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Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371344


The present study was performed to investigate the effects of 120 km walking, 40 km a day for 3 successive days on the condition that taking rest and foods freely, upon physical functions for healthy male and female subjects. All measurements were enforced at postabsorptive state early in the morning for the 10 successive days including the days of walking. Blood pressure, heart rate, and body weight were measured every morning. Blood samplings enforced, too. Urine collections were enforced from first day to 7 th day. The results obtained were as follows;<BR>1) There were no changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and body weight, which were measured early in the morning, before and after 120 km walking.<BR>2) Serum GOT and GPT activities had little changes, while serum LDH, α-HBDH, and CK activities increased gradually after walking.<BR>3) Serum CK-MB activities, which indicate myocardial injury, increased after walking, on the contrary CK-MB/CK ratio decreased. It was suggested that effects of 120km walking to myocardium were rather than slight ones.<BR>4) In spite of the same sorce in which serum CK-MB and LDH-1 were resulted, both did'nt exhibit same patterns in serum.<BR>5) Serum lipids decreased gradually after walking.<BR>6) Urinary excretion of creatinine and uric acid increased after 120km walking especially.<BR>7) If it is allowed to take sufficient foods and rest, 120km walking, 40km a day for 3 successive days, would not result in such a physical stress over the following days.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376787


Effects of taurine on the functions of the body and metabolism with 3km running upon taking a diet, which is constituted of lowest possible amount of carbohydrate and highest possible amount of fat and protein, were investigated in 25 male and female subjects of age thirties by double blind test method. The results were as follows<BR>1) Taurine administration (T. A.) proved to inhibit the degree of increase in heart rate and increase the maximal degree of pulse pressure in response to 3 km running.<BR>2) T. A. proved to inhibit the degree of increase in serum creatine kinase isozyme MB (CK-MB) activities and CK-MB/CK ratio.<BR>3) T. A. proved to inhibit the decrease of serum total protein values immediately before running and in the following morning. Similar trends in terms of the particuler times were observed, too, in the case of the degree of decrease of serum triglycerides values.<BR>4) T. A. seemed to accelerate the utilization of saturated fatty acids especially.<BR>5) Three kilometer running seemed to increase in serum taurine concentrations from several hours after running to the morning immediately after running.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376756


Effects of 5 km running upon taking a low-carbohydrate, high-fat and protein diet on the body, in fourteen healthy young males and three healthy young females, all being affected by taurine inducement, were investigated by double blind test method. The results obtained were as follows ;<BR>1) As to the degree of in heart rate upon 5 km running, in males, there were no differences between taurine administration group (M-group) and placebo administration group (P-group) . But in females, recordings in P-group were much larger than those of M-group.<BR>2) As to the degree of increase in systolic blood pressure upon 5 km running, in males, no differences between both groups were observed, but in females, recordings in P-group were larger than those of M-group.<BR>3) Both serum creatine kinase (CK) and creatine kinase isoenzyme (CK-MB) activities did not recover to pre-exercise levels during 3 days after 5 km running in both groups of both sexes.<BR>4) In the rate of CK-MB against CK, not only P-group of females had extraordinary high levels immediately after 5 km running, but also P-group of both sexes had higher levels on 3rd and 5th day after 5 km runnning than M-group.<BR>5) In both sexes P-group was larger than M-group in the degree of increase in blood lactate and serum triglyceride levels.<BR>6) As to the changes in serum total protein levels, in males, no differences between both groups were observed, but in females, P-group had extraordinary low levels on 1st day after 5 km running and maintained low levels during 5 days recovery.<BR>7) As to the changes in both serum total fatty acids levels and the rate of unsaturated fatty acids against total fatty acids, no differences were observed between both groups of both sexes.<BR>8) As to the degree of increase in plasma noradrenalin and adrenalin levels, in males, no differences between both groups were observed, but in females, recordings in M-group were larger than those of P-group.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376728


