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Psicol. reflex. crit ; 37: 13, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558771


Abstract Background Violent behaviors in romantic relationships among adolescents and young people are pressing social matter as they have an effect on both victims and aggressors. Moreover, in the last decades, new forms of harassment, control, and abuse through social networks and mobile phones have arisen. Therefore, now forms of online and offline dating violence coexist. Objectives The aim was to analyze the prevalence rates by sex and age and the co-occurrence of online and offline dating violence. Moreover, the roles of online and offline dating violence aggressors and victims for their self-esteem, hostility, general psychological state, and emotional intelligence were investigated. Method Three hundred forty-one university students from the Basque Country, Spain, participated in the study. They completed six validated instruments related to the mentioned variables. Results Results highlight the high prevalence of online and offline dating violence in the sample and the co-occurrence of both types. No gender nor sex differences were found for online and offline dating violence perpetration and victimization. The correlation between online and offline dating violence was confirmed, and the reciprocity of violence is greater for offline violence. In relation to the role, both types of victims (online and offline) showed higher levels of hostility and psychological symptomatology than non-victims, but differences in self-esteem and emotional regulation were found in these modalities. Online and offline perpetrators shared hostility and some psychological symptoms as characteristics compared to non-victims, but differed in other symptoms and emotional intelligence. Conclusion There is a continuum between offline and online victimization perpetration albeit differences in the characteristics such as self-esteem, emotional intelligence, and general functioning exist.

Pensam. psicol ; 17(2): 37-56, jul.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056815


Resumen Objetivo. Revisar los estudios que han analizado la relación de bullying/cyberbullying con variables del contexto familiar. Método. Revisión sistemática, basada en el protocolo Prisma, de los documentos registrados en las principales bases de datos de psicología, que incluían las palabras clave bullying/cyberbullying y familia/padres, entre 2004 y 2017. Setenta y cuatro artículos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Resultados. La revisión evidenció las siguientes variables familiares asociadas con cada rol: (a) víctimas de bullying: padres/madres autoritarios, punitivos o permisivos; hogares disfuncionales, baja armonía familiar, conflictos, pobre comunicación; reciben muchas críticas, bajo apoyo/atención parental o sobreprotección; (b) cibervíctimas: padres/madres autoritarios o negligentes, conflictos familiares, bajo apoyo parental, padres/madres distantes, vínculos emocionales negativos; (c) agresores de bullying: padres/madres autoritarios, punitivos o permisivos, hogares disfuncionales, conflictos entre padres/madres, violencia doméstica, reciben rechazo, crítica y poco afecto parental; (d) ciberagresores: padres/madres autoritarios, negligentes o permisivos, y conflictos familiares. Por último, resultaron factores protectores: padres/madres democráticas, equilibrados, sin conflictos domésticos, cohesión familiar, interacciones de calidad, fácil comunicación padres-hijos, padres/madres apoyan a sus hijos, son cercanos y fomentan el apego seguro. Conclusión. Algunas variables familiares pueden ser relevantes, aunque en la probabilidad de convertirse en víctima o agresor de bullying y cyberbullying influyan otros factores, como los personales.

Abstract Objective. To review studies that have analyzed the relationship of bullying and cyberbullying with the family context. Method. PRISMA protocol for systematic reviews was used in all documents registered in the main psychology databases featuring the keywords bullying/cyberbullying and family/parents, between 2004 and 2017. Seventy-four articles met the inclusion criteria. Results. The review revealed the following familiar variables associated with each role. Victims of bullying: authoritarian, punitive, negligent, or permissive parents; dysfunctional homes, low family harmony, conflicts, poor parent-child communication; criticism, low parental support/attention, or overprotection. Cyber-victims: authoritarian or negligent parents; family conflicts, low parental support, distant parents, negative emotional bonding with parents. Bullies: authoritarian, punitive or permissive parents; dysfunctional homes, parental conflicts, domestic violence; rejection, criticism, and little parental affection. Cyberbullies: authoritarian, negligent or permissive parents, and family conflicts. Protective factors: democratic, balanced parents; no domestic conflicts, family cohesion, quality interactions, easy parent-child communication, parents support and care for their children, close-knit relationships, and foster secure attachment. Conclusion. Some family variables may be relevant, although the probability of becoming a victim or aggressor of bullying and cyberbullying may be influenced by other factors.

