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Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2016 Apr-Jun; 60(2): 167-173
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-179554


Prenatal ethanol exposure causes cognitive impairments in rats. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of Centella Asiatica (CeA) in offspring of alcoholic rats. Pregnant rats in alcoholic group were orally fed with 30% alcohol at a dose of 5 g/kg body weight during their gestation period. Pregnant rats in control group were given water. Offspring from alcoholic group were divided into treated group and untreated group. Offspring in treated group were orally given whole plant aqueous extract of CeA at a dose of 20 ml/kg body weight. Offspring in control and untreated group were fed with water. Cognitive studies (Morris Water Maze, Passive avoidance test, Elevated Plus Maze) were started from 75th day of postnatal life. Treatment with CeA increases the learning capacity (P<0.05), spatial memory (P<0.05), memory retention (P<0.05) and decreases the anxiety (P<0.05) like behavior in offspring of alcoholic rats. The present study showed that treatment with CeA can improve cognitive functions in offspring of alcoholic mothers.

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2015 Apr-June ; 59(2): 175-181
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-158704


The basolateral amygdala has been implicated in the regulation of food intake besides the hypothalamic centres. In the present study, we hypothesized that the Orexin B, a polypeptide identified in the lateral hypothalamic region, may be involved in the modification of the functions the of amygdaloid centres. We therefore studied the effect of infusion of Orexin B and its antagonist (TCS-OX2-29) into Basolateral amygdala to study the feeding behaviour. Materials and methods: Adult male Wistar albino rats were selected and grouped into control, sham operated control and experimental groups (n=6 each) Orexin was infused in two doses (3 nmol/μl, 30 nmol/ μl) and TCS-OX2-29(10 μg/μl) was infused in another group. Sequential Food intake and water intake were measured at 1, 2, 4, 6, 12 hours and intake for the day was also recorded in all groups and the results (mean±SEM) were statistically analyzed by Kruskal Wali’s test and p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: The food intake and water intake were significantly increased (p<0.01) in the high dose group though the increase in the low dose treated animals was less. Injection of Orexin B antagonist decreased the food and water intake significantly. Discussion and conclusion: The results suggest that Orexin plays a role in the modulation of feeding behaviour. In the lower doses it did not show significant effect. At higher doses, the effect was marked. The role of orexin in ingestive behaviour is further confirmed by the action of antagonist infusion, which resulted decrease in the feeding activities.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-168215


Stress has been a topic of interest in the last century, since its description by Hans Selye. Stressors could be anything from the daily life, professional or domestic, eventually leading the deleterious health outcomes. However some types of stressors were believed to be necessary for growth, which were termed eustress. In the present study we evaluated the stress levels in software professionals (n=155) from Karnataka State, India by using Professional Life stress Score (PLSS) and Perceived Stress Score (PSS) after explaining the subjects about the questionnaire and response types and obtaining their informed consent. Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional ethics committee before the beginning of the data collection. Apart from the responses for the questionnaire, their BMI was calculated by carefully measuring their height and weight. Their other demographic data such as age, matrimonial status were also collected. From the results we found that PLSS score was elevated to mild and moderate degree among the study group, which was not correlated with either their age or matrimonial status. However in contrast, the PSS scores were elevated to higher degree and it was well correlated with BMI, age and number of years of experience. From the results we found that these young technical professionals of Bangalore and Mangalore did not have much professional stress but they were influenced by other factors which produce overall stress as evidenced by the elevated PSS scores. Thus we herestate that this study produced results which was helpful in differentiating the professional life environment causing stress and other compounding factors influencing the psychological well being. We, therefore conclude that well employed young professional enjoy their work but other extraneous factors could lead to stress.

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2014 Oct-Dec ; 58 (4) : 346-353
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-156221


Objectives: The present study evaluated the beneficial effects of omega 3 PUFA present in fish oil on neurosensorial impairments, namely learning, memory and anxiety in Streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. The brain homogenate was analysed for oxidative status following Omega 3 PUFA treatment. Methods: Male, Wistar rats of 2-3 months old were divided into non diabetic controls, diabetic control, & fish oil treated diabetic rats (n=6). Diabetes was induced by injection of STZ (48 mg/kg, ip). Animals were treated orally for 30 days with a dose in each group of 0.5 g/kg/day of fish oil. All experiments were conducted after ethical committee clearance was obtained. Results: Memory and exploratory behavior were improved (p<0.01) in fish oil treated rats as compared with diabetic rats. A significant (p<0.001) decrease in MDA and a significant increase (p<0.001) in total antioxidant level (TAO) were observed in fish oil treated rats. Conclusion : Omega 3 PUFA present in fish oil could be used an adjuvant therapy for treatment and prevention of neurosensorial impairment in diabetes mellitus.

