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Br J Med Med Res ; 2016; 16(9): 1-8
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183376


Introduction: Dysmenorrhea is a common gynecological problem among women of reproductive age group which can have an impact on professional and psycho-social life. Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of dysmenorrhea, its sequels and factors influencing among the medical students in MAHSA University. To study the effect of dysmenorrhea on the personal and professional lives of students. Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional study carried out on 215 female medical students of MAHSA University in Malaysia. The study was conducted in the faculty of medicine, MAHSA university, Kuala Lumpur. The data was collected in a span of three months from March to May 2012. Data was collected by interview and clinical examination method using pretested structured proforma designed by the researcher. Measurement of body mass index (BMI) and fat percentage were done by using a digital scale. Analysis: Data were analyzed into frequency percentage distribution and regression analysis was worked out for statistical significant association. Results: The study showed that 78% complained of dysmenorrhea among which 52% was of moderate severity. The mean age group of the students with dysmenorrhea was 21.4±2.2 years and the mean age of menarche was 12.2±2 years. The 59% of the participants were Indians, 17.1% Malays, 16.6% Chinese and 7.1% others respectively. Among the students who had dysmenorrhea, 92.2% frequently consumed fast food and 61.7% students exercised on an average of 2 times a week. It was observed that among the students with dysmenorrhea 58.1% had normal BMI and obesity was seen in 9% of the students. Sixty-four percent of those who had dysmenorrhea did not take any medication. At the level of multivariable analysis using multiple binary logistic regression, race (Malay), interference with social life and family history of dysmenorrhea were significantly associated with dysmenorrhea adjusted for study year, premenstrual syndrome and number of pads (p value <0.05). Conclusion: Dysmenorrhea is highly prevalent among female medical students and is associated with Malay population, family history of dysmenorrhea and interference in their social life.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126264


In order to provide information for the nutritional management of diabetes mellitus, glycaemic indices (GI) of three varieties of banana commonly eaten in Myanmar were determined using twelve healty women volunteers with normalglucose tolerance. After an 8-10 hour overnight fast, the subjects consumed one kind of selected banana in amount equivalent to 50 g available carbohydrate portion {~ three and a half pieces of Phee-Kyan (189 g); ~four and a half pieces of Rakhine (165 g)~~ three pieces of Thee-hmwe (yellow) (192 g)}. After a week interval, GI was determined for another kind of banana. Venous blood samples were collected and immediately analyzed for plasma glucose by glucose oxidase method.GIs of Myanmar bananas (mean -+ S.E.M) were 51.7 -+ 7.69 percent for Rakhine, 55.29 -+ 5.66 for Phee-Kyan and 63.73 -+ 8.46 for Thee-hmwe (yellow). They were lower than GI of commonly eaten Myanmar rice, Pawsun. Banana also contains vitamins A and C which were not provided by cooked polished rice. Furthermore, banana hasa higher calcium and fibre content. Therefore, all three varieties of Myanamr banana can be recommended as a source of complex carbohydrate with low or moderateGI for diabetic diet

Diabetes Mellitus , Glicemia , Frutas , Musa , Mianmar
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126825


The epidemiological study of ocular trauma in rural setting of Chauk, Meiktila and Bago area was carried out by the ophthalmologists and a team of TC & PBL named as "Model Village eye Health survey". the prevalence was 248 cases (1.57 case per 1000). The rate of 0.5 case per 1000 in under 14 years increased to 2.4 per 1000 in 45 to 59 age group. The older age groups were exposed to trauma almost 5 times more than the younger group. The prevalence of ocular trauma was about the same in both sexes 1.8 and 1.4 per 1000 in male and female respetively. 213 persons (85.9 per cent) sustained the injuries in agricultural environment and only 35 (14.2 per cent) were injured by other sources. The number of blunt injury was 93 (37.5 per cent) and injuries by agricultural equipments contributed to 87 cases (35.1 per cent). It was followed by 57 foreign body cases (23 per cent) and others about 4.4 per cent. Cornea was the commonest anatomical site sustaining 64 per cent of injury followed by 12.4 per cent in conjunctiva, 10.8 per cent in the eye ball and 2.8 per cent in the lens. this study illuminates the fact that the strategies to prevent blindness through ocular trauma are to render extensive eye health education down to the communities at the village level and to recruit, train and equip primary eye care workers aat least one for each village to deliver primary eye care services and referral throughout the country.