Resumo Escopo . Revisar os estudos que têm analisado a relação bullying/cyberbullying com variáveis do contexto familiar. Metodologia . Revisão sistemática, baseada no protocolo Prisma, dos documentos registrados nas principais bases de dados de psicologia, que incluíram as palavras chave bullying/cyberbullying e família/pais, entre 2004 e 2017. Setenta e quatro artigos cumpriram os critérios de inclusão. Resultados . A revisão evidenciou as seguintes variáveis familiares associadas com cada rol: (a) vítimas de bullying (pais/mais autoritários, punitivos ou permissivos; lares disfuncionais, baixa harmonia familiar, conflitos, pobre comunicação; recebem muitas críticas, baixo apoio/atenção parental ou sobre proteção); (b) cyber vítimas (pais/mais autoritários ou negligentes, conflitos familiares, baixo apoio parental, pais/mais distantes, vínculos emocionais negativos); (c) agressores de bullying (pais/mais autoritários, negligentes ou permissivos, lares disfuncionais, conflitos entre pais/mais, violência doméstica, recebem rejeito, crítica e pouco afeto parental); (d) cyber agressores (pais/mais autoritários, negligentes ou permissivos, e conflitos familiares); (e) fatores protetores (pais/mais democráticos, equilibrados, sem conflitos domésticos, coesão familiar, interações de qualidade, fácil comunicação pais-filhos, pais/mais apoiam seus filhos, são próximos e fomentam o apego seguro). Conclusão . Algumas variáveis familiares podem ser relevantes, embora na probabilidade de se converter em vítima ou agressor de bullying e cyberbullyuing influam outros fatores, como os pessoais.

Humanos , Cyberbullying , Pais , Família , Revisão Sistemática
Suma psicol ; 25(2): 102-112, jul.-dic. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004726


Resumen La literatura científica ha encontrado resultados discrepantes en el análisis de las diferencias en función del sexo en bullying y sobre todo en cyberbullying. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar estas diferencias entre sexos en una muestra del último ciclo de educación primaria del País Vasco. Se administró el test "Cyberbullying: Screening de acoso entre iguales", a 1.993 (edad media = 10,68) participantes, el 50,2% niños y el 48,8% niñas. En bullying los resultados muestran similar porcentaje de víctimas-puras, agresores-puros y observadores en ambos sexos; únicamente se confirmó un porcentaje mayor de niños víctimas-agresivas. Analizando las conductas sufridas y perpetradas, se encontró que un porcentaje significativamente mayor de niños participaba como víctima, agresor y observador de agresiones físicas, verbales y psicológicas. La puntuación media de conducta sufrida, realizada y observada fue también significativamente mayor en los niños. En cyberbullying los porcentajes en ambos sexos en todos los roles fueron similares. Sin embargo, al analizar las conductas, se encontró que un porcentaje mayor de niños es víctima de agresiones para grabarlas y subirlas a internet y que observa llamadas anónimas para asustar, mientras que un mayor porcentaje de niñas observa conductas de acoso sexual. Finalmente, la puntuación media de cibervictimización fue significativamente mayor en los niños. Este estudio aporta información sobre una problemática de interés y resalta la importancia de crear programas de intervención para niños y niñas de estas edades.

Abstract The scientific literature has found dissenting results upon analyzing gender-based differences in bullying - and especially in cyberbullying. This study undertook to analyze these differences between sexes in a sample of the last cycle of primary education in the Basque Country. The "Cyberbullying: Screening of peer harassment" test was administered to 1993 participants (average age = 10.68) - 50.2% boys and 48.8% girls. As for bullying the results show a similar percentage of pure-victims, pure-bullies and bystanders in both sexes; only a higher percentage of victim-aggressive children was confirmed. Upon analyzing the behaviors suffered and perpetrated, it was found that a significantly higher percentage of children participated as victims, aggressors and bystanders of physical, verbal and psychological aggressions. The average score of behavior suffered, perpetrated and observed was also significantly higher in boys. Percentages in cyberbullying in both sexes were similar in all the roles. However, upon analyzing said behaviors, it was found that a greater percentage of children are victims of assaults (recording said assaults and uploading them to the Internet), and that they receive anonymous calls to scare them, whilst a greater percentage of girls observe behaviors of sexual harassment. Finally, the average cybervictimization score was significantly higher in children. This study provides information on a problem of public interest, and underscores the importance of creating intervention programs for children of these ages.