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Int. j. high dilution res ; 16(2): 5-10, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-967657


Background: Since its discovery by Samuel Hahnemann over two centuries ago homoeopathy has gifted us many incredible cures, apart from many more cures of simple diseases. Moreover, it offers cheapest medicines. Still, it lacks wide acceptability. Its main reason is lack of scientific explanation, particularly for higher potencies -- Where is their medicinal value and how do they work? In trying to throw some light on such mysteries of homoeopathy this article arrives at a new and unifying concept of medicine. Method: Taking an earnest view of innumerable cures by homoeopathy many scientists from different fields are searching answers for the fundamental questions stated above. This article analyses logically sound and promising investigations. Results and Discussion: Indication is obtained that water structure holds the key to unlock the mystery of homoeopathy. Action mechanism of some main-stream medicines also supports the structural model. Together they lead to a generalized concept of medicine. Conclusion: The above analysis points to the conclusion that medicinal value of both homoeopathic and non-homoeopathic medicines lies in structures. (AU)

Altas Potências , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático