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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959383


1) Thirty-one cases of whooping cough treated with intramuscular injections of streptomycin are reported2) Twenty-eight patients (90.3%) improved while 3 who received 1 gram each of the drug remained unimproved. It is suggested that at least 5 grams of the drug be administered before judging the treatment ineffective3) No serious toxic reaction to the drug was observed. (Conclusions)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959384


A report on 21 internal jagular vein punctures in different conditions is made. Eighty percent of the cases were in the first 4 months of age. The indications as well as the dangers in the use of the internal jugular vein puncture are given. (Summary)

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 229-240, 2.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959408


A brief review of the literature on cor pulmonale in adults and children, including its rare incidence in the latter was given. Six cases of cor pulmonale in children observed in the Department of Pediatrics, Philippine General Hospital from 1945 to Juanuary, 1953 were reported. All the cases showed practically the same signs and symptoms. On admission all the patients presented dyspnea, easy fatigability, cough and edema with hepatomegaly. In all of them a right-sided cardiac strain and failure secondary to a chronic pulmonary lesion was demonstrable from the history, physical examination E.K.G. and radiographic findings. In four cases the findings were verified at autopsy. (Summary)

Doença Cardiopulmonar
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962702


One hundred thirty-two full term Filipino newborns were started on a specially prepared infant food formula known as WS-101. Only 99 patients completed the 6-month follow up so that the analysis of our data was based on our findings only in the 99 infants. Regular biweekly follow up of the babies in their first 6 months of age was made to evaluate their growth and development as compared with babies fed on other forms of formula including breast milk, as well as to note untoward effects and the serum protein valuesBabies fed on WS-101 gained weight and height as much as those fed on evaporated milk. There were no gastrointestinal disturbances and the 2% who had allergic skin reaction manifesting as atopic dermatitis eventually recovered after a few weeks. This incidence of atopic dermatosis was no higher than in those fed on other formulasThe rise in serum protein values was found to be within the normal range by the age of 6 months. (Summary)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962890


Twenty-four full term newborns were started with a specially prepared infant food formula and regularly followed up during the first 6 months to find out how these babies compare with babies fed with breast milk, evaporated milk and whole milk regarding physical growth, gastrointestinal disturbances, allergic reactions and protein and cholesterol studies of the bloodWe observed in our study that physical growth compared favorably with other groups, incidence of gastrointestinal disturbances was practically nil and allergic skin manifestations were apparently not related to feeding. Blood studies for serum proteins and cholesterol showed values within normal limitsFrom our data and observations of babies fed with this specially prepared infant food formula of skim milk with vegetable and animal fat, we can say that this infant food compares favorably with evaporated and other kinds of milk and it may even be a substitute for human milk when this is not available. (Summary and Conclusion)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963060


1. Diagnosis of H. mole is difficult because of pitfalls2. A definitive diagnosis must be established before attempting evacuation3. Hysterogram with "moth eaten" appearance or "honeycombed" pattern gives a positive diagnosis of mole4. The vest radiograph is after one minute of injection5. Two scout films and one film after one minute injection are sufficient for economy6. No complications7. Hysterography is very simple and economical and does not need any special equipment and training8. In conclusion, we strongly endorse the widespread use of hysterography by specialists and general practitioners for its accuracy, simplicity, safety and economy. (Summary and conclusions)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963077


Diabetes mellitus afflicts more than one million Filipinos as shown by recent surveys. Most of them do not know they have the disease. Fatality and disability among diabetics is mostly associated with the nature and extent of so-called complications that precede, accompany or follow the onset of carbohydrate intolerance. Much has been written about organ involvement among diabetes abroad. Local material is still wanting at the present time. (Author)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963151


1. Statistical review of the incidence of congenital malformations is presented2. The incidence of malformation is 257 cases out of the 46,025 babies delivered at the Maternity and Childrens Hospital covering a period of 2 years 1962-1963, a rate of 0.56. This rate is comparable to rates reported by foreign authors3. Incidence is equal in male and female babies but multiparity was found to be a distinct contributory factor to a malformation, accounting for 72.3 of cases observed4. Anomalies of the G-I tract were found to be most frequent, followed by musculo-skeletal, central nervous system, multiple deformities and cardio-vascular5. First as a cause of perinatal mortality were anomalies of the central nervous system.(Summary)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963398


