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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931216


Ensuring the removal of host cell proteins (HCPs) during downstream processing of recombinant pro-teins such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) remains a challenge.Since residual HCPs might affect product stability or safety,constant monitoring is required to demonstrate their removal to be below the regulatory accepted level of 100 ng/mg.The current standard analytical approach for this procedure is based on ELISA;however,this approach only measures the overall HCP content.Therefore,the use of orthogonal methods,such as liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS),has been established,as it facilitates the quantitation of total HCPs as well as the identification and quantitation of the indi-vidual HCPs present.In the present study,a workflow for HCP detection and quantitation using an automated magnetic bead-based sample preparation,in combination with a data-independent acquisi-tion (DIA) LC-MS analysis,was established.Employing the same instrumental setup commonly used for peptide mapping analysis of mAbs allows for its quick and easy implementation into pre-existing workflows,avoiding the need for dedicated instrumentation or personnel.Thereby,quantitation of HCPs over a broad dynamic range was enabled to allow monitoring of problematic HCPs or to track changes upon altered bioprocessing conditions.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-823980


With the size of the biopharmaceutical market exponentially increasing, there is an aligned growth in the importance of data-rich analyses, not only to assess drug product safety but also to assist drug development driven by the deeper understanding of structure/function relationships. In monoclonal antibodies, many functions are regulated by N-glycans present in the constant region of the heavy chains and their mechanisms of action are not completely known. The importance of their function focuses analytical research efforts on the development of robust, accurate and fast methods to support drug development and quality control. Released N-glycan analysis is considered as the gold standard for glycosylation characterisation;however, it is not the only method for quantitative analysis of glycoform heterogeneity. In this study, ten different analytical workflows for N-glycan analysis were compared using four monoclonal antibodies. While observing good comparability between the quantitative results generated, it was possible to appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of each technique and to summarise all the observations to guide the choice of the most appropriate analytical workflow ac-cording to application and the desired depth of data generated.