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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-751177


@#Freeze drying is a dehydration method to dry bone under freezing environment, enabling removal of water with no or minimial effects on bone strength and durability. Larger size bones obviously require longer freeze drying time to reduce water content to the required level for long term storage at room temperature. For small size bone cubes or chips, it is a normal practice to pool cortical and cancellous bones for freeze drying. The study was aimed at determining if different type of bones of the same size influence the drying time. Human bone cubes of 10 mm x 10 mm x 10 mm were prepared from cortical bone of tibiae and cancellous bone from femoral heads. The bone cubes were freeze dried to reduce water content to less than 6%. Moisture content was monitored using gravimetric method.Weight and density of cortical bone were significantly higher than cancellous bone despite of having similar small size (p<0.05). Cortical bones (density 2.05 ± 0.35 g/cm3) with initial water content of 10.93% required 5 hours to freeze dry, while cancellous bone cubes (density 0.72 ± 0.44 g/cm3) with initial water content of 78.95% required only 1.87 hours. This study confirmed that the structure hence density of human bone cubes determine the freeze drying time. Therefore in the standard operating procedure for freeze drying of bone allograft cubes, high density cortical bone cubes and low density cancellous bone cubes must be freeze dried separately despite being of similar small size

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627066


Despite increasing use of bone graft in Malaysia, there was still lack of data to quantify knowledge level on bone banking among orthopaedic community who are involved in transplantation related work. Therefore, a survey on awareness in tissue banking specifically bone banking, usage and choice of bone grafts was conducted. From 80 respondents, 82.5% were aware about tissue banking however only 12.5% knew of the existence of tissue banks in Malaysia. Femoral head was the bone allograft most often used as a substitute to autograft. Only 34.8% respondents preferred irradiated bone grafts whilst 46.9% preferred nonirradiated, indicating the need to educate the importance of radiation for sterilising tissues. Exhibition was the most preferred medium for awareness programme to disseminate information about bone banking in the orthopaedic community. The professional awareness is necessary to increase the knowledge on the use of bone graft, hence to increase bone transplantation for musculoskeletal surgeries in the country.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-628111


We report a case of a 21 years old female who presented with a history of anterior knee pain for previous 3 months. Pain was localized to the anteromedial aspect of the left knee and aggravated by flexion. Clinical examination revealed a 2x2 cm painful lump on the anteromedial aspect of the left medial condyle with no effusion. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an anterosuperior tear of the medial collateral ligament. The patient subsequently underwent left knee arthroscopic examination. Two yellowish pe

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-628126


A 20 year old female student was involved in a motor vehicle accident. She sustained a severe friction injury to the left knee that resulted in considerable soft tissue and bone loss. There was also damage to the knee extensor mechanism, tibialis anterior muscle, femoral trochlea, the anterior half of the tibial plateau extending distally to the proximal tibia and skin. However, there was no crushing of the limb or resultant neurovascular deficit but cancellous bone and the remainder of the joint were exp