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Rev. cientif. cienc. med ; 23(1): 27-31, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126276


Introducción: La velocidad de la onda de pulso y la rigidez arterial se considera estándar de oro para evaluar daño a órganos diana que haya surgido subclinicamente. La disfunción endotelial es directamente proporcional al desarrollo de la aterosclerosis preclínica. Estos marcadores sustitutos mencionados anteriormente son relativamente más altos en pacientes con hipertensión no controlada o resistente. El objetivo fue evaluar si la rigidez arterial y la velocidad de la onda del pulso también son marcadores sustitutos del desarrollo de la aterosclerosis preclínica en pacientes con hipertensión resistente. Métodos y materiales: Se incluyeron en el estudio un total de 160 pacientes con hipertensión resistente de Croacia e India. La presión arterial central y otros valores clínicos se evaluaron utilizando un dispositivo no invasivo. Resultados: Las estadísticas del grupo se hicieron con perspectiva de género, los valores de la presión arterial sistólica (PA-S), la presión arterial diastólica (PA-D), la presión arterial media (PAM), la presión central sistólica (PC-S) ,la presión central diastólica ( PC-D), la presión de pulso central (cPP) y la velocidad de la onda de pulso (VOP) han sido descritas. Los valores de PA-S en hombres / mujeres fueron 147.26 ±22.12/ 144.10 ± 21.29; los valores de PA-D en hombres/mujeres fueron 94.98 ± 13.36 / 88.57 ± 12.25 respectivamente. Conclusiones: con los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que la rigidez arterial es un marcador independiente que es directamente proporcional a la disfunción endotelial y al desarrollo de aterosclerosis preclínica.

Introduction: Pulse wave velocity and arterial stiffness are considered a gold standard for evaluating target organ damage that has arisen subclinically. Endothelial dysfunction is directly proportional to the development of preclinical atherosclerosis. These surrogate markers mentioned above are relatively higher in patients with uncontrolled or resistant hypertension. The objective was to assess whether arterial stiffness and pulse wave velocity are also surrogate markers for the development of preclinical atherosclerosis in patients with resistant hypertension. Methods and materials: A total of 160 patients with resistant hypertension from Croatia and India were included in the study. Central blood pressure and other clinical values were evaluated using a non-invasive device. Results: The statistics of the group were made with gender perspective, the values of the systolic blood pressure (PA-S), the diastolic blood pressure (PA-D), the mean arterial pressure (MAP), the central systolic pressure (PC-S), central diastolic pressure (PC-D), central pulse pressure (cPP) and pulse wave velocity (VOP) have been described.The PA-S values in men / women were 147.26 ± 22.12 / 144.10 ± 21.29; PA-D values in men / women were 94.98 ± 13.36/88.57 ± 12.25 respectively. Conclusions: with the results obtained, it can be concluded that arterial stiffness is an independent marker that is directly proportional to endothelial dysfunction and the development of preclinical atherosclerosis.

Doenças Cardiovasculares , Aterosclerose , Rigidez Vascular , Pressão Arterial
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175700


Background: Globally, approximately 2.5 lakh deaths occur every year, with majority of cases from low and middle income countries. Burns is one of the major cause of mortality and morbidity in India with around a million people affected by burns every year. This study has been aimed to study the socio-demographic profile of burn patients and also to evaluate the etiology, manner, and circumstances of occurrence of burn injuries along with their outcome. Methods: This record based retrospective study was conducted Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore Records were analyzed and information related to socio-demographic details, etiology of burns, place of burn, manner of burns were extracted. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 11.5. Results: The study included 154 participants. Majority of the participants were in the age group of 21-30years (n=50, 32.5%) followed by 31-40 years (n=35, 22.7%).More than half of the participants were females (n=84, 55%). When the etiology for burns were analyzed most of the cases were due to scalds (n=64, 41.5%) followed by flames (n=n=58, 37%). More than three fourth of the burn cases were accidental in nature (n=128, 83.1%) followed by suicidal burns (n=22, 14.2%) Conclusions: Even in the era of technological advancement burns still remains as a major issue of concern in most of the developing countries including India. It

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175695


Background: Infections occurring from waste produced in health care establishments are more when compared to any other type of waste. There is inadequate and inappropriate knowledge of biomedical waste management among health care personnel which might have serious health consequences and pose a threat to the environment. This study was conducted to determine the knowledge of health care professionals about the proper disposal of biomedical waste and practice in following preventive measures while handling bio medical waste. Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted at three tertiary care teaching hospitals attached to Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Mangalore. Health care professionals comprising of doctors, nurses, lab technicians and class IV employees were enrolled in the study based on convenient sampling technique after obtaining their informed written consent. The data was collected using a pre tested, semi structured questionnaire. SPSS Version 16.0 was used for entering the data and analysis. Results: It was found that doctors had better knowledge compared to other health care professionals about the correct disposal of needles (n=56, 84.8%) and disposal of discarded medicines (n=45, 68.2%). Knowledge about the correct disposal of tubes and catheters were almost equal among doctors (n=47, 71.2%) and nurses (n=47, 73.4%). Only 44.5% (n=97) of health care professionals were utilizing all the personal protective equipments while handling bio medical waste. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the awareness regarding proper disposal of biomedical waste was better among doctors, staff nurses and lab technicians when compared to class IV employees.