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Salud ment ; 30(4): 41-46, jul.-ago. 2007.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-986029


Resumen: Introducción. El Sistema de Reporte de Información en Drogas (SRID) proporciona un panorama diagnóstico de los cambios ocurridos en el consumo de drogas en la Ciudad de México. Se actualiza dos veces al año (junio y noviembre), y sus resultados dan una estimación de la trayectoria del problema desde una perspectiva de salud. El SRID inició su funcionamiento en 1986 y sus resultados sirven además de fundamento para diseñar programas de prevención adecuados a la población mexicana. Objetivo. Presentar una síntesis de los resultados más relevantes del consumo de sustancias en la Ciudad de México recopilados por el SRID entre 1987 y 2005, en instituciones de salud y de justicia. Quienes se benefician de la información que se obtiene son: - Las autoridades a cargo de diseñar políticas y acciones de intervención en virtud de que el SRID funciona como un sistema de monitoreo permanente, así como de alerta temprana. - Los investigadores, dado que el SRID funciona como ventana para identificar las áreas donde es necesario mayor conocimiento desde una perspectiva de salud. - El público en general, para quien el SRID es una herramienta que describe la evolución y el estado actual de las tendencias de la farmacodependencia. Método. La información se obtiene de una cédula individual sobre consumo de drogas, que se aplica dos veces por año en 44 instituciones del sector salud y procuración de justicia. El diseño de la muestra es no probabilístico de tipo intencional. Resultados. La información analizada corresponde a 19350 casos identificados entre 1987 y 2005. Lo más destacado de las tendencias de consumo de sustancias ha sido el notable incremento de la cocaína durante el periodo evaluado. Igualmente significativa ha sido la tendencia a la baja del consumo de inhalables, que se hizo más evidente a partir de 1999. El consumo de mariguana, una de las tres drogas consumidas con más frecuencia en el país, ha mostrado cierta estabilidad al igual que el resto de las sustancias evaluadas. Conclusiones. El mayor número de usuarios de cocaína son adolescentes. Asimismo, respecto a los patrones de consumo, llama la atención que el perfil del usuario para todas las drogas estudiadas sea alto: 20 o más veces por mes, en 45% de los casos. Ambas situaciones son objeto de preocupación por los efectos físicos y emocionales de las sustancias, y porque no se observan indicadores que sugieran un decremento en el consumo.

Summary: Introduction. The Information Reporting System on Drugs (IRSD) provides diagnostic information about changes in drug use in Mexico City. This information is updated twice a year (June and November), and an estimation of the main trends of drug use is thus obtained. The IRSD was implemented in 1986, and its results offers grounds for the design of preventive programs suited for the Mexican population from a health perspective. Objetive. To present a synthesis of the most relevant results of substance use in México City compiled by the IRSD between 1987 and 2005. The following are the benefit from data obtained: - Authorities in charge of designing policies and intervention actions, by virtue of which the SRID works as a system of permanent monitoring and early warning. - Investigators, since the SRID works as a window to identify the areas where greater knowledge is necessary. From a health perspective, the public in general, for whom the SRID is a tool that describes the evolution and current state of drug tendencies. Method. The information is obtained from an individual schedule on drug use that is applied twice a year in 44 agencies of the health and law enforcement sector. The design of the sample is non probabilistic. Results. In the period 1987-2005, 19350 cases have been evaluated. The most outstanding trend in substance use has been the remarkable increase of cocaine from 1987 to 2005. Equally significant has been the decrease tendency of solvents-inhalants use, which has become more evident since 1999. Marihuana use is among the three most used drugs in the country. It shows a trend to remain stable as is the case for the other substances evaluted. Conclusions. Most cocaine users are adolescents. At the same time, 45% of the users of all the substances have a use pattern defined as "high": 20 or more times a month. Both situations are a matter of concern due to the important physical and psychological consequences of substance use. In addition, up to this moment, there is no indication suggesting that the level of use will decrease.

Salud ment ; 29(5): 32-37, Sep.-Oct. 2006.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-985974


