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Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (12): 82-85, 2016.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-483499


a mygdalin ex isting the pro blem of exce ssive sulfurd ioxide evenw ithout sulfur smoked thro ugh “distill-io dometry”. M ethods Hea dspace gas ch romatograph y-flame phot ometric metho d was compa red with dist ill-iodometry method to d etect the con tent of sulfur dioxide in Se men Armeni acae Amarae, and silver ni trate titration and iodometr ic titration w ere used to determine th e pure amygd alin and sam ple through conventional sulfur dioxid e determinati on device. R esults In th e process ofd etermination of sulfur dio xide residues in Chineseh erbal medicin e and decoc tion pieces c ontaining am ygdalin, som e iodine cons umption was caused bya mygdalin dec omposing. C onclusion Co nventional i odometric m ethod and so dium hydrox ide titrationm ethod cann o longer be used for dete ction of sulf ur dioxide r esidue amoun t of Chinese herbal medici ne and decoc tion pieces co ntaining amy gdalin. Objective To explore th e causes ofs ome Chinese herbal medi cine and deco ction pieces containing.