Effects of sit-up exercise in the healthy adults to the point of exhaustion on the respiratory-circulatory functions and oxygen consumption were studied in thirtyone males and thirtysix females whose age varied between twenty and thirtyf our years old. The subjects were classified into two groups, the superior and the inferior, according to the number of sit-ups to reach the exhaustion point. Collected vallues were compared between the pre-exercise and the post-exercise records. The results were as follows ;<BR>1) No sex differences in the inferior group were found in the degree of increase in systolic pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate.<BR>2) In the superior group, no sex difference was found in the degree of increase in respiration rate, but male subjects were greater than female subjects in the degree of increase in both systolic pressure and heart rate.<BR>3) In males, when the superior subjects were compared with the inferior subjects, the former were greater than the latter in the degree of increase in both systolic pressure and heart rate, but in females no differences were found.<BR>4) In males the more the degree of increase in blood pressure, the more the degree of increase in heart rate. In contrast with males, in females there were no relation between them were observed.<BR>5) It was recognized that relative metabolic rate varied in values from 4.7-13.5 and there was a tendency among the inferior subjects to have a large relative metabolic rate.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376735


Uninterrupted recordings of grip strength were measured in the male and female physical education students, university sports club members, middle-aged physical laborers and clerks, and young weight-lifters. The results were as follows ;<BR>1) In the rate of supporting of uninterrupted measurements of grip strength, recordings among the males were greater than females. But, there were no differences between the recordings in the rate of supporting at morning and at evening.<BR>2) In the university sports club members, the rate of supporting of Basketball club members were the most, Judo, the medium, Volleyball, Tennis, and others, the least.<BR>3) Among the middle-aged subjects, the rate of supporting of uninterrupted measurements of grip strength indicate high in physical laborers and low in the clerks.<BR>4) The rate of supporting of uninterrupted measurements of grip strength in youngweight-lifters was smaller than in well trained weight-lifters.<BR>5) By the comparison between right and left recordings in the rate of supporting of uninterrupted measurements of grip strength, certain tendencies were observed in some sports, but, not greater than differences among some sports. Certain individual, however, indicate great differences between right and left recordings.<BR>6) No significant correlations between maximum grip strength and rate of supporting of uninterrupted measurements were observed.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376744


The present study was performed to investigate the effect of long distance walking upon physical functions for healthy male subjects. The first experiment was carried out in 1977, the second, in 1978, and the third, in 1979 in each autum season. At the first experiment, subjects began walking upon having breakfast, then ate and drank noting during first 30km, and took some foods during another 26km. Twelve hours and fifty minutes of time was spent for 56km walking including 15, 60, and 30 minutes rest periods in between. In the second experiment, subjects ate nothing after dinner of the previous evening and 35km walking took 6 hours during which some rest periods were taken for blood sampling. The third was 80km walking for two days. Subjects walked 40km in 8 hours in the first day and on the following day they walked 40km in ten hours and twenty minutes. They took foods and rest freely.<BR>From the view points of the changes in blood and urinary recordings obtained from those three experiments, the influences of long distance walking on the body indicate as follows ;<BR>1) In case of long distance walking while nothing to eat and drink, the rate of serum saturated fatty acids composition decreased and unsaturated fatty acids increased.<BR>2) In a fasting state, blood glucose gradually decreased, LDH activity increased and blood lactate, GOT and GPT activity presented no significant changes on long distance walking.<BR>3) It was shown that the longer distance to walk, the lesser tendency in blood triglyceride even though subjects take a carbohydrate rich diet while walking.<BR>4) In fasting state, less than 35km walking without foods, the stress to the body seemed not to be critical.<BR>5) More than 40km walking in a day, even though taking meals, would result a significantly severe stress for body.<BR>6) As long as usual meals are taken, 80km walking for two days continuously, 40km in each day, would not result in such a physical stress over the following days.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371326


Effects of 20km running uppn taking a low-carbohydrate, high-fat and protein diet on the changes in blood pressure, heart rate, body weight, skinf old thickness, blood components and urinary recordings in five healthy young men were investigated and the changes in these items which occured by taurine inducement were studied by double blind test method. The results were as follows:<BR>1) As to the degree of decrease in body weight in 20km running, the case in taurine administration (T. A.) was more than in placebo administration (P. A.) .<BR>2) As to the degree of increase in systolic pressure upon 20km running, T. A. was less than P. A. 3) The rate of creatine kinase isozyme (CK-MB) against creatine kinase (CK), which increased after 20km running in P. A., was possible to reduce by T. A.<BR>4) T. A. was less than P.A. in the rate of increase in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) on 20km running.<BR>5) In P. A., triglyceride increased after 20km running, but in T. A., it decreased.<BR>6) T. A, much influenced the rate of individual fatty acid composition on 20km running<BR>7) T. A, was more than P. A. in the secretion of adrenaline on 20km running.<BR>8) No changes were observed in other blood components and urinary kallikrein.