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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019725


Tongue diagnosis is an indispensable objective basis for TCM diagnosis and treatment of epidemic diseases.To understand its application in an epidemic situation and to support in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases using traditional Chinese medicine,the tongue image APP was implemented in this study to monitor the tongue image features of patients with new coronavirus pneumonia.It has been discovered through practice that the tongue image APP enables medical professionals to objectively,conveniently,quickly,and flexibly collect the patient's tongue image.It has also been discovered through the analysis of the tongue image characteristic data that the tongue image APP can,to a certain extent,objectively reflect the general law of the tongue image characteristics of the new crown pneumonia.According to the tongue image data gathered by the Tongue Image APP,Xinguan pneumonia patients'tongues were typically red,their fur was typically white,yellow,or both white and yellow,and they had a greater amount of thick and greasy fur.Nevertheless,there are still several issues with the Tongue APP application that have been noted:①The consistency of tongue shape and coating was poor;for instance,the inconsistency rate between a thin and fat tongue was as high as 62.96%;②The tongue image analysis index in the APP is still mostly a qualitative index,and the degree of discriminating is insufficient.The results of this study demonstrate that the tongue image information of different ages,sexes,disease classifications,and onset times does not reflect obvious differences and certain rules.③The tongue image characteristic indexes gathered by the tongue image APP are insufficient and do not include information on glossiness of tongue image(such as dark tongue)and tongue state.To promote the adoption of the tongue image APP and better support the prevention and treatment of epidemic diseases by traditional Chinese medicine,we should fully integrate modern advanced science and technology,improve the short videos of tongue coating,quantification of qualitative indicators,comprehensive collection of tongue image characteristic indicators,etc.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019756


Summarize the professor Hu Jingqing's experience in treating pathogenesis of intermingled phlegm and blood stasis by using purgative method.Intermingled phlegm and blood stasis is one of the most important pathogenesis of many difficult diseases in the contemporary era.From the perspective of TCM theory,the purgative method can dissipate phlegm,eliminate blood stasis and resolve masses,which is a suitable method for the treatment in pathogenesis of intermingled phlegm and blood stasis.In clinical practice,the professor Hu Jingqing emphasizes the specific classification of pathogenesis of phlegm and blood stasis in diagnosis,using the purgative methods according to different classifications of"excess heat"and"deficiency cold".And make flexible selections of various purgative drugs in prescription.Last but not least,it is suggested that the purgative method also should not be used as the only treating method.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-613699


Hydronephrosis is a common and frequent clinical disease. With the extensive application of minimally invasive techniques of Western medicine, it can quickly remove the obstruction and eliminate water. However, there may be problems of easy recurrence after surgery, causing more serious irreversible kidney damage. TCM has a unique advantage in the treatment of hydronephrosis, which can radically relieve the pain of patients, prevent recurrence, and protect the kidney function. Professor SHAO Zhao-di thinks that the cause of hydronephros is deficiency of kidney qi, which affects the function of gasification. Therefore, the treatment should be nourishing qi to invigorate spleen and reinforcing kidney for diuresis. In clinical practice, Bixie Fenqing Decoction can be used to treat hydronephrosis, which can obtain good efficacy.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-696043


Multiple outcomes measured repeatedly for the same subject are common in longitudinal observation.If we use the approach by analyzing each outcome separately,it may lead to wrong conclusions due to the failure of accounting for joint evolution of different outcomes.To adequately capture the interdependence among multiple outcomes,we proposed a joint modeling for multivariate longitudinal data by constructing a linear mixed-effects model for each outcome and accommodating the relationship among multiple outcomes through correlation in random effects.Maximum likelihood method was adopted to estimate parameters in this model.The application of this method was demonstrated through the analysis of stroke data.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-696130


