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Tropical Biomedicine ; : 499-507, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-630184


Climate change and variability are affecting human health and disease direct or indirectly through many mechanisms. Dengue is one of those diseases that is strongly influenced by climate variability; however its study in Central America has been poorly approached. In this study, we assessed potential associations between macroclimatic and microclimatic variation and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases in the main hospital of Honduras during 2010. In this year, 3,353 cases of DHF were reported in the Hospital Escuela, Tegucigalpa. Climatic periods marked a difference of 158% in the mean incidence of cases, from El Niño weeks (-99% of cases below the mean incidence) to La Niña months (+59% of cases above it) (p<0.01). Linear regression showed significantly higher dengue incidence with lower values of Oceanic Niño Index (p=0.0097), higher rain probability (p=0.0149), accumulated rain (p=0.0443) and higher relative humidity (p=0.0292). At a multiple linear regression model using those variables, ONI values shown to be the most important and significant factor found to be associated with the monthly occurrence of DHF cases (r2=0.649; βstandardized=–0.836; p=0.01). As has been shown herein, climate variability is an important element influencing the dengue epidemiology in Honduras. However, it is necessary to extend these studies in this and other countries in the Central America region, because these models can be applied for surveillance as well as for prediction of dengue.

Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 56(2): 85-94, dic. 2009. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-575971


El incremento gradual de la población felina en Colombia y algunos países está acompañadode la aparición de enfermedades que ponen en riesgo la salud animal. El virus deinmunodeficiencia y la leucemia felina son las principales enfermedades retrovirales demayor morbilidad y mortalidad en los felinos, que requieren de un diagnóstico oportunoque permita prolongar la vida de estos animales. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de cortetransversal que incluyó 60 gatos domésticos del área urbana de la ciudad de Montería procedentesde clínicas, consultorios veterinarios y viviendas familiares. El diagnóstico simultáneode leucemia e inmunodeficiencia felina se realizó en muestras de suero y plasma porel inmunoensayo comercial SNAP combo FeLV Ag/ FIV Ab (Laboratories Idexx Toronto,Canadá). Los animales fueron sometidos a exámenes físicos y de laboratorio. La poblaciónestuvo conformada por 30 hembras y 30 machos en su mayoría menores de dos años. Laseroprevalencia fue del 23,3% (14/60) para leucemia felina, inmunodeficiencia felina 1,6%(1/60) y la seroprevalencia de doble infección por el virus de leucemia e inmunodeficienciafelina fue del 5% (3/60). Se realizó por primera vez el serodiagnóstico del virus de inmunodeficienciay leucemia felina en la población de gatos domésticos de la ciudad de Montería;se estableció una seroprevalencia del 23,3% y 1,6% respectivamente.

The gradual increment of the feline population in Colombia and some countries is associatedwith presence of diseases that care produce animal health risk. The virus of immunodeficiencyand the feline leukemia are the main retroviales diseases with high morbility andmortality in felines and they require of a right diagnostic that extend the felines’ life. A descriptivetransversal cut study was done, 60 urban domestic cats of Montería were included,animals were from clinics, veterinarian consults and familiar houses. The simultaneousdiagnostic of leukemia and feline immunodeficiency was carried out by using inmunoensayo SNAP combo FeLV Ag/FIV Ab (laboratories Idexx Toronto, Canadá) in samples ofserum and plasma. The animals were submitted to a physical and laboratory examinationthe population studied were 30 females and 30 males most of them minor of 2 years. Felineleukemia showed a seroprevalence of 23,3% (14/60), for feline immunodeficiency a seroprevalenceof 1,6% (1/60), and the prevalence of double infection for feline leukemia andimmunodeficiency was of 5% (3/60). The immunodeficiency’s virus and feline leukemiadiagnostic was carry out for first time in the population of domestics cats in the city ofMontería and it established a seroprevalence of 23,3% and 1,6% respectively.

Gatos , Colômbia , Gatos , Leucemia Felina , Vírus