conducted a systematic review of randomized controlled trials that examined the effects of flaxseed consumption on body weight reduction, change in blood lipid levels, cancer control and menopausal symptoms. We used Pub-Med, Lilacs, the libraries of PAHO and WHO, and clinical trials published in Cochrane between January 1, 2000 and June 30, 2010. The articles that met the inclusion criteria were assessed for methodological quality. Results: We included 49 articles. Studies reported that flaxseed consumption generates small changes in blood lipid concentrations, improvement in menopausal symptoms, promotes the reduction of tumor proliferation rates and increased apoptosis in breast and prostate cancer. Conclusions: The results are not yet sufficient to recommend the use of flaxseed for the control of hypercholesterolemia in patients with dyslipidemia. The evidence favors flaxseed as an alternative adjuvant therapy for breast and prostate cancer treatment, and reduction of menopause symptoms.

Humanos , Linho , Neoplasias da Mama , Doença Crônica , Terapia de Reposição Hormonal , Hiperlipidemias , Lipídeos , Menopausa
Salud ment ; 33(5): 451-456, sept.-oct. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632830


The pleasant sensation experienced when, for example eating or having sex is regulated by the motivation-rewarding system. This rewarding sensation makes the subject to repeat the behavior in order to obtain the reinforcer once more. This system can be corrupted by drugs of abuse by triggering an «intense feeling of pleasure¼ and inducing plastic changes. In normal conditions, a natural reinforcer is a stimulus generating a benefit to the organism. For example, food will provide energy and structure among many other benefits. Sex, in turn, accomplishes the function of giving new beings to the species and to create boundaries between subjects to generate groups and culture. Due to these facts, it is crucial to reinforce this kind of behaviors. They are crucial for the subject's life. In contrast, drugs do not produce any benefit to the subject or group. Although in ancient times human beings used drugs as a means to develop and practice their mysticism, such practice is no longer associated with the use of drugs. With the exception of present time aboriginal communities, none of the regular users in our countries consume drugs with ritual-mystical purposes. Hence, we have to accept that drugs are of no use for human beings. They do not help us as species to have more adapted, intelligent or developed subjects in our communities. However, their ability to stimulate the rewarding system makes them popular and dangerous to the individual's health and life. The motivation-rewarding system is regulated by numerous neurotransmitters, among them dopamine, that is released in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and synthesized by the neurons located in the ventral tegmetal area (VTA). There are other substances that modulate the activity of the dopaminergic neurons in the VTA, such as serotonin, acetylcholine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate. The activation of the VTA and its consequent activation of the NAc enhance the release of neuromodulators such as endorphins and endocannabinoids, thus generating the subjective sensation of pleasure. All these interactions trigger the activity of memory systems generating a memory trace encoding the characteristics of the substance or behavior causing pleasure. This occurs in the context that the brain accepts these substances or behaviors as beneficial to the organism. The punishment system is also a very important system working in tight communication with the pleasure system. Fear is one of the most critical adapting behaviors for any subject in the animal kingdom. Fear helps us to avoid dangerous stimulus and behaviors. There is also pleasure involved in escaping this kind of situations. It seems like there is an interaction between the motivation-rewarding and the punishment systems. As a result, there is a balance at times in favor of pleasure, at times in favor of punishment depending on the quality of the stimulus. This balance gives the valence to the emotion triggered by the stimulus. A stimulus with a positive valence will increase the probability of exhibiting the behavior displayed to obtain it, while a stimulus with a negative valence will increase the probability of exhibiting the behavior displayed to avoid it. In this context, the so-called non-natural reinforcers such as drugs of abuse act directly on the pleasure system. For example, nicotine acts on the nicotinic receptor of ACh, alcohol, on the