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Health sci. dis ; 15(2): 1-5, 2014.
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1262698


Objectif Le but de notre etude etait de determiner la prevalence de l'Ag HBs chez les etudiants en medecine et pharmacie de l'universite de Douala -Cameroun. Methodes Il s'agit d'une etude transversale; descriptive et analytique qui a porte sur les etudiants de la faculte de medecine et des sciences pharmaceutiques de l'universite de Douala-Cameroun. Nous avons inclus tout etudiant regulierement inscrit et acceptant de participer a l'etude. Les prelevements etaient traites par un test rapide puis par ELISA (automatic diagnostic). Les variables qualitatives ont ete comparees par un test de Chi-2; du test de Fischer et de l'Odds ratio. Resultats Cinq cent etudiants ont ete preleves. L'age median etait de 22 ans avec des extremes allant de 16 a 31 ans. Le sex ratio etait de 1;36 en faveur du sexe feminin. L'antigene HBs etait positif chez 28 etudiants soit 5;6. 88 etudiants soit 17;6 etaient vaccines contre l'hepatite virale B. Les etudiants qui avaient recu une; deux et trois doses de vaccin representaient respectivement 5 (n=25); 7;6(n=38) et 17;6(n=88). Huit etudiants soit 4;45 avait fait un dosage de l'anticorps anti HBs pour verifier l'efficacite vaccinale. Conclusion :La prevalence de l'Ag Hbs est de 5;6 chez les etudiants en medecine et pharmacie a Douala

Afr. j. Pathol. microbiol ; 2: 1-4, 2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1256756


Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a germ of hospitalism responsible for nosocomial infections; it is naturally resistant to many antibiotics and has a high susceptibility to the acquisition of acquiring new resistance. The observation of strains highly resistant to antibiotics; has led us to look for possible alternative therapeutics. This study was a descriptive and cross-sectional one; conducted from October 2010 to March 2011. All patients hospitalized for at least 48 hours and showing sign of infection were included after obtaining their consent. Forty nine of 150 samples were positive to the cultivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa showing a prevalence of 32.66%. For the antibiotic susceptibility; we obtain amikacin 57.14%; netilmicin 59.20%; ceftazidime 52.60%; imipenem 33%; colistin 97.95%; and ciprofloxacin 51%. Seven strains were resistant to all antibiotics tested other than colistin. One strain was resistant to colistin. Colistin retains high sensitivity to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However; there are some strains multiresistant to antibiotics

Camarões , Colistina , Resistência a Medicamentos , Pseudomonas aeruginosa