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2014 Oct-Dec ; 58 (4) : 319-326
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-156218


Background: Effect of administration of Orexin-A into nucleus accumbens (NAcc) in relation to the regulation of feeding behavior and alcohol consumption at specific time intervals is relatively unknown. Materials and methods: In this study, Male Wistar albino rats (n=54) weighing about 250±10 grams were implanted bilaterally with guide cannula (22 gauze) to target NAcc by stereotaxic surgery. Saline (0.9%) for control and Orexin-A for experimental groups (100 pmol or 250 pmol) were infused by Harvard picoplus pump. Food, water and alcohol (10%) consumption were measured at 1, 2, 4 and 24 hours to evaluate the effect of Orexin-A in fasted rats (24 hours). Preference study was carried out by two bottle choice test. Results: Orexin-A infusion into NAcc showed significant increase in food at 1 hr in all groups compared to controls (p<0.05) and alcohol (p<0.02) intake. The changes were dose dependent. There was no noticeable preference or alcohol. Conclusions for: These findings showed that Orexin-A in NAcc could be involved in feeding and drinking but not alcohol preference. The results highlight the effect of Orexin A infusion into NAcc in consummatory behaviour besides other hypothalamic and mesolimbic centres.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-168016


Prenatal exposure to alcohol can affect both prenatal and postnatal neurogenesis in the developing brain and impair brain function in their early life. Aim: Our study was aimed to assess the effect of prenatal alcoholic exposure on memory retention and exploratory behavior in young adult rats. We also studied the effect of maternal alcohol intake on pup quality, mortality rate and post natal weight gain of the pups during their weaning period. Methods: Female rats were divided into control and alcohol fed group. Rats in alcoholic group were orally fed (force feeding) with 30% alcohol at a dose of 5g/kg /day. Treatment was started 14 days before mating, continued throughout their gestation period and weaning period. Control group was administrated with equivalent volume of water. Offspring from each group were divided into male and female group. Birth weight, crown-rump length, litter size were taken from the day of delivery, whereas cognitive function test were done from 75th day of post natal life. Statistics: Data obtained from the tests were analyzed by applying independent T test. Results: Single dose of 5g/kg/day maternal ethanol treatment decreased the memory retention (p=0.003), decreased the weight gain during weaning period (p=0.000), increased the locomotor activities (p=0.05) and increased the mortality rate of pups during weaning period. No significant change was observed in the pup quality between control mother and alcoholic mother. Conclusion: The present study showed that maternal alcohol consumption could affect mortality rate of the pups and their post natal weight gain during weaning period. It also affects their cognitive behaviour and locomotor activities in their later life.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164102


Background: Obesity is known to cause a number of life style diseases. In spite of this, the developed and developing world is faced with increasing number of people with high Body fat. In the present study we evaluated the correlation of Heart rate variability with the anthropometric parameters depicting body fat among young students recruited from our Medical school. Materials and methods: Two hundred and forty medical students (120 males & 120 females) were selected on the basis of their BMI into four groups: viz. Normal (N), Underweight (UW), Overweight (OW) & Obese (OB), [n=30 each]. Their Lean Body Mass (LBM), W/H ratio were calculated and tabulated, their HRV was recorded for 5 minutes and both time domain and frequency domain analysis was done. Results: The body fat was significantly higher in OW and OB groups as reflected in increased W/H ratio and lower LBM. (p<0.001) and significantly lesser in the UW group. But women showed significantly more W/H ratio and lesser LBM compared to men in the same group (p<0.01). Cardiac autonomic control represented by HRV showed significant reduction in the OW and Obese groups (p<0.01). HRV parameters were significantly lower in Underweight subjects when compared to Normal subjects. Conclusions: The HRV parameters showed a sympathetic predominance as the body fat increases. Females showed higher Body fat content compared to men. Therefore the treatment strategy should involve in weight reduction and diet control in vulnerable subjects and sustained physical exercise regimen may be prescribed to prevent the possible cardiovascular and endocrine disorders which they are prone. Key words: BMI, LMB, Waist hip ratio, Heart rate variability.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-163867


