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Ciênc. rural ; 44(11): 2090-2094, 11/2014. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-728726


A indústria de leite e derivados no Brasil lança todos os anos diversos novos produtos no mercado, incluindo produtos de alto valor nutricional e tecnologia de fabricação de baixo custo. Focando neste tema, foi avaliado o efeito do envase a quente de uma bebida a base de soro de leite tratada termicamente após fermentação, e sua conservação à temperatura ambiente, por 84 dias. Durante o processamento, utilizou-se um tratamento térmico brando, aliado ao baixo pH, para que a bebida pudesse ser armazenada a temperatura ambiente. Garrafas PET de 250 mL foram utilizadas para o envase a quente do produto. Para avaliar sua estabilidade durante o armazenamento, foram realizadas periodicamente análises físico-químicas, microbiológicas e análise sensorial. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados por análise de variância e teste de Tukey para comparação de médias. Análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas indicaram que a bebida manteve-se estável; entretanto, o sabor foi alterado ao longo do armazenamento. O baixo custo do processamento e embalagem são benefícios do produto avaliado, podendo-se concluir que a bebida é uma boa forma para a utilização do soro de leite. Uma grande vantagem deste produto é o seu armazenamento à temperatura ambiente, dispensando o uso da refrigeração durante o transporte e acondicionamento em supermercados.

The Brazilian dairy industry launches several new products on the market every year, including products with high nutritional value and low-cost manufacturing technology. Focusing on this issue, a cheese whey beverage thermally treated after fermentation was hot-filled and evaluated for 84 days. During the beverage manufacturing, we applied a mild heat treatment in combination with low pH aiming to store the beverage at room temperature. PET bottles were used to hot filling of the product. To assess the product stability during the storage period, we performed, periodically, physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory analysis. The obtained results were analyzed by the Analysis of Variance and Tukey's test. Physical-chemical and microbiological analysis indicated that the beverage remained stable; however, the flavor was altered during the storage period. Since hot-filling of dairy beverages in PET bottles is a low cost-effective procedure easily deployed in dairy plants, this process allows the productive use of cheese whey. A remarkable advantage of such product is its possible storage at room temperature, reducing distribution and sales expenditures with cooling.

Braz. j. microbiol ; 41(4): 984-992, Oct.-Dec. 2010. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-595739


The interaction between the surface of stainless steel and Bacillus cereus was studied in terms of the characteristics of interfacial interaction determined from the measurement of the contact angle of the surface of B. cereus and stainless steel in the presence or absence of B. cereus adherence. The microtopographies and the roughness of the surface of stainless steel and stainless steel adhered by B. cereus were evaluated with the help of atomic force microscopy and perfilometry. The strain of B. cereus studied was considered hydrophilic, whereas the stainless steel was considered hydrophobic. The adhesion was not thermodynamically favorable (ΔGadhesion > 0) between the stainless steel and the strain of B. cereus studied. Thus, the interaction between them was not favored by the thermodynamic aspect of adhesion. There was no difference (p > 0.05) in the roughness of the surfaces of stainless steel adhered by B. cereus when analyzed by atomic force microscope and perfilometry.