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Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 19(2): 45-62, jul.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115724


Resumen: El presente trabajo se propone dimensionar, de forma empírica, el modo en el que las cuestiones relativas a la ética en investigación se estructuran dentro del campo semántico de la bioética, y, en función de ello, transferir los resultados e inferencias a una posible articulación con el área de la investigación en el terreno de la psicología. Para llevar adelante esta investigación se han seleccionado, como material de análisis, los trabajos publicados en revistas especializadas en el campo de la bioética editadas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe entre los años 1995 y 2017. Como resultado se establecieron las principales temáticas del corpus terminológico observado por medio de las palabras clave asignadas por los autores y las relaciones sobre las cuales pueden estructurarse. Como conclusión general, se desprende que la ética en investigación constituye una rama importante de la bioética, con una considerable producción científica en la región y con una potencial transferencia hacia una ética en investigación en psicología.

Abstract: The objective of this study is to empirically dimension, how ethics-related matters in research are structured within the semantic field of bioethics, and, in function of that, transfer the results and inferences to a possible articulation with the research area in the psychology field. Work published in specialized journals in the field of bioethics published in Latin America and the Caribbean between 1995 and 2017 have been selected to carry out this research. As a result, the main themes of the observed terminology corpus were established using the key words selected by the authors and the relationships on which they can be structured. As a general conclusion it was found that research ethics constitutes an important branch of bioethics, with considerable scientific production in the region and a potential transference to research ethics in psychology.

Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo dimensionar, empiricamente, a maneira como as questões relacionadas à ética em pesquisa são estruturadas no campo semântico da bioética e, em função disso, transferir os resultados e inferências para uma possível articulação com a área de pesquisa no campo da psicologia. Para a realização desta pesquisa, alguns trabalhos publicados em revistas especializadas no campo da bioética, publicados na América Latina e no Caribe, entre 1995 e 2017, foram selecionados como material de análise. Como resultado, através das palavras-chave atribuídas pelos autores e das relações nas quais elas podem ser estruturadas, os principais temas do corpus terminológico observado foram estabelecidos. Finalmente, conclui-se que a ética em pesquisa constitui um importante segmento da bioética, representando uma considerável produção científica da região e tornando-se um elemento iminente de transição para uma ética em pesquisa em psicologia.

Humanos , Ética em Pesquisa , Psicologia , Bioética , Indicadores de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Interdisciplinaria ; 35(2): 277-289, dic. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019907


En función de las nuevas formas de concebirlas prácticas profesionales en el área de la salud mental, tendientes al reconocimiento de derechos de los pacientes, la formación de recursos humanos, adquiere un papel fundamental. En Argentina, a partir de la sanción de la Ley Nacional de Salud Mental 26657, la formación de profesionales, incluyendo los psicólogos, aparece como un requisito central para su aplicación efectiva. La temática tiene relación con tres niveles fundamentales: el legal, él ético y el deontológico. En este marco, se propone un estudio de tipo exploratorio-descriptivo sobre la formación de psicólogos en la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, en relación a los principios, políticas y dispositivos establecidos en cumplimiento de la Ley de Salud Mental 26.657.

New ways of conceiving practices in the area of health have been manifested in recent years with the enactment of a series of laws that modify professional practices. The National Law 26.657 (LSM) represented this change specifically in the area of Mental Health. Both the conceptualization of notions such as mental health, diagnosis, true and imminent risk, interdiscipline, as well as the proposed approach, tend towards the recognition and respect of the rights of patients. That is, a central place in the treatment of physical illnesses and mental disorders is given back to subjectivities . In this context of change, the formation of human resources, including psychologists, appears as a central requirement for its effective application. Formation, in a broad sense, includes not only the specific knowledge that psychologists must possess, but also values and a vision of man as a subject of law. The theme is related to three fundamental levels: legal, ethical and deontological. In this case, a study on the training of psychologists at the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP) is proposed, in relation to the principles, policies and devices established in compliance with the Mental Health Law 26.657. The investigation was of a qualitative-quantitative type with a transversal non-experimental design of exploratory-descriptive type. The methodology used included, in the first place, the documentary analysis of the teaching programmes of the subjects that make up the course curriculum. Thirty-one subjects in the curriculum of the Psychology Department of the UNMdP were considered for the analysis and a data structure was designed that contemplated the different aspects from which a bibliographic corpus can be analyzed taking into account the set of variables necessary for a coherent representation of the field. Finally, ten categories were created for the analysis of the programs. They arise from the nodal chapters and themes in the Law: (1) Interdisciplinarity, (2) Human Rights (3) Law of Mental Health / Mental Health (4) Community Psychology (5) Institutional Psychology (6) Patients (7) Disability (8) Drug (9) Devices (10) Standards and Treaties: in human rights and mental health. The second phase consisted in the application of a quantitative instrument, with the purpose of collecting information as regards the opinion of the students in the last year of the course of study with respect to their training. The sample was non-probabilistic of incidental type of anonymous and voluntary participation. The questionnaire was administered to 48 students who were enrolled in the last year of the Psychology Degree at the National University of Mar del Plata. An instrument consisting of a questionnaire combined with a Semantic Differential Scale was constructed, and the questionnaire was administered to students who were specifically studying one of the last 4 subjects: Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology, Labor Psychology or Legal Psychology. Informed consent was obtained from the explanation of the objectives of the research, and the voluntariness of the participation and the disposition of the results for those who want to consult them was clarified. It is expected that the contributions of the study carried out are significant in order to analyze the situation of our university course in relation to the subject. The research seeks to represent a first diagnostic approach to what the situation in the course of Psychology in the UNMDP is, to know the reality from which it starts, and on which the new contributions and challenges will be built.

Interacciones ; 4(1): 7-20, 01 de enero de 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-877122


El presente artículo refleja los resultados de las investigaciones realizadas en el marco de dos becas de la categoría "estímulo a las vocaciones científicas" otorgadas por el Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional en los períodos de septiembre 2012-2013 y septiembre 2013-2014. Ambas estuvieron referidas a la temática formación ético-deontológica en el área de investigación de la carrera de psicología de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. La primera estuvo orientada a indagar los programas de las asignaturas correspondientes al área y la perspectiva de los docentes de esta. En la segunda se enfocó la misma temática desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes que hubieran cursado esas asignaturas. Las metodologías utilizadas fueron el análisis de factor TF-IDF sobre los programas de las asignaturas, e instrumentos de tipo cuantitativo y autoadministrable sobre los grupos de docentes y estudiantes. Los resultados dan cuenta de una presencia aceptable de la temática en la los programas, la cual es reconocida también por los docentes y estudiantes de la misma.

This paper shows the results of two investigations conducted between September 2012-2013 and September 2013-2014, carried out in the context of two scholarships in the category "stimulation of scientific vocations" given by the National Interuniversity Council. The topic of these research were ethical-deontological training in the investigation area in the course of study that compound the bachelor's degree in psychology of the National University of Mar del Plata. The first research addressed the syllabus of the subjects that compound the investigation area and the perspective of the teachers about those subjects. The second research focused on the same topic but from the perspective of the students who had taken those courses. The methodologies used were the analysis of the TF-IDF factor to analyse the syllabus, and a quantitative and self-administered questionnaire to get the opinion of teachers and students. The results show an acceptable presence of the topic in the syllabus, which is also acknowledged by the professors and the students.

Perspect. psicol. (Mar del Plata) ; 3(1): 44-50, nov. 2006.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-448584


Se analiza el panorama de las publicaciones periódicas e el área de la psicología en Oberoamérica a partir de un relevamiento exhaustivo de la cantidad y tipología de títulos existentes en la región, con miras a estableceer un conjunto central de revistas desde el punto de vista de su importancia y peso dentro del campo científico. Para ello se estudia en primera instancia la calificación (qualis) que les otorgan a estas revistas diversas instituciones científicas, tanto públicas como privadas. Posteriormente se propone una metodología para observar el grado de visibilidad internacional que poseen a parir de la fuente de datos web of Science del ISI, a través de la cual se extraerán los datos con miras a establcer un ranking de las revistas más citadas internacionalmente, establecer un núcleo o main stream de publicaciones en la región

Bibliometria , Publicação Periódica , Psicologia