This article mainly introduces the functional clustering methods and demonstrates its performance by the real analysis of Chinese medical Zong Qi data.The functional clustering analysis hypothesizes that the discrete time series observations are dominated by a continuous function of time,which can be expressed by infinite basis functions.Functional clustering methods include raw data method,filtering method and adaptive method.When dealing with the sparse data clustering analysis,raw data method encounters the difficulty of matrix calculation due to the lack of data on some time grids.Filtering method suits for full time data,while when facing missing data,the fitting curve is inaccurate so that the clustering outcome cannot be explainable.Adaptive method can be applied flexibly to both full time and sparsely sampled data.In the real analysis section,the adaptive method is used to cluster the sparsely sampled Chinese medical Zong Qi time series data,where the elderly individuals are divided into three clusters,the ones with high level of Zong Qi,the ones with moderate level and those with low level.The adaptive method performs well on clustering individuals.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-457564


Objective To identify the common clinical symptoms and signs of pectoral qi insufficiency syndrome;To provide evidence for its clinical treatment.Methods By retrieving 129 medical cases related to pectoral qi insufficiency syndrome in CNKI from January 1954 to October 2013 and Wanfang Database from January 1985 to October 2013, the authors made a statistical analysis of the symptoms and signs in medical cases related to pectoral qi insufficiency syndrome and elementarily generalized the common clinical characterization on pectoral qi insufficiency syndrome under the guidance of the TCM specialists.Results The cardinal syndromes of common clinical manifestation on pectoral qi insufficiency syndrome were shortness of breath and panting on exertion. The concomitant syndromes were pale or dim complexion, lassitude of spirit, lack of strength, shortage of qi and disinclination to talk, inability to sleep, dizziness, dizzy vision, etc. And it commonly superimposed failing to circulation qi-blood of cardiopulmonary as oppression in the chest, chest pain, palpitations, cyanosis, cough, etc, dysfunction of the spleen in transportation and transformation as torpid intake, sloppy stool, abdominal distension, and impairment of qi transformation due to Yang deficiency as cold limbs, fear of cold, edema, inhibited urination, and dry mouth.Conclusion The authors summarized cardinal syndrome, concomitant syndromes and superimposed symptoms on pectoral qi insufficiency syndrome from reported medical cases, which can provide scientific basis for normalizing the clinical diagnosis and treatment and interpreting the scientific connotation of pectoral qi insufficiency syndrome.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-461413


This study was aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Self Rate Health Assessment Questionnaire (TCM-SRHAQ). A total of 859 middle age and aged cases were enrolled in a cross-sectional study, which were evaluated by the questionnaire. The salivary level of ɑ-amylase was tested at the same time. The results showed that the split-half reliability coefficient was 0.91, which can highly differentiate the health level of the crowd. The spearman correlation coefficients between items in the “spleen deficiency” sub-scale were all higher than 0.3. While the correlation coefficients between items were less than 0.25. Salivary level of ɑ-amylase was used as indicator. The “spleen deficiency” sub-scale showed high validity in identifying spleen-qi deficiency people from healthy people. It was concluded that TCM-SRHAQ showed good reliability and validity in this study, which indicated it can be used as a valuable measurement for assessing different types of health status, especially the spleen-qi deficiency type.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-463078


Objective To investigate the distribution and drug resistance of pathogens in intensive care unit (ICU) so as to provide scientific basis for antibiotic adoption and the prevention and control of nosocomial infections. Methods The various specimens collected from the patients admitted into ICU in the First People's Hospital of Shunde Affiliated to the South Medical University from January 2007 to December 2014 were used to isolate the pathogens that might cause nosocomial infections and retrospectively analyze their clinical distribution and drug resistance. Kirby-Bauer paper diffusion and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) methods were applied to test the drug sensitivity, and according to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards/Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (NCCLS/CLSI) standard, the results were identified.Results The sputum was the major specimen source in ICU, accounting for 68.8%, followed by urine (12.4%) and blood (6.8%). All together 557 pathogens in ICU causing nosocomial infections were isolated of which there were 377 gram-negative (G-) bacilli (67.7%), 103 gram-positive (G+) cocci (18.5%), and 77 fungi (13.8%). Among G- bacilli, the top three wereAcinetobacter baumannii (34.5%), Klebsiella pneumonia (17.8%), andPseudomonas aeruginosa (13.0%). Beside carbapenem, the drug resistance rates of Acinetobacterbaumannii to other antibiotics were more than 40%. The main G+ coccus causing nosocomial infection wasSaphylococcus aureus (36.9%) in ICU. The drug resistance rates ofSaphylococcus aureus to penicillin, gentamicin and erythromycin were higher than 50%. In 77 fungus strains,Candida albicans was ranked the first, accounting for 41.6%.Conclusion The main infection site in ICU is primarily respiratory tract, the G- bacilli are the predominate pathogens, and the drug resistance to antibiotics found in this report is serious, so clinically, the antibiotics should be properly used to avoid the occurrence of pathogenic strain with drug tolerance.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-478562


