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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-557510


Objective To perfect gene profile expressed in pre-implantation embryos. Methods Using nested RT-PCR to investigate the expression of seven imprinted genes: P57~ KIP2, LIT1, TSSC3, GRB10, PEG3, ARHI, and ZAC1 in human oocytes and pre-implantation embryos. Results Transcripts of P57~ KIP2 and ZAC1 were detected in human oocytes and at all stages of pre-implantation; LIT1 was expressed only in stages of 8-cell and blastocyst; transcripts of TSSC3 could not be detected; GRB10 mRNA could be detected in oocytes and pre-implantation embryos except for 2-cell embryo; ARHI was expressed in oocytes and 2,8-cell embryos and blastocyst; Peg3 mRNA existed in 4,8-cell embryos and blastocyst. Conclusion Except for TSSC3, transcripts of the other six imprinted genes are detected in human pre-implantation development, which are helpful for pre-implantation diagnosis of imprinted diseases, and provide the theoretical basis for understanding the correlation among assisted reproductive technology, genetic imprinted diseases and tumor.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-683280


0.05).There were more polycystic ovary (PCO) and (or) polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients,more basal antra] follicles,longer duration of Gn stimulation (range 16-33 days),higher Gn dose,lower serum peak estradiol (E_2) level,fewer oocytes,fewer embryos transferred,in group 1 compared with group 2 (P

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-550736


A three-phase depletion/repletion/depletion feeding study was designed to investigate the changes of Se levels and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities in tissues and blood in rats fed for 6 weeks low-Se diet (6 ppb Se) from a Keshan disease area during the supplementations of Se as Ziyang high-Se wheat (1.175 ppm Se) or sodium selenite (dietary Se 219 and 223 ppb respectively) and after the supplements were discontinued, and to evaluate the relative bioavailability of Se in the wheat. The resalts showed that the average bioavailability of Se in high-Se wheat derived from the values at wk 2, 4 and 6 of supplement was close to that in selenite when plasma, erythrocyte, kidney, liver and cardiac Se contents were used as the response criteria, the relative bioavailabilities being 98%, 104%,100%,96% and 101% (sodium selenite = 100%) respectively. The bioavailability was lower for Se in high-Se wheat (70% or 90%) than for selenite when estimated by erythro-cyte or cardiac GSH-Px activities. However, the bioavailabilities of high-Se wheat Se in various tissues were not all the same at different stages of supplement. In addition, the effect of Se in high-Se wheat in maintaining either Se levels in heart, liver and erythrocyte or GSH-Px activity in heart was superior to that of selenite 3 weeks after the Se supplements were withdrawn.