Both the pregnant and breast feeding women are of the groups who are predisposed to iron deficiency anemia [IDA]. Although there is a regular program about consumption of ferrous sulfate tablet by these women, about 67 percent of them do not use their tablet regularly. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the reasons for irregular use of ferrous sulfate tablet in women referred to health centers in bourojen city. In this descriptive and analytical study which conducted in health centers of boroujen in 1384-85, 270 pregnant women with 16[th] week of pregnancy to two mounts after delivery were selected and interviewed. A questionnaire, including their demographic information, tablet consumption, attitude and behavior was filled in. Data were analyzed using Chai-square, Mann Whitney, Wilkakson, and Cruscal-Valis. The results showed that%33.1 of the women used their tablet regularly,%56.8 of them consumed it irregularly and%10.2 did not take it at a1. There was no relationship between regular consumption of the tablet and familial level of socio-economical statues. Some of the reasons for irregular consumption of this tablets were forgetting of time interval of consumption [48.4%], nausea and vomiting during pregnancy [%12.4], and lack of knowledge and attitude toward necessity of consumption [%16.4]. There were no significant relationship between number of delivery or pregnancy and age, employment, knowledge and attitude of the women [P<0.05]. Our results showed that in mothers increasing knowledge and information by educational methods such as class and booklet, intermittent consumption of tablet can decrease forgotten dose of tablet and improve level of information