Objective To observe the regularities of distribution of TCM syndrome types and correlation between TCM syndrome types and cardiovascular prognosis risk factors of elderly hypertensive patients in three different urban and rural communities.Methods Totally 299 elderly hypertensive patients who conformed to the hypertensive diagnostic criteria from 896 respondents which participated in the health monitoring questionnaire drafted by health management team of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences were screened. The syndrome types were differentiated according to Guiding Principle of Clinical Research on New Drugs of Traditional Chinese Medicine (for Trial Implementation). The levels of some risk indicators, such as blood glucose, blood lipid, CREA, ET, Hcy and mALB were measured by radioimmunoassay, enzymatic cycling assay and other methods. Age, gender, BMI and pulse pressure were recorded.Results The TCM syndrome types of 299 elderly hypertensive patients were deficiency of yin and yang type (74 cases), hyperactivity of yang due to yin deficiency type (65 cases), blood stasis syndrome type (62 cases), stagnation of phlegm-dampness type (61 cases), hyperactivity of liver-fire type (37 cases). Single factor analysis showed that there existed statistical significance among BMI, FBG, GHbA1c, CREA, TC, LDL-C, ET, Hcy and mALB in the 5 TCM syndromes (P<0.05,P<0.01), and the statistical significance was more apparent in the stagnation of phlegm-dampness type, blood stasis syndrome type and hyperactivity of yang due to yin deficiency type. Discriminant analysis showed BMI and Hcy have certain reference value for the diagnosis of TCM syndrome types in elderly hypertensive patients. Binary-Logistic regression analysis showed that the course of disease had a positive correlation with syndrome of deficiency of yin and yang.Conclusion Compared with other types of elderly hepertensive patients, stagnation of phlegm-dampness type and blood stasis syndrome type are more closely related to hypertension cardiovascular prognosis risk factors.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-457678


In this paper, through a systematic review of literatures on pectoral qi theory, we summarized the defini-tion of pectoral qi, physiological function, deficiency-excess changes, clinical manifestations of pectoral qi deficiency and modern research progress of pectoral qi theory, in order to deepen the understanding of pectoral qi connotation. The connotations of pectoral qi have four major kinds of views. The pectoral qi is a combination of the natural fresh air inhaled by the lungs and the foodstuff essence-qi transformed by the spleen-stomach accumulated in the thorax. The substance of pectoral qi is heart-lung yang qi. Pectoral qi is the special title of acquired essences in the thorax. Pectoral qi accumulated in the thorax is the beating-qi beneath the left breast. Its physiological function includes flowing through the respiratory tract to promote the respiration movement of the lungs, permeating the heart and ves-sels to promote circulation of qi and blood, comprehensively regulating of the heart and lungs, controlling all qi and zang-fu, accumulating body fluids, resisting external evils, controlling mental activities, maintaining mental state healthy and vigorousness, controlling vision, hearing, sound, color, smell and movement, converging primordial qi to maintain the vigor and vitality. Disorders of pectoral qi are mainly manifested as deficiency or excess. Deficiency is mainly manifested in pectoral qi insufficiency, or pectoral qi sinking. Excess is mainly manifested in pectoral qi ob-struction, or pectoral qi counterflow. The common clinical manifestations of pectoral qi insufficiency include short-ness of breath and panting on exertion. The concomitant symptoms are pale or dim complexion, lassitude, lack of strength, shortage of breath and disinclination to talk, insomnia, dizziness, spontaneous sweating, emaciation, darkish tongue with thin and white fur, sunken thin or weak pulse. And it commonly superimposed with failing to circulation qi-blood of heart and lungs as chest distress, chest pain, palpitations, cyanosis, cough, expectoration, and hard stool. Spleen transportation and transformation dysfunction were manifested as poor appetite, loose stool, and abdominal dis-tension. Impairment of qi transformation due to yang deficiency is manifested as cold limbs, aversion to cold, edema, urination difficulty, and dry mouth. In addition, diseases which are treated with pectoral qi are give priority to the heart-lung diseases, and then gradually extend to diseases of other systems. At the same time, there are many reports on using pectoral qi theory in disease treatment. The essence of pectoral qi is also discussed from the perspective of modern medicine. Generally speaking, pectoral qi theory has been put forward early; however, the systematic study is difficult to meet the needs of clinical diagnosis and treatment. There are many problems which remain to be further studied and solved.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-447420