Background: Cholesterol lowering drugs are very widely used among patients with hypertension in order to prevent atherosclerosis and death. However several other changes are produced in such patients as a result of inhibition of cholesterol synthesis. Therefore in this preliminary study we evaluated the intima/media thickness in hypertensive subjects. Material and methods: Cross section study in 20 hypertensive subjects on statins for more than an year and 20 hypertensives who were not on statins were studied. Twenty normal non hypertensive individuals were control subjects.Their Common carotid artery (CCA) was ultrasonologically examined and the Intima – Media thickness were determined. Results: The Intima - Media thickness in Hypertensive subjects were significantly higher than those of control groupand also those hypertensive patients who were administered with statins (p<0.001). There was no statistically significant difference among the controls and statin administered patients. Further there was no gender difference in the results. Conclusion: Hypertensive subjects who were on statin for more than an year have significantly reduced arterial wall thickness. Undesirable side effects of such thinning of vessel wall, which might result in aneurysmal dilatations, should be kept in mind especially while treating elderly hypertensive with HMG CoA reductase inhibitors.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-163823


Obesity and abnormal nourishment are the biggest concerns of developed and developing societies. We analysed the nutritional status using Mini Nutrition Assessment (MNA) and correlated the findings with BMI, Waist – to – Hip (W/H) ratio in elderly population of Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka. Total of 221 elderly subjects above the age of 50 years (105 were males and 116 were females) were recruited, who did not have any morbid diseases. Their Anthropometric parameters namely BMI and W/H were recorded and tabulated. They were grouped into Underweight, Normal, Over weight and Obese and the respective numbers were segregated and shown in table. MNA scores of each group were found out and the correlation was done. Results were analysed by using ANOVA and Tukey – Kramer test using SPSS version 16. The results suggested that there is a correlation between the BMI, W/H ratio with the MNA scores. Underweight elderly had low scores while overweight and obese subjects had higher scores. Women showed a higher tendency to become over weight and obese compared to men. This study reiterates that there is a correlation between anthropometric parameters and the nutritional status. A wider study with more number of subjects could yield more insight into the findings and be useful guide for suggesting any lifestyle modification.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-163806


Introduction: Menstrual cycle is a physiological cyclical occurrence in women. This is associated with variations in metabolism and associated endocrine fluctuations. Among other things, the cardio respiratory changes too have been observed. In the present study, we investigated the autonomic control of heart, and concurrent changes in the respiratory system. Material and methods: Forty seven normally menstruating women were recruited from a group of 80 subjects reported for this study voluntarily. ECG was recorded from limb lead II time domain and frequency domain analysis of Heart rate Variability (HRV) was done. Their respiratory parameters namely PEFR, FEV1 were determined. Results: The results of this study were analysed by applying Wilcoxon’s signed rank sum test. In Time domain analysis RMSSD (36.91±2.73, p<0.05) showed significant decrease during ovulation, while other parameters did not show significant variation among the three phases. Frequency domain analysis yielded results to suggest that there is increased variability during Ovulatory and Luteal phase (p<0.05). PEFR and FEV1 increased in luteal phase (p<0.05).Conclusions: The results of our study reiterated the findings of reports of previous studies on the heart rate variability suggesting that the HRV was more during ovulatory and luteal phase. This is suggestive of the role of Progesterone on the HRV. Similarly the respiratory parameters too showed an increased PEFR and FEV1 suggesting a decreased airway resistance, while other parameters remained unchanged.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-162226


Diabetes is known to affect almost all functions of the body. Long standing diabetics show several detrimental symptoms including in the heart. Diabetic neuropathy affects the cardiac autonomic function and may be reflected in the HRV (Heart rate variability). In the present study, we investigated the HRV in elderly diabetic patients in two groups, viz. moderate (FBS <126 mg/dl) and those with more FBS (FBS>126) and compared the results of Lipid profile, glycosylated Hb and HRV(both normal breathing, nb & Deep breathing, db) with the parameters in age matched controls. We found that the glycosylated Hb was significantly more in diabetics and it is proportional to the FBS (p<0.001). The HRV was found to be lower in diabetic patients. However in the moderate diabetic patients the HRV did not show significant decline, but in severe diabetics, it was significantly lower. From our studies we could reconfirm the decline in the cardiac autonomic control over a period in diabetic patients over and above the age related decrease in HRV. Therefore this result will also reinforce that HRV could be useful for analysis of the diabetic neuropathic effect on the heart.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-162153