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Abstract: Introduction and background Substance abuse in the world is reported higher among men than in women; nevertheless in different countries including mexico, use has increased among women during recent years. The distribution among male and female population is different according to each substance. Prevalence among both populations shows a preference for illegal drugs: mariguana, cocaine, solvent-inhalants and in a lesser degree, heroine. Meanwhile among women the mainly used substances are medical, such as sedatives and stimulants. Nevertheless in recent years there has been a higher involvement of female population in the use of illegal substances. In different countries it has been observed a high level of use among women and a trend of age of first use at earlier ages. In different countries research findings indicate a high level of use among young women that resembles the patterns of men; nevertheless among women who are older the levels of use are relatively low. At the same time there is more participation of women in delictive activities. The information reporting system on drugs (srid) of the national institute of psychiatry has evaluated the problem of drug use among men and women in the mexico city area from 1987 up to this date through a transversal study and carried out every 6 months. Results obtained, identify the most important trends of this problem and also describe its nature and evolution. Other different methodological approaches have been used to get a deeper understanding of the nature and extent of this problem. School population survey (ene) oriented to evaluate the prevalence during the autumn of 2003, among high school students, reveals that 9.6% of male students and 4.8% of females have ever used mariguana some time, 5.3% of males and 2.7% of females have ever used cocaine sometime. Women using tranquillisers constitute 5.3%, and solvent-inhalants 3.8%. The national survey on addictions (ena) carried out in 2002 among general population, reveals that substance abuse includes one woman out of every 4 men. According to this methodology 8.59% of men in general population and 2.11 of women have ever used some other drug, besides alcohol and tobacco. Mariguana (3.48%) and cocaine (1.23%) are the main used substances in the category ever used. Results of the system for epidemiological surveillance of addictions (sisvea) indicates that for year 2004 at national level 95.0% of males were in treatment due to mariguana and heroine use, followed by 93.0% of patients treated for cocaine. Female population used tranquillisers 13.8%, solvents - inhalants 7.6% and 7.0% cocaine. As it can be observed the above results support the existence of different patterns of substance use between men and women. Objective The objective of this communication is to analyze the results of the information reporting system on drugs considering similarities and differences between men and women regarding different variables associated to substance use such as sociodemographic profile, patterns of use, associated problems and trends of use. This information is a result for the second semester of 2004. Material and method Srid is a transversal study with two cross cut evaluations carried out twice a year. Information is gathered by means of a survey applied during an interview. Each evaluation gives a cross view of the problem in such moment of its history, and at present, information is available from 1987 to this date. The survey evaluates variables suggested by mexican research, experiences from other countries with information on systems for drugs already functioning, variables suggested by world health organization, and finally proposals obtained by discussion and agreement with experts of the participant health and justice agencies. The survey is applied during june and november each year and after the evaluation period, the information is compiled processed, analyzed and compiled in a report made by the national institute of psychiatry. This information is available for partici-pant agencies, state officers, and general public. Results The results from srid for november 2004 indicate that from 694 cases studied, 89% were males, 60% single and 64% of low socioeconomic level. Of the women surveyed 73.6% are single and 62.7% from low socio-economic level. The main age group for men is in the range of 30 and more years, for women it is between 15 to 19. Occupational status for men is employee and business (34.6%) and for women, student (34.7%). School level for men is high school completed (24.4%), for women it is 19.4% unfinished high school. Ever some time use of substances indicate that mariguana is employed by 70.7% males and 65.8% females. Cocaine among women and men is respectively 65% y 56.6%; solvent inhalants is 37.4% for men and 30.3% for women. Amphetamines and other stimulants report 6.6% for women and 5.5% for men; sedatives and tranquillisers reach 14.5% for women and 13.4% for men. Age of first use for men is 15 to 19 years and for women 12 to 14. Substance of first use for men is mariguana (45.3%), for women is solvent inhalants (45.0%), followed by cocaine: 19.0% for men and 10.0% for women. Problems preceding drug use regarding family are 15.9% for men, and 11.8% for women; nervous problems: 7.4% for men and 2.6% for women. Problems derived of drug use among women are those refer-ring to family interaction 57.9% and 49.4% for men; nervous problems: 30.3% and 26.5%; finally, psychological problems among women 39.5% and 23.5% each. Possible explanations for such results are the following: - Social devaluation towards women: women are subject to social pressures regarding child rising, household work, etc. This kind of work is seldom recognized and appreciated, and such situation could be a risk factor for substance use. The same is true for the pregnancy periods, because women are emotionally more vulnerable and as a result some substances are used as a tool to soothe personal, family and couple problems. - Social attitudes towards substance use are different for men and women. Substance use in the case of male population is regarded as an open, allowed and prestigious behaviour; never-theless for women it is hidden, prohibited and devaluatory. Thus for women substance use becomes a private behaviour, out of sight, denied; a sort of relief valve in face of the need to relax, feel pleasure and socialize. Substance use then becomes a "necessary" instrument to cope with tensions but at the same time excludes women of the social scene. - Among men and women the fantasy of solving everyday problems through the use of substances is frequent. This is a paradox since at the same time users perceive that problems become worse as a result of substance use. The clarification of such motivations is a matter for further research. Conclusions Further research is needed to explain the differences between patterns of substance use of men and women; this is so for motivation of onset and maintenance of substance use. Finally the information gathered by the srid has been a valuable tool as an early warning system on substance use, it is a diagnostic resource for decision and policy making as well as for intervention and treatment planning in mexico city.