From the point of view of ethics review work situation of our country, the existing capacity of our review of ethical problems in development are analyzed, a preliminary summary of the Chinese medicine ethics review ca-pacity development, systematically analyzes the Assessment Human Research Protection System of TCM and Chinese medicine clinical research ethics review platform evaluation work, and to improve the ethical review system to perfect supervision system, improve the medical ethics review standards and guidelines, carrying out the innovation and con-struction of ethical review professional knowledge training, to promote Chinese medicine ethics review certification and accreditation system construction work and Chinese medical ethics review of the clinical research objective, the practice of ethical review management of Chinese medicine are discussed.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-441437


Objective To analyze the compatibility laws of homologous Chinese medicine of medicine and food in prevention and treatment of Alzheimer disease (AD). Methods We screened the clinical literature for the treatment of AD during 1988-2012 in TCM Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Database, CNKI, VIP and Wanfang database. The nature, flavor, channel tropism, high frequency drug pair and compatibility laws of Chinese medicine and homologous Chinese medicine of medicine and food in prevention and treatment of AD were analyzed by frequency statistics and association rules. Results Two hundred and twenty-two clinical literatures were included. The top five frequently-used homologous Chinese medicines of medicine and food were Poria, Fructus Lycii, Fructus Alpiniae Oxyphyllae, Semen Persicae, and Rhizoma Dioscoreae. The top five frequently-used medicine were Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii, Radix Polygalae, Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, and Radix Angelicae Sinensis. The top five frequently-used drug pairs of homologous Chinese medicine of medicine and food were Rhizoma Dioscoreae→Poria, Poria→Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Rhizoma Dioscoreae→Fructus Lycii, Fructus Lycii→Fructus Alpiniae Oxyphyllae, and Fructus Lycii→Poria. The top five frequently-used drug pairs were Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii→Radix Polygalae, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae→Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii, Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong→Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae→Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong, and Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii→Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari. Conclusion The commonly used homologous Chinese medicine of medicine and food in preventing and treating AD are tonic herbs with mild nature.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-390129


Objective To master the status of"Knowledge Attitude Practice"(KAP)methodology used in China by philological research.Methods Choosing the appropriate key words to retrieve the literatures based on CNKI total library,removing the false one by intensive reading,and analyzing the valid literatures in different ways based on which subject.Results①The amount of related literatures rising steadily from the middle of 1990's and remarkably since 2000.②The over 2000 valid literatures were mostly distributed in the healthcare field,and the most common subjects related in which were disease control,nourishment,smoking control,sex,conception control,drug abuse etc.③Not all of the research reported in the literatures performed the 3 core elements of KAP, and most of the literatures did not mention about the special interference on the targets,let alone the result analysis of the interference.④There were few literature whose main topic is KAP methodology.⑤The terms used for representing the KAP concept are not standardized.Conclusion ①The KAP methodology had been introduced into China and had been widely used in many fields.but the Chinese concept and terms of which should be more standardized,and the usage of which in some special application should be more advanced.②The KAP methodology Can be used and should be useful in TCM healthcare monitoring.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-390231


