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Innovation ; : 160-162, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975426


A school environment may cause positive effect upon health and healthy behavior, but also representmain factor for transfer of non-infectious diseases. Therefore, the issue of maintaining an appropriate environment in operations of training and educational institution would be considered as vital in every country of the world. In our country the solid waste hygienic conditions around children organizations represent one of actual problems. Through the research work was aimed to evaluate the state of solid waste at external environment of general educational institutions by the momentum model of analytical research and involving 103 state proprietary Educational Institutions of 9 districts. At developing estimation list of solid waste at external environment of schools were used current effective standards, resolutions and regulations. 88.3 percent of schools involved into research work had special solid waste-points and 11.7 percent had no special solid waste-points. 38.8 percent of solid waste-points were fenced from all sidesand 44.7 percent fenced from some sides and 16.5 percent had no fence in whole. The research of material from which was made a solid waste-keeping facility showed that 44.2 percent were made from metal, 2.3 percent from wood and 52.3 percent from brick. When we studied whether the solid waste-keeping facility is placed in distance of 25 meters from school according to standard,was determined that 71.8 percent were built according to the standard, 28.2 percent were allocated within 25 meters showing inconformity with the standard. During the research it has been detected that among schools 27.2 percent had too much solid waste-heap, 25.5 percent had placed no special recycle-bins on the school site and 13.6 percent conducted wrong activity by incinerating solid waste on the territory of school.2/3 or total 63 schools among Metropolitan state proprietary educational institutions has non- standard solid waste-keeping facility, 1/3 or 29 schools has located their solid waste-points in non- standard distance, there exists much solid waste-heap because of insufficient recycle-bins, absence of solid waste-points results in collection of solid waste in a special room inside of school and later its transportation with scavenger. Also, 13.6 percent or 14 schools are incinerating their solid waste within school site. This breeches effective hygienic norms and normative.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975710


IntroductionAs prevalence of morbidity and mortality due to the non-communicable diseases is high, educationand communication are crucial in terms of reduction of the risk factors of these diseases amongstthe population. However, the sources and needs for information regarding NCDs among the generalpopulation, especially among the rural herdsmen, are still unknown.Materials and MethodsThe study used a population based cross sectional design selecting 500 herders in total by themultistage random cluster sampling method from 4 provinces and 12 soums of 4 the geographicalregions of Mongolia. Data collection methods included both quantitative and qualitative methodsfollowed by an analysis of the data using the by SPSS 17.0 software.ResultsA total of 228 herding families participated in the study and 78.5% of them were use television, 37.3%--radio and 10.1% -- newsletters. As for sources of health information, 53.4% of participants receiveinformation on NCDs from the television, 32.2% - from health care facilities, and 18.6% -- from radio.More than 65% of the participants state that the information on NCDs is “insufficient”, whereas 92%have never participated in trainings on NCDs, and 84.4% were have had no access to NCD-relatedbrochures and handouts. These results indicate that the NCD related information available to theherders and rural population is insufficient. In terms of demand for information on non-communicablediseases, 82.2% of the respondents answered that information is necessary, 60.4% of the herdersprefer to have information through television, 42.2%-- through soum doctors and bag feldschers,35.8%-- from health care facilities, and 31.4% -- from the radio.ConclusionInformation on NCDs available to rural herders and households is insufficient, thus more appropriatemethods for delivery NCD information should be used meeting their demands and their preferenceof the sources of health information.