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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207917


Background: Despite major advances in case management, ovarian cancer continues to have the highest case fatality rate of all gynaecologic malignancies. There is paucity of meaningful screening and diagnostic protocols. Present study was planned with the objective of assessment of the prevalence of ovarian cancer and the associated risk factors at a tertiary care centre.Methods: The present prevalence study was conducted at a tertiary care government hospital and entailed analysis of data of 73 patients of ovarian cancer. All the participants were subjected to comprehensive history taking, followed by general, systemic, per-speculum and per-vaginal examination. Serum tumour markers of the patients were assessed. Imaging studies including ultrasound, CT or MRI abdomen/pelvis were done as per need. Final diagnosis was confirmed on histopathology and the cases were classified according to histological classification of World Health Organization.Results: Majority (41, 56.2%) were aged more than 45 years and above, most of them with one to two previous issues (64.3%). The disease was observed to be more common in postmenopausal women (65, 89%). Three fourth participants had negative family history of ovarian or breast cancer. Out of 73 patients, 31 had value of CA 125 between 150-400 U/mL and 42 had values >400 U/mL. Epithelial ovarian cancer (serous- 33, 45.2%, mucinous- 18, 24.7%) was observed to be the commonest histological type.Conclusions: To diagnose ovarian tumours early using multipronged approach with focussed risk factor identification and screening with CA-125 is very important and is strongly recommended.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207870


Background: Gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTDs) had been associated with significant morbidity and mortality till recently. Wide variation in incidences have been reported worldwide. The present study was planned with the objective of determination of incidence, assessment of risk factors, clinical presentation, management protocols and outcomes in GTD cases in Indian population at a tertiary care centre.Methods: All the diagnosed cases of GTD reporting to study centre during study period of 1.5 years were included. Detailed history taking, examination and relevant investigations (Hb%, blood grouping, thyroid functions, serum ß-hCG, USG and chest X-ray) were undertaken. Suction and evacuation were done for all patients as primary mode of management and samples were sent for histopathological examination. Comprehensive follow ups were done, including weekly ß-hCG until normal for 3 consecutive weeks followed by monthly determination until the levels were normal for 6 consecutive months.Results: Total 22 cases out of 19500 deliveries were diagnosed as GTD (incidence rate-1.13/1000 deliveries). Mean age was 23.64±3.89 years with 50% participants being primigravida. The commonest symptom after amenorrhea 22 (100%) was bleeding per-vaginum 15 (68.2%). Maximum cases were of complete hydatidiform mole histopathology 16 (72.73%), USG 19 (86.4%). Clinical characteristics were statistically comparable between patients of complete mole and partial mole. Out of 22 cases, 1 (4.5%) was diagnosed as GTN.Conclusions: Early diagnosis and treatment along with regular follow up is the key in GTD. There is need to establish a centralized disease specific registry in future.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206957


Background: Obstetric hysterectomy is an important procedure in modern obstetrics and its proper indications, risks and complications need to be studied for judicious usage and improvement in outcome.Methods: A retrospective, record-based study was carried out over one and a half years at a tertiary care government hospital. All the patients who underwent emergency obstetric hysterectomy at the study centre during study period were studied. Labour room register, operation room register for emergency and elective cases, case records, referral slips and mortality register data were reviewed for the same and outcomes analysed.Results: Total 33 patients underwent emergency obstetric hysterectomy, with the incidence observed at 0.21%. The most common indications were atonic post-partum hemorrhage (42.4%), uterine rupture (33.3%) and morbidly adherent placenta (18.1%). Prior cesarean section (36.4%) and placenta previa (15.1%) were the commonest predisposing factors associated with PPH and uterine rupture. Subtotal hysterectomy (66.7%) was observed to be the preferred type of surgery. Out of total 7 maternal deaths that occurred, 4 (57%) were because of disseminated intravascular coagulation.Conclusions: There is increasing trend in the rate of obstetric hysterectomy along with rise in rate of previous LSCS, emphasizing the importance of the mode of delivery. Measures to reduce the rate of primary cesarean section are advisable.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184869


Introduction : Abnormal uterine bleeding due to leiomyoma is commomn problem in the reproductive age group and was found to be third most common cause of hysterectomies in teaching hospital of India1. The search for ideal drug for medical management of fioid is still on so that we can avoid operative interventions in symptomatic women of reproductive age group. Ormeloxifene is Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator developed at CDRI, Luckhnow. It has proven to be an important drug in treatment of AUB, but its utility in fioid is yet to be defined. Through this study, we have explored its role in AUB due to leiomyoma. Aim and objective: To assess decrease in menstrual blood loss (MBL) by pictorial blood loss assessment chart to assess increase in hemoglobin level, to assess change in endometrial thickness, to assess change in fioid size in patients of AUB with leiomyoma treated with Ormiloxifene. Materials and Methods: Subjects were given tablet ormeloxifene 60 mg biweekly for 3 months, followed by 60mg weekly for next 3 months. Subjects were assessed after 3 months and 6 months for MBL, endometrial thickness, fioid volume and hemoglobin level. Observation: There was statistically significant decrease in MBL, endometrial thickness, (p=0.0334 and p=0.0096) , increase in hemoglobin(p=0.0001) and no change in fioid volume. after 3 months and 6 months respectivelyConclusion: SERM such as ormeloxifene in standard biweekly dosage is effective in providing symptomatic relief in a patient of AUB-L when prescribed for a short period of 6 months