Objective To study the body composition of public security staffs and to prevent sub-health condition positively. Methods Body compositions of 771 public security staffs were measured and analyzed with bioelectrical impedance analytic process (BIA). Results The male public security staffs had obviously lower body fat percentage (P< 0.01) but higher body mass index and obesity (P<0.05) than female public security staffs. Both male and female public security staffs fad the highest content of fat in the lower limbs. The body part ranked the second place, followed by the upper limbs. Measured by body-fat percentage(BF%), the obesity rate of the male and female staffs was 10.08% and 45.59% respectively. Measured by body mass index (BMI), the hypergravity rate of the male and female staffs was 44.09% and 20.59% respectively; and the obesity rate of the male and female staffs was 8.35% and 0.74% respectively. Measured by obesity degree (OBD), the hypergravity rate of the male and female staffs was 21.73% and 4.41% respectively; and the obesity rate of the male and female staffs was 11.65% and 1.47% respectively. Conclusion Public security staffs should pay attention to their over-weight and hyper-fat level. Proper dict and body exercise are needed.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-563987


"Framework" and "framework theory" were proposed several decade years ago, and has been widely used in multidisciplinary research. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the concept and connotation of "framework theory" and to discuss the key role of it in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) research, so as to improve integrality and logicality of the theoretic system of TCM. TCM, as a independent science, ought to have the theory and practical framework which can reflect its characteristic and developmental rule. In this paper, we started from the research thought of "framework", introduced the definition, connection and difference between "framework" and "framework theory", analyzed the conditions and methods of establishing a framework, and discussed the applications of "framework" in TCM research.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-409182


BACKGROUND:Chinese herb, bushen yizhi formula protects at certain extent learning and memory in rat model of Alzheimer disease. The drug serum in this formula can alleviate neurotoxic reaction of nerve tumor cell NG 108-15 to beta-amyloid protein. In order to understand further the mechanism and compatibility of the formula, it is necessary to carry on the study on the broken formulas.OBJECTIVE:To study the effect of drug serum in subgroups of broken bushen yizhi formulas on growth and differentiation of cell model of Alzheimer disease and probe into the compatibility rule of bushen yizhi formula in view of serum pharmacology.DESIGN: Randomized controlled experiment.SETTING: DME Center of Clinical Pharmacological Institute Affiliated to Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.PARTICIPANTS:The experiment was performed in DME Center of Clinical Pharmacological Institute Affiliated to Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January to August 2003, in which, 40 healthy male SD rats of 3 months old were employed and NG108-15 cell line was frozen-preserved.into the control, original formula group (No. 1 group) [shechuanzi (Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cuss), gouqizi (Lycium barbarum L.), renshen (Panax ginseng C.A.Mey.), heshouwu (Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.), danpi (Paeonia Suffruticisa Andr.) and bingpian (Borneolum)], kidney replenishment group (No.2 group) [shechuanzi (Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cuss), gouqizi (Lycium barbarum L.), etc.], group for benefiting qi and nourishing blood (No.3 group)[renshen (Panaz ginseng C.A.Mey), zhishouwu (Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.), etc.] and group with bingpian (Borneolum) removed (No.4 group)[Panax ginseng C.A.Mey.], heshouwu (Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.) and danpi (Paeonia Suffruticisa Andr.)], 8 rats in each group. The concentrated Chinese herbal solutions of every group were applied at 10 μL/g (equal to 6 g/kg of raw herbs) for gastric infusion successively,continuously for 1 month. In the control, the physical saline solution of equal dosage was used for infusion. Two hours after the last gastric infusion in rats of each group,the blood was collected from heart after anesthesia and the serum was sepaNG108-15 cell cultured in vitro was divided into 6 groups. In the control and model group, normal rat serum was contained in proliferated culture solution. In the rest 4 groups, the drug serum of No. 1 group and 3 sub-groups was contained.Simultaneously, beta-amyloid protein 25-35 in each hole was prepared to the terminal concentration 5 μmol/L (except in the control) and the culture went on for 48 hours.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:MTT method was used to determine proliferated number and survival rate of cells. Simultaneously, the ratio of neurite cells to total cell count and average length of neurit were determined.icantly than the control (0.520±0.022, 0.665±0.037, P < 0.01), and that in every drug serum group was higher than model group, of which, the result vival rate of differentiated cells: That in model group was lower significantly than the control (58.4%, 100%) and that in every drug serum group was higher than model group, of which, the result in No.4 group was the most tal cell count: That in model group was lower significantly than the control [(42.95±11.42)%, (58.75±12.84)%, P < 0.01] and that in every drug serum group was higher than model group, of which, the result in No.4 group was rite: That in model group was shorter significantly than the control [(356.0 ±109.0), (493.8±133.0) μm, P < 0.01] and that in every drug serum group was longer than model group, of which, the result in No.4 group was the most significant [(486.8±79.2) μm, P < 0.01].CONCLUSION: The drug serum in all of bushen yizhi formula and every subgroup inhibits at certain extent the injury of beta-amyloid protein 25-35 to NG108-15 cell, but the results of each group are various. The protection of drug serum to the cell in every group is in the sequence from strong to weak as group with bingpian removed > original formula group > kidney replenishment group > group for benefiting qi and nourishing blood. It is to expect a further study on the efficacy of group with bingpian removed.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-566075


