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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-567861


The cartilaginous external nose was observed and measured in a total of 66 adult Chinese cadavers (male 86 sides, female 45 sides). In 57 cases (114 sides) the anatomical method was used and in the remaining 9cases (17 sides), the cartilaginous external nose was removed from the cadaver, embedded in celloidin, and cut into serial coronary sections. Each section was 50~80 ?m in thickness, stained with hematoxylin-eosin and examined microscopically. The following observations were made.1. The morphology and interdigitatum of the nasal cartilage were observed.2. The size of the lateral crus of the cartilago alaris major: The average cephalocaudal length is 9.72?0.11 mm; the average medio-lateral length is 13.51?0.10mm; the average length of the inferior border is 9.36?0.13 mm. 3. The average distance from the middle line to the contact point of the cartilago nasi lateralis and the cartilago alaris major is 3.0?0.11 mm.4. The average distance from the inferior border of the cartilago alaris major to the edge of the alae nasi is 5.01?0.07mm.5. The average angle of rise of cartilago alaris major from cartilago nasi lateralis (cephalocaudad) is 23.06?.6. The interdigitation between cartilago nasi lateralis and eartilago alaris major were classified into the following three types: a) interlocked scroll(82 sides, 62.6%?4.23), b) overlap only (24 sides, 18.32%?3.38) and end-to-end (25 sides, 19.55%?3.34).7. According to applied surgical anatomy, the wall of the cartilaginous external nose can be divided into 4 layers: a) the mucoperichondrium, b) the cartilage, c) the subcutaneous muscular layer and d) the skin.8. Age changes in the configuration of the cartilaginous external nose and the cartilaginous support of the nasal tip were observed and discussed.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-568571


The bony part of the external nose was observed and measured in 150 Chinese adult skulls (male 100, female 50), The results are as follows.1. The nasion consists of the upper end of the nasal bone and the nasal part of the frontal bone. It is the anterior wall of the frontonasal canal. The average thickness of this wall is 8.08?0.11 mm.2. Features of the nasal bone: 144 cases (288 sides, 96.00%) are oblong and 4 cases (8 sides, 2.67%) are triangular in shape, in 2 cases (4 sides, 1.33%) the right sides are oblong and the left sides are triangular in shape. The length, width and thickness of the nasal bone were measured.3. The frontal process of the maxilla, according to the feature and clinical importance of the topographical characteristics, can be divided into upper, middle and lower portions. (1) The upper portion is a somewhat flat bony process, its anterior surface is flat and posterior surface is rough, which related to the ethmoid cell closely. The average width and thickness of this portion are 8.45?0.06mm and 5.72?0.09mm respectively. (2) The middle portion is the surgical area of the nasolacrimal fistulation. The average width of the part anterior to the anterior lacrimal crest (nasal part) is 6.77?0.05mm; and the average width of the part posterior to the crest (lacrimal part) is 4.97?0.04mm. The average thickness of the middle point of the anterior lacrimal crest is 4.68?0.08mm. (3) The lower portion is the transitional area of the frontal process and the corpus of the maxilla. It is a three-facet pyramid with an obtuse sulcus on its anterior lateral surface the nasofacial sulcus, which is the landmark between the external nose and face. The average width from the lower end of the nasomaxillary suture to the bottom of the sulcus is 8.16?0.04mm. The average thickness is 1.70?0.02mm.4. The margin of the piriform aperture: (a) The upper part of the margin formed by the lower border of the nasal bone, the upper border of the upper lateral cartilage of the nose digs behind it and joins each other by a syndesmosis; (b) the width of the lateral part of this margin was measured from the free border of the margin to the anterior end of the inferior turbinate, the average width is 2.62?0.07mm; (c) the lower margin of the piriform aperture and the anterior nasal spine, according to the anthropological classification, were observed and their clinical significance were discussed.