Salud ment ; 28(2): 91-97, mar.-abr. 2005.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-985889


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Abstract: Introduction and antecedents The Information Reporting System on Drugs (IRSD) provides since 1986 an updated overview of the main trends and characteristics of drug use in Mexico City. It identifies the changes in patterns of use and provides information useful to estimate its future path. It is supported by the main health and justice agencies. Up to this date, it has carried out 34 evaluations and its data base includes 16377 cases. Research on illicit drug use among adolescents and young adults started in our country during the 1970's; in those days, the level of cocaine use was low. Nevertheless, its use has been increasing gradually. Up to this date, different research reports indicate that cocaine, marihuana and solvent-inhalants are the most used illicit substances, especially among adolescents and young adults. Based on a 2003 high school survey carried out in the Distrito Federal, the latest research results indicate that marihuana is the most used substance (7.2%), followed by solvent-inhalants (4.6%), tranquilizers (4.5%) and cocaine (4.0%). Results of the most recent household survey carried out in 2002 indicate that 215,634 adolescents, between 12 and 17 years old, have ever used drugs. Excluding alcohol and tobacco, the first ever used drug in this group is marihuana, followed by solvent-inhalants and cocaine. As it can be observed, these results highlight that cocaine use is an issue and a matter of concern due to its pharmacological characteristics, psychological and social implications, and also because it affects adolescents and young adults who conform the main population group of the country. Objective This paper presents results of the Information Reporting System on Drugs, which describe the trends of cocaine use for 1987 2003 among users between 15 and 24 years old in Mexico City. It also describes the results of the evaluation carried out by the IRSD in June 2003 which include the sociodemographic characteristics of users, pattern of use, associated problems and slang words used to refer to this substance, according to the reports of the evaluated cases. Material and method Instrument. The data collection instrument was the questionnaire "Informe Individual sobre Consumo de Drogas" (Individual Report on Drug Use). It gathers information about the sociodemo-graphic characteristics of users, the most used substances, their patterns of use, the new substances being used or the substances not being used anymore, the perception of the user about the problems associated to the drug use before and after the drug use life has started, among other variables. This instrument is applied through an interview to individuals attending the participating agencies during the admission procedure. Evaluations are carried out twice a year, during June and November. The cases are obtained from all the individuals attending the participating agencies during the evaluation periods, and who identify themselves as ever having used any substance without a prescription, and with the purpose of getting intoxicated; this is the case definition. Since the beginning of the IRSD, the instrument, case definition, data processing and analysis procedures have remain similar in order to make comparisons. Until June 2003, the IRSD carried out 34 evaluations and the data base includes 16377 cases. Results Cocaine use trends: From 1987 to 2003, 9,120 cocaine cases were identified in the level "ever used". They are between 15 and 24 years old and represent 55.6% of the total population of drug users identified during such period. The use of cocaine has been increasing in this group: in 1987 there were 3.1 cocaine users out of every 100 drug users in general; in 1992, this proportion increased to 9.0%. From this date, the level of use gradually increases, reaching 74.3% in November 1998; this is the highest level recorded. From this date up to 2003, cocaine use has maintained the highest level of use of all drugs, and its level of use has remained stable. Evaluation number 34, carried out in June 2003, studied 770 cases of drug users; 533 of them reported having ever used cocaine. From this group, 293 cases (55%) are between 15 and 24 years old. Sociodemographic characteristics: 89.7% of the cocaine users were male, 58.7% were between 15 and 19 years old and 41.3% were between 20 and 24; 81.7% were single, 61.9% belonged to the middle socioeconomic level; 45.3% completed high school. Occupational status includes both employed, 31.4%, and unemployed cases, 29.5%. Pattern of use: 64% of the cocaine users started this behavior between 15 and 19 years old. 39.4% of the cocaine users are "light" users. The most frequent type of user follows a pattern of use between 1 to 5 times a month. 20.8% are "heavy" users: they use cocaine more than 20 times a month. Most used drugs, besides alcohol and tobacco, were marihuana: 60.1%; solvent-inhalants: 39.9%; and sedative-tranquilizers: 15%. Gender differences: Men and women have similar preferences regarding substance use. Nevertheless, women have higher levels of use for almost all the substances studied. Associatedproblems: The users perceive problems associated to the onset of their drug use life, and also they perceive problems once this has started. Family problems are the most frequently reported ones, increasing in frequency after drug use behavior has settled. Excluding social problems, all the other problems also increase after the onset of the drug use life. Slang words: Names used in the subculture of cocaine use to designate this substance, reported in this evaluation were: "cocaine", "crack", "piedra", "cocaína piedra", "cocaína polvo", "blanca", "bote", "coca", and "inhalada". Conclusions As it has been indicated, IRSD provides twice a year an updated diagnosis of drug use in Mexico City. Results indicate that during the period 1987-2003 cocaine use has three moments. The first one goes until 1992 and is characterized by a low level of use, below marihuana and solvent-inhalants; from there till 1998, its level reached the highest peak: 74 cocaine users out of every 100 drug users in general, with marihuana and cocaine occupying the second and third places. From this date to 2003, cocaine has remained stable in the first place. The highest risk groups are adolescents and young adults, and this is true for the onset of use as well as for the chronic use. This substance is a matter of concern due to its emotional and physical effects, but also because there are no indicators suggesting that the level of use will decrease. The problem of cocaine use indicates the need of prevention programs starting during childhood and with a long-term vision. The goal should be to promote the development of social support networks to counteract the influence of drug use in general, as well as to promote healthy lifestyles non compatible with drugs.