Objective:To explore variation of HOMA2-%B,HbA1C,present symptoms and TCM compatibility on T2DM patients with long-term treatment based on syndrome differentiation.Methods:It is a retrospective study in view of actual TCM treatment.All patients who were fi t for standards have been treated with TCM based on syndrome differentiation.Their treatment courses are all more than 6 months.Observational statistical data is measured on every 3 months.Results:① Index number of islet ?-cell secretary function(HOMA2-%B)of patients treated with TCM have been improving than those before preliminary diagnosis on 9 months/21 months(P

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-566388


The inheritance of prestigious TCM doctors' experiences is not only important for improving the level of health protection and developing the academic level of TCM in our country, but also an urgent research topic that need to be worked on. In this paper, the contents and methods of research on the inheritance of prestigious TCM doctors' experiences are discussed. There are three main research issues: the clinical experiences, the academic thoughts, and the ethics of prestigious TCM doctors. And when doing research on the methods, these problems should be paid attention to: study prestigious TCM doctors' clinical experiences, academic thoughts and ethics at the same time; start the research with trying to find a doctor's own character by comparison; understand the origin and development of a doctor's academic thought from the culture background; pay attention to the process of making tacit knowledge explicit; do more researches on the evaluation, promotion and application of prestigious TCM doctors' experiences based on EBM (evidence-based medicine).

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-569767


Objective To observe the effects of Bushen Yizhi Decociton (BYD) on somatostatin-like (SS-like)neurons in hippocampal gyrus of rat models with Alzheimer's disease(AD). Methods Fifteen-month_old AD rat models were established by intraperitoneral injection of D-galactose for 4 weeks combined with ibotenic acid injection into bilateral nucleus basalis of Meynert. AD model rats were randomly allocated to AD model group(Group C), Hup-A treatment group(Group D) and BYD treatment groups (Group E and Group F,treated with high dosage and low dosage respectively), and 10 normal aged rats (Group B)and 10 normal youth rats (Group A)served as the normal control groups. The methods of immunohistochemistry and dig_labeling c-DNA probe in situ hibridization were used to detect the number of SS-like immunoreactive positive and SS mRNA expressed positive neurons in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 fields and the dentate gyrus. Results The number and optic density of SS-like immunoreactive positive and SS mRNA expressed positive neurons were higher in BYD treatment groups than those in Group C (P

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-571661


Objective To observe the effect of Bushen Yizhi Prescription(BYP) on long-term potentiation (LTP) in hippocampus of ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Methods Three-month-old female SD rats were randomized into mimic operation group, model group, low dosage BYP group, high dosage BYP group and estrogen control group. Ovariectomy was operated in the three latter groups. After operation, BYP group was treated with gastric infusion of BYP and estrogen group with subcutaneous injection of estrogen. The changes of LTP of dentate gyms in hippocampus of OVX rats were observed by electrophysiological method and the effect of BYP on LTP was also evaluated. Result & Conclusion The increased amplitude of population spike of LTP was significantly low and maintained a short time in model group as compared with that in mimic operation group. There were insignificant difference between the high-dosage BYP group and estrogen control group. It is indicated that synaptic transmission in hippocampus can be protected and sustained by BYP and the estrogen replacement.