receptor of GABAa and glutamate (NMDA), marihuana on the endocannabinoid receptor (CB1 R), located in the motivation-rewarding system triggering an «intense sensation of pleasure¼. However, two main shortcomings make drugs of abuse dangerous: first, their effect is short and, second, they do not convey any beneficial effect to the organism whatsoever. Brain mechanisms not very well defined detect this lack of benefit; hence, the motivation-rewarding system reduces its response by means of at least two plastic changes, reducing the availability of receptors (epigenetic changes induced by the drug) and by increasing the activity of the punishment system to maintain the balance. As a result, the subject does not experience the same pleasure with the same dose of the drug. In the clinic we call this phenomenon tolerance. If the individual insists in pursuing the same intensity of pleasure, he/she has to consume more of the drug, forcing the brain to strengthen its plastic changes. In this context, we can say that these systems are defending themselves against the action of the drug. Then, why do subjects insist in pursuing the effect of drugs? Very likely because the substrate of the subject's disorder resides anywhere in the brain but in the pleasure system. If so, this indicates that drug addiction is a disorder caused by another disease, very likely a psychiatric one. Several factors contribute to generate drug addiction, i. e. social, psychological and genetic. Genes contribute in different ways to generate the subject's vulnerability to suffer an addiction. A gene mutation (alteration in genetic information) or a given polymorphism (the existence of multiple alleles of a gene in a population) can produce a dysfunctional protein or alter its normal levels. Such changes may make some individuals vulnerable to the initial use of drugs of abuse. However, those genes facilitating adjustments in the motivation-rewarding system that occur after the repeated consumption of drugs of abuse seem to be functioning normally, as we can infer from the development of tolerance. The heritability of these genes, making subjects vulnerable to addiction, has been studied in many ways, including studies of families, adoptees, and twins (monozygotic and dizygotic). From these studies it has been possible to calculate the heritability index, a measure which indicates how much variance of a trait in a specific sample is associated to genetic factors and how much to the environment. The heritability index has a range from 1, meaning the maximum genetic influence, to 0, meaning the maximum environment influence. At present, a significant number of genes have been involved in facilitating addiction to drugs, and also very important, to the response to treatment for rehabilitation. The expression of the genes is regulated by a series of processes called epigenesis. Epigenetic changes can be a result of the interaction between genes and environment. This interaction results in chemical processes that modify chromatin structure. For example, cytosine nucleotide methylation causes chromatin condensation, which interferes with gene transcription; hence, the protein encoded by this gene will be reduced, and the function in which it participates will be altered. As an example, when the methylation of the gene encoding for the glucocorticoid receptor occurs in rats, it reduces the bioavailability of this receptor and increases the release of corticosterone when rats are stressed. At the behavioral level, rats seem to be more stressed most of the time as compared with rats without methylation of this gene. Almost every stimulus in the environment is a potential promoter of epigenesis. Epigenesis is important to occur, since it is an adaptive response of the organism to the environment. It seems like the switches of the genes are turned on or off according to environment circumstances. These genetic changes will be ultimately expressed as plastic changes pursuing the right adaptation of the subject to the environment. Parental care seems to be one crucial contributor to these epigenetic modifications. For example, when a mother-rat provides poor care (feeding, grooming, and physical contact) to its litter during the neonate period, facilitates the methylation of genes, as it has been proved for the glucocorticoid receptor. These changes generate subjects with poor stress management and less capability for learning. Likewise, it makes them susceptible to drug addiction. These results highlight the importance of parental care as provider of a healthy environment, which is modeling the expression of their genes, hence their behavior.