1. Forty-one cases of empyema thoracis treated with intercostal thoracotomy and open drainage are reported2. In more than 80 per cent of the bacteriologically examined cases the causative organism was pneumococcus3. The comparative study of the various reports on the therapy of empyema shows that pleurotomy gives a lower death rate, a shorter recovery period, and a higher percentage of cures, than closed drainage, ribresection, and repeated aspirations4. The average recovery period of the cases was 35.8 days. With properly timed operations and subsequent establishment and maintenance of adequate drainage, the period of convalescence was reduced to less than 24.88 days, the latter being the recovery period for uncomplicated empyema cases5. The optimum time for operation is in the fifth week after the onset of pneumonia. In the presence of infections other than empyema, better results were obtained when the operation was done within the optimum time for intervention, even if there were active but regressing complications, than when the operation was postponed to a later date when the coexisting infection had completely resolved6. Well-carried out lung gymnastics contributed to the early recovery from the temporary disabilities resulting from pleurotomy.(Summary)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963490


1. The different non-leucemic blood pictures simulating leucemia are discussed2. Sixty-two cases of pertussis with bronchopneumonia that presented very high leucocyte counts are reported. In addition to the bronchopneumonia that was invariably present in all the cases, 9 were associated with other infections3. The white cell counts varied from 50,000 to 216,000 per cubic millimeter of blood, with preponderance of lymphocytes in 50 per cent of the cases, polymorphonuclears in 14.5 per cent of the cases, and equal neutrophiles and lymphocytes in the rest4. These leucemoid blood pictures although a bad omen in pertussis bronchopneumonias, are not necessarily the terminal stage of the disease5. Although the very high leucocyte counts simulated leucemias, they were proven not to be leucemias clinically, hematologically, and anatomically. The differences between leucemias and the leucemoid blood picture are also discussed6. The grave prognosis of bronchopneumonia cases secondary to pertussis, when attended by a leucemoid blood picture, especially if the blood picture persists in the subsequent counts, is also pointed out7. The necessity of making a leucocyte count in every pertussis case with bronchopneumonia, in order to be able to tell the serious cases from a group of clinically mild and moderate cases of infection, is emphasized8. The treatment of these cases with sulfapyridine and sulfathiazole is hopeful.(Summary and Conclusions)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963834


A brief history, symptomatology, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of infectious mononucleosis is given; and the six cases we observed for a short space of time are reported. A case of infecious lymphocytosis is also reported, to show its distinguishing characteristics from infectious mononucleosis which it closely resembles. (Summary)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963913


1. Five cases of multiple serositis, all caused by tuberculosis, were studied2. The absence of any marked inflammatory involvement of the abdominal organs in the cases we reported was pointed out in contrast to the almost constant marked intra-abdominal changes observed in the previously studied cases3. The relatively short duration of our cases, 2 to 10 months, was contrasted to the 2 to 4-year or even 16-year duration of the polyserositis reported by others4. A short review of the literature on multiple serositis is also given. (Summary)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963932


1. Fifteen cases of cancrum oris admitted and treated in the Pediatrics Department of the Philippine General Hospital from April 4, 1945 to April 5, 1946 were presented2. The incidence of noma in the Philippines, before, during and after the second world war was discussed3. A reduction of the mortality rate from 70%-100% to 6.67% with the use of sulfa drugs and pencillin was reported4. Other reports on the incidence, mortality, and treatment of cancrum oris were briefly reviewed and compared with our findings. (Conclusions)

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963944


1. An alarm has been sounded regarding the greatly increased incidence of amebic dysentery in children of Manila during the last year2. This report presents 41 such cases3. Symptoms presented by cases studied are familiar and more or less typical of textbook descriptions4. No definite conclusions can be made regarding therapy instituted. (Summary)