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Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-137797


Although dyspepsia frequently occurs in general population, its causes are poorly understood. This study is aimed at determining the role of Helicobacter pylori in non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) and evaluating the efficacy of dual therapies for H.pylori. Two groups totaling of 39 patients with endoscopically-proven NUD participated in the study. One group, comprising of 23 patients, received 300 mg of ranitidine daily for 4 weeks together with 500 mg of amoxicillin four time a day for two weeks. The second group, comprising of 16 patients, received GacidaTM 1 tablet for 4 weeks together with 500 mg of amoxicillin four time a day for 2 weeks respectively. H.pylori status was determined by histology and CLO testTM before and in the fourth and eighth week after treatment. Thirty-six patients completed the study, 21 in the ranitidine treatment group and 15 in the GacidaTM group H.pylori was successfully eradication in 47.3 percent (9/21) of ranitidine treatment group. Symptom relief at the second and sixth weeks was significantly higher under ranitidine regimen at 90.47 percent (19/21) and 100 percent (21/21) respectively, compared with the gacida regimen at 46.66 percent (7/15) and 53.33 percent (8/15) respectively. The number of patients who were symptom-free at the sixth week of treatment was significantly higher in the ranitidine group at 71.4 percent (15/21), compared with the gacida group at 20 percent (3/15). We concluded that the ranitidine regimen can relief the symptoms of NUD patients with H.pylori infection. However, the role of H.pylori needs further studies.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-138257


Eighty Thai patients aged 15 to 60 with endoscopic diagnosis of a single duodenal ulcer 5-20 mm. in diameter were randomized into two treatment groups. Group-A patients received hospital - made liquid aluminium – magnesium hydroxide antacid q.i.d. (30 ml. one hour after each meal and at bedtime acid neutralizing capacity 240 mEq/day). Group-B patients received a liquid placebo of similar appearance taken in the same manner. All patients were allowed additional antacid tablets as necessary for relief of ulcer symptoms. Repeat endoscopy was made after 4 weeks of treatment. Ten patients in group A and group B defaulted. The ulcer healing rates in those completing the study were 73.3 and 52.0 percent in group A and group B respectively. The study illustrates that low-dose liquid antacid taken four times daily for four weeks can be associated with duodenal ulcer healing in over two-thirds of cases, although the statistical significance over that of the placebo was not clearly demonstrated in this study with small numbers of cases. It also shows that the four-week placebo healing rate in Thai patients with duodenal ulcer can be as much as fifty percent or greater. Overall, however, patients’ compliance with a liquid medication is below expectation.