Organisms are constantly subjected to stimuli that can be construed as stressors. Stress regulation is a highly integrated process controlled largely by the brain. The role of amygdala in stress tolerance has attracted continued interest because of its central role in processing emotional information. In the present study, the Wistar albino rats were subjected to chronic swimming (physical) stress and chronic immobilization (psychological) stress for 60 days with or without bilateral lesions of the nucleus of amygdala. Their food intake, water intake and body weight were measured. Exposure to stressors significantly decreased the body weight, food and water intake whereas amygdala lesioning significantly increased the body weight (P<0.001), food intake (P<0.001) and water intake (P<0.001).However, the stress induced decrease observed in the body weight and food intake of the amygdala lesioned groups was significantly more (P<0.001) during immobilization stress than swimming stress. It can be concluded that amygdala nucleus appears to play a prominent role in minimizing the stress induced changes in the food intake and body weight; and this role was more evident in immobilization stress than a physical stress. Thus, the present study support the notion that the amygdala nucleus play a definite role in minimizing stress induced changes in the ingestive behavior and its role in psychological stress is more prominent.

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2010 Jul-Sept; 54(3): 265-270
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-145983


Alcohol addiction is a social problem faced by every country worldwide. Young people are more at risk of this menace. In spite of a clear knowledge and message about the effects of alcohol on individual health and social fabric, it is hard to curb the overuse of this beverage. In the present study, we compared the outcome of a survey using Comprehensive effects of Alcohol (CEOA) in two private Medical institutions in two Asian countries, viz. KMC, Mangalore, India (n=180) and AIMST, Kedah, Malaysia (n=170). The study included both males and female students. The result suggested that the negative reinforcement responses were rated higher in both the study groups. But those who have tasted alcohol before had a higher rating that alcohol may cause positive reinforcement. Both groups of respondents showed similar trend suggesting that the alcohol expectancies are similar in Indian students and Malaysian students. From the results we could conclude that the responses of the two sample groups were comparable to each other. While the male respondents were inclined show higher affinity towards acceptance of alcohol females are very much less so. However, the respondents of both groups appeared to be well aware of the negative aspects of alcohol. Importantly previous exposure to alcohol intake dramatically changed the perception and showed increased inclination towards alcoholism. This study thus provides an important clue to the clinician, counselors and parents regarding the importance of guiding the young people about the alcoholism.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-68141


CONTEXT: Modern life style and affluence lead to changes in people's outlook on various habits, including alcohol intake. Some of them will fall prey to the addictive nature of the drink. AIMS: Present study was done to evaluate the responses to comprehensive alcohol expectancy questionnaire (comprehensive effects of alcohol - CEOA) in order to test the tendency towards alcohol intake among the First Year Medical (MBBS) students of our college - that is, to assess the positive or negative reinforcement they would expect if they consumed alcohol. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: The study was done by giving a set of questionnaires to be answered by the students. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Questionnaires of CEOA had 38 responses, in which both negative and positive feelings were represented. All questions were again grouped into four groups of positive and three groups of negative responses. Each question was rated to what degree they agreed, by 4-point Likert-type scale (1 = disagree, 2 = slightly disagree, 3 = slightly agree, 4 = agree). The positive and negative responses were analyzed to group them into agreeing or disagreeing type. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Analysis of responses by Student 't' test and 2-way ANOVA was done to analyze the results. 'P' RESULTS: Results showed that negative expectancies outweighed positives significantly (2.8017 +/- 0.58554 vs. 2.3055 +/- 0.67604, t = 7.526; P< 0.001.). Females rated the negatives more firmly (P< 0.001). However, there was no statistically significant difference with respect to different religious beliefs, places of origin or incomes of the respondents. An experience of alcohol had a significant effect on the responses where they had stronger positive expectancy, which is an important point revealed in this study. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we have observed a general acceptance that alcohol could provide positive reinforcement, especially among those who have had a prior experience of intake of alcohol. Thus, this study throws light on whether there is likelihood of youngsters falling into addiction in the later part of their life; hence it can act as a useful predictor for parents, health professionals, social counselors and the society as a whole so that they can take preventive measures against alcohol addiction.

Indian J Med Sci ; 2004 Apr; 58(4): 150-4
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-67119


BACKGROUND: Plasma ceruloplasmin, a copper containing protein, belongs to a class called acute phase proteins. Reduced level of ceruloplasmin was associated with Wilson's disease and Menke's kinky hair disease in man, primarily affecting copper metabolism. Stress was known to increase Ceruloplasmin. Several stress associated changes were commonly observed in women at menopause and also those who underwent overiectomy. Present experiment investigated the effect of estrogen on ceruloplasmin level in acute stress. AIMS: To assess the estradiol induced changes in plasma ceruloplasmin concentration on exposure of the rats to acute stress. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Acute stress was induced by forcing the rats to swim till exhaustion. The rats were overiectomised bilaterally to remove the primary source of sex hormones. And hormone replacement was done later. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Wistar albino female rats were used. Acute stress was induced before overiectomy, following recovery from surgery, and again after Estradiol Valerate injection (for 10 days) in same group of rats. The plasma ceruloplasmin was estimated immediately after stress during each stage--that is preoperative control, stressed control, after overiectomy and then following treatment with Estradiol Valerate. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Paired sample T test was applied to analyze the findings. RESULTS: We found lowest ceruloplasmin level after stress in overiectomised animals, while on substitution of estradiol the trend appeared to be reversed. CONCLUSION: The result suggested a direct effect of estrogen on hepatic ceruloplasmin production/release and this could account for some of the beneficial effects of hormone replacement therapy.

Doença Aguda , Animais , Ceruloplasmina/análise , Estradiol/análogos & derivados , Feminino , Ovariectomia , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Estresse Fisiológico/sangue , Natação
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-24681


BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Amygdaloid nuclei and the hypothalamic structures are known to have intimate functional relationships. But to date the nature of this relationship has not been completely understood. In the present study, this relationship was evaluated. METHODS: Lesions were performed in basolateral nucleus of amygdala (BLA) and the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) in the same rats sequentially to evaluate both the individual, as well as combined effects of lesions of these two centres. Food intake, water intake and the body weight were studied before and after the lesions. RESULTS: The first lesion of BLA or VMH increased the food and water intake significantly (P < 0.01). But in the VMH lesioned rats, further lesioning of BLA, reduced the intensity of the hyperphagia. This suggested a kind of interrelationship between these centres, pointing out that intact BLA was instrumental in the development of VMH induced hyperphagia. To further assess the interactions of these two centres, three bottle free choice taste preference tests were undertaken by using sweet, salty solution along with tap water. The lesion of the BLA increased the intake of sweet tasting saccharin solution. This preference was retained even after the lesion of the VMH in the same rats. INTERPRETATION & CONCLUSION: Therefore it appeared as if the VMH neurons might not be involved in the sweet taste preference following BLA lesion, suggesting involvement of some other pathway for taste selection responses. But the development of full fledged VMH lesion induced hyperphagia could occur only in the presence of intact BLA.

Tonsila do Cerebelo/fisiologia , Animais , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Hipotálamo/fisiologia , Masculino , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Paladar/fisiologia
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 1999 Oct; 43(4): 443-8
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-106885


A study of gustatory preference was carried out in Wistar strain albino rats by electrolytically lesioning the basolateral nucleus of amygdala. The intake of sweet tasting saccharin (Sn-0.1% soln w/v), NaCl solutions (1% Soln w/v) and tap water, were tested in single bottle, 2 bottle choice and 3 bottle choice situations. The consumption of fluids both before and after the stereotaxic surgery was recorded and statistically analysed. Lesion of BLA increased the intake of all fluids in the single bottle tests (P < 0.01). But the increase in the group provided with saccharin was more than that in other two groups. When taste preference was tested using 2-bottle and 3-bottle choice situations, the lesioned rats were seeking Sn solution. In our previous study, we found that the lesion of BLA increased fluid intake in rats. The intake, in the present study was more in those animals provided with Sn solution. When choice was given, the rats shifted their preference from water to the Sn following the lesion. Thus this study confirms that BLA is involved in the preference for sweet tasting solution over the NaCl or plain water.

Tonsila do Cerebelo/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Sacarina , Cloreto de Sódio , Edulcorantes , Paladar/fisiologia , Água