La definición de adicción propuesta por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, dicha de manera sucinta, indica que es una enfermedad cerebral que provoca una búsqueda compulsiva de la droga y su uso, a pesar de las consecuencias adversas que ésta provoque. La fisiopatología de la enfermedad sugiere una interacción entre mecanismos cerebrales, cambios genéticos y medio ambiente. El objetivo de este artículo es discutir la evidencia que existe sobre los sistemas cerebrales que son afectados por las drogas, qué genes participan y cómo el medio ambiente tiene una participación crucial para generar esta enfermedad. Discutiremos tres secciones: el cerebro, las drogas y los genes. La primera trata sobre cómo el cerebro responde ante estímulos reforzantes y cómo estos sistemas cerebrales promueven que el individuo repita la conducta que lo llevó a adquirir el reforzador originalmente, para obtenerlo de nuevo. A este sistema se le denomina sistema de motivación-recompensa. Este sistema responde muy activamente ante reforzadores naturales (estímulos que buscan preservar la vida del individuo), pero también a reforzadores no naturales. En este grupo de estímulos están las drogas de abuso. El sistema de motivación-recompensa está modulado por diversas estructuras subcorticales y corticales que incluyen un sistema de castigo. Estos sistemas util izan una gran diversidad de neurotransmisores y neuromoduladores que inducirán una sensación de placer ante la presencia del estímulo reforzante. Todas las drogas de abuso provocan un efecto sobre los receptores y sobre los transportadores de los neurotransmisores, al igual que sobre las enzimas que participan en la síntesis y degradación de estos mediadores químicos. El uso repetido de la droga modifica así estructural y funcionalmente al cerebro. Estos cambios plásticos desarrollados en el sistema de la motivación-recompensa y también en el de castigo, provocan un nuevo balance entre ellos que lleva al individuo a un estado de alostasis, en el cual la droga se convierte en una necesidad. En otro artículo haremos una reseña sobre drogas lícitas e ilícitas; sus efectos, sus sitios de acción y las consecuencias adversas de su uso. La última sección versará sobre la genética: definimos los conceptos de gen y alelo, de mutación y polimorfismo, heredabilidad y epigenética, a fin de entender qué hace a un individuo vulnerable a la adicción de una droga de abuso. Si bien para la adicción existe una contribución ambiental, la contribución genética es importante. Esta contribución no es igual para las diferentes drogas. La cocaína y los opiáceos, no solamente son las drogas más adictivas, sino también las que mayor contribución genética tienen en comparación con otras (v. gr. nicotina, alcohol o marihuana). Los polimorfismos en diversos genes hacen vulnerable a un cerebro para convertirse en adicto a alguna droga o, por el contrario, dificultan la eficiencia de los tratamientos en contra de la adicción. Entre los polimorfismos que se han descrito son de interés los genes que codifican para las enzimas hepáticas citocromo P450, ya que estos polimorfismos modifican la vulnerabilidad para la adicción al tabaco, al alcohol y a la heroína. Es menester considerar la influencia genética en la adicción puesto que las variaciones a este nivel harán responder diferencialmente al tratamiento a personas con el mismo tipo de adicción. Por ello, hay que enfatizar el uso individualizado de la terapia. Por último, planteamos que quienes buscarán con mayor probabilidad el uso de una droga son quienes presentan una enfermedad psiquiátrica de fondo, así que la adicción representa sólo una parte de una enfermedad dual o comorbilidad. En este contexto, la hipótesis de la automedicación sugiere que los pacientes buscan la droga con el fin de controlar su patología inicial. Esta revisión busca integrar la interacción entre el cerebro, las drogas y los genes, pero no pretende ser exhaustiva. Nuestro interés es dar un panorama al lector sobre cómo estos tres mundos convergen, para entender cómo ocurre esta enfermedad y tratarla diferencialmente entre los individuos.

Trib. méd. (Bogotá) ; 1275(3): 199-213, sept. 1993.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-183548


En este excelente artículo se establecen las normas básicas de conducta frente al paciente con SIDA, enpezando con el diagnóstico y culminando con el tratamiento de las complicaciones. Los autores han querido darle al artículo un formato didáctico con múltiples cuadros simópticos y diagramas de flujo precisos que permitirán a quien lo consulte una toma de decisiones rápida y certera en el manejo integral del paciente infectado por VIH. Igualmente enfatiza el papel de los diferentes profesionales de la salud en el manejo global de un paciente que como todos los pacientes, debe ser considerado primero como ser humano, luego como ser social y sólo finalmente como caso clínico.

Humanos , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/diagnóstico , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/epidemiologia , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/prevenção & controle , HIV/patogenicidade