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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003322


The biologically active food supplement products were produced in the form natural raw materials for powder, tablets, pellets, capsule, juice and extract preparation. Osteoporosis disease is increasing among the population of the world in recent years. Therefore, calcium supplement is used more often for prevention of this disease. Osteoporosis is now widely recognized as a public health problem since this disease, which increases bone fragility and thereby the risk of fractures, is associated with high mortality, morbidity and medical expenses throughout the world. We obtained new “Eghomon” supplement which reduces osteoporosis. We determined by quantitative analysis, the calcium ion and mineral composition is a crystal structure in this supplement. In the study, we used titrimetric, X-ray fl uorescence and X-ray diffractometer spectroscopy methods. The following mineral elements such as, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Mn, Al, Na, K, Si, Ti were contained in the Eghomon supplement. Additionally, we determined the concentration of calcium ion 22.9 percent in the supplement. INTRODUCTION Mineral ions such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc, etc.., play a tremendous role in the metabolic processes of the human body, including tissue, fl uid, and bone. In each are they function to promote and maintain normal body function with a wide range of activities including assisting in body hydration, enzyme activation, maintenance of pH, as cofactors in blood coagulation, controlling neuromuscular excitability, as well as promoting the stability of bones and teeth, and many other functions. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, most of which (98%) is present in the skeleton. The concentration of calcium ion in the blood is very important for the development and preservation of strong bones and teeth. Absorption of too much calcium in the blood may lead to the leaching of calcium from the bones and teeth. The absorption of calcium is controlled, in part, by vitamin D. Growing children in particular need an ample supply of calcium for the development of strong bones. Milk, which is a good natural source of calcium and which is consumed primarily by children, is usually fortifi ed with vitamin D to promote calcium absorption. Similarly, outdoor recess for elementary school children is mandated by law in many states because exposure to sunshine allows the body to synthesize vitamin D. In later adulthood, particularly among women, the level of calcium in the blood may decrease to the point where calcium is removed from the bones and teeth to replace the blood calcium, making the bones and teeth much weaker and more susceptible to fracture. This condition is known as osteoporosis and can become very serious, causing shrinking if the skeleton and severe arthritis. For this reason, calcium supplements are often prescribed in an effort to maintain the proper concentration of calciumion in the blood. Although the results are not yet conclusive, recent reports indicate 100mg of calcium ion, taken orally on a daily basis, may serve to prevent osteoporosis. Typically, such calcium supplements consist of calcium carbonate, calcium citrate and calcium lactate. MATERIALS AND METHODS We conducted used in the study of natural biologically active food supplements Eghomon. The researchers invented new Eghomon supplement in the institute of traditional medicine and technology of Mongolia. Eghomon is composed from horse bones and eggshells. It is a calcium preparation.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975854


Background: Wound healing mechanisms still unclear. Wounds are physical injuries that result in an opening or breaking of the skin. Proper healing of wounds is essential for the restoration of disrupted anatomical continuity and disturbed functional status of the skin. This is a product of the integrated response of several cell types to injury. Wound healing is a complex process that results in the contraction and closure of the wound and restoration of a functional barrier.Goal: The purpose of this study was to determine burn wound healing activity of Calvacin. Materials and Methods:We used in study as colored reaction thin layer chromatography (TLC) and UV-spectrophotometer methods to determine active compounds in the three component drug "Calvacin".In research were inducted 20 healthy white mice and 40 rats. Investigation was based and implemented at scientific research laboratory of Traditional Medical Science Technology and Production Corporation and Institute of Veterinary medicine of pathological laboratory. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health.Results:Results of the phytochemical investigations showed that contained in the new drug "Calvacin" determined the presence of bioactive substances such as flavonoids, saponin, tannin, curcuminoids, organic acids and minerals. Substance was absorbed 25.7% in 40 grade ethanol, 27.1% in 70 grade, 22.2% in 96 grade and 19.6% in sterile water. We was established quality quantities of Calvacin in the drug amount summary flavonoids 1% and determined by UV spectrophotometer method. Proceeding from the absorption maximum of the substances analyzed the wave length of detection was determined as 370nm. In the result of mineral study of the "Calvacin", Ca