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INSPILIP ; 1(1): 1-18, ene.-jun 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-987998


En Ecuador la incidencia de obesidad, diabetes y otras afecciones crónicas de salud, que se han asociado parcialmente con cambios en los hábitos alimentarios, está aumentando y muchas veces se acentúa en los centros urbanos más pequeños. El consumo omnipresente de arroz blanco es probablemente una práctica alimentaria presente en esta transición nutricional, mientras que el consumo de alimentos tradicionales saludables como la quinua permanece generalmente bajo. En nuestra encuesta realizada en 2013, el 67% de los 240 residentes encuestados en la pequeña ciudad andina de Riobamba informaron que preferirían comer "arroz de quinua" (quinua preparada como arroz) por lo menos dos veces por semana en lugar de arroz blanco. Con el objetivo de reintroducir el consumo regular de quinua en los hogares de esta población, a finales de 2015 se inició una intervención para promover el consumo de arroz de quinua 3 veces por semana, entre 131 adultos en Riobamba. Entre la línea de base y los datos obtenidos al final de la intervención cuatro meses más tarde, no hubo cambios significativos en el IMC observado. Sin embargo, a los 2, 4 y 7 meses post-basal, el 52%, 40% y 47% de los encuestados, respectivamente, informaron haber disfrutado del consumo de arroz de quinua en lugar de arroz blanco, afirmando que les gustaba "mucho" o "en general", y el 64%, 55% y 68% de los encuestados refirieron que "definitivamente" o "muy probablemente" continuarán consumiendo quinua en lugar de arroz, por lo menos a veces. Estos hallazgos sugieren una aceptación modesta de esta (re)introducción de un alimento tradicional y saludable, aunque otras investigaciones más amplias y extensas podrían evaluar con mayor precisión los posibles impactos en la salud de este tipo de cambio reportado en los hábitos alimentarios de la población.

Abstract: In Ecuador the incidence of obesity, diabetes and other chronic health conditions -- which are partly due to changes in dietary behavior -- has been increasing, often most dramatically in smaller urban centers. The ubiquitous consumption of white rice is likely one important factor in this nutritional transition, while the consumption of traditional healthy foods such as quinoa remains generally low. In a 2013 survey we conducted, 67% of the 240 residents surveyed in the small Andean city of Riobamba reported they would prefer eating quinoa "rice" at least twice weekly instead of white rice. With the objective of encouraging more normative household consumption of quinoa in this population, in late 2015 an intervention was begun to promote consumption of quinoa rice 3 times a week among 131 adults in Riobamba. Between the baseline and the termination of the intervention four months later, no significant change in BMI was observed. However, at 2, 4 and 7 months' post-baseline, 52%, 40% and 47% of respondents, respectively, reported enjoying consumption of quinoa rice instead of white rice either "very much" or "in general," and 64%, 55% and 68% of respondents "definitely" or "very likely" planned to continue doing so. Our findings suggest a modest acceptance of this (re)introduction of a traditional and healthy food, though further and more extensive research could assess with greater precision the potential health impacts of such reported changes in dietary habits. Reintroducción del consumo regular de Quinua en Riobamba, Ecuador: estudio piloto.

Humanos , Chenopodium album , Transição Nutricional , Ecossistema Andino , Achados Incidentais , Diabetes Mellitus , Povos Indígenas , Múltiplas Afecções Crônicas
J. Public Health Africa (Online) ; 2(2): 117-122, 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1263222


Despite over two decades of extensive research showing that male circumcision protects against heterosexual acquisition of HIV in men; and that includes findings from large randomized controlled trials leading to acceptance by the WHO/UNAIDS and the Cochrane Committee; opponents of circumcision continue to generate specious arguments to the contrary. In a recent issue of the Journal of Public Health in Africa; Van Howe and Storms claim that male circumcision will increase HIV infections in Africa. Here we review the statements they use in support of their thesis and show that there is no scientific basis to such an assertion. We also evaluate the statistics used and show that when these data are properly analyzed the results lead to a contrary conclusion affirming the major role of male circumcision in protecting against HIV infection in Africa. Researchers; policy makers and the wider community should rely on balanced scholarship when assessing scientific evidence. We trust that our assessment may help refute the claims by Van Howe and Storms; and provide reassurance on the importance of circumcision for HIV prevention

Circuncisão Masculina , Medicina Baseada em Evidências , Infecções por HIV , Masculino