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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215685


Amyloidosis is a wide spectrum of disease characterized by extracellular deposition of misfolded protein which has common morphological, structural, and staining properties but differs in their protein composition. Hepatic amyloidosis can present as clinicoradiological dido and requires liver biopsy and ancillary histopathological techniques not only to attest the diagnosis but also for typing of amyloidosis. Here, we report a case of hepatic amyloidosis with preserved liver function test despite having massive hepatomegaly.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202457


Introduction: Though Fine needle Aspiration Cytology(FNAC) is good method for diagnosis of lesions, sometimes itdoes not provide precise diagnosis due to inadequate material.Present study was based on use of residual FNAC materialto make cell block in order to find out utility of cell blockpreparation of FNAC.Material and Methods: The two years prospective studycarried out in a tertiary Heath care hospital of central India,included 360 patients referred for FNAC of the lesions fromall body sites. After making the conventional FNAC smears,the remaining material in the needle hub and syringe wasobtained by flushing it with 10% alcohol –formalin. Aftercentrifugation the supernatant was decanted and depositfixed in freshly prepared 10% alcohol-formalin. After halfan hour alcohol-formalin was drained, cell button was takenon whatman-filter paper and processed as surgical tissue inautomated tissue processing machine. FNAC smears andcell block sections were examined separately for cellularity,reporting done and results correlated with histopathology.Results: Of 360 cases FNAC smears and cell blockswere adequate in 324(90%) and 313(86.94%) casesrespectively. Statastical analysis was done in 98 cases inwhich histopathology available. Sensitivity of FNAC was88.06%,specificity of 92.86% and accuracy of 89.47%.Sensitivity of cell block was 90.91%, specificity of 92.86%and accuracy of 91.47%. Sensitivity of combined FNAC andcell block technique was increased to 98.53% with specificityof 93.33% and accuracy of 96.94%.Conclusion: Cell blocks as an adjuvant to FNAC smears isvery effective technique in cytology to reach the definitivediagnosis.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185359


INTRODUCTION- The accurate diagnosis of disease tissue is elementary to the precise diagnosis and proper management of central nervous system lesions. Although histopathology is gold standard, in neurosurgical practice intraoperative cytological diagnosis is now well established and emerge as a dependable standalone diagnostic tool. The rapidity at which sufficient preliminary information for optimal surgery is provided to neurosurgeons, help him take crucial decision regarding patients management. Overall soft nature of CNS lesions ,best suited for smear cytology, which in fact is the major restriction while performing intraoperative Frozen section consultation. So the present study was done to assess the utility of squash cytology in intraoperative diagnosis of CNS lesions. MATERIALAND METHODS-In this prospective study 142 patients with clinical diagnosis of CNS lesions were studied. Patients clinical and radio imaging findings were taken into account while evaluating squash smear preparation. Squash diagnosis was latter correlated with final histopathological diagnosis . RESULTS– Out of 142 cases, cytological diagnosis was offered in 136 cases. In 6 cases no opinion was possible on cytology. Cyto-histological correlation was seen in 127 out of 136 cases, 9 cases remained discordant. Thus overall diagnostic accuracy of squash cytology in intraoperative diagnosis of CNS lesions in our study was 93.38%. CONCLUSION- Intraoperative squash cytology is easy ,rapid, reliable and cost-effective technique for neurosurgical consultation with fairly high accuracy. Knowledge of clinicoradiological details help to further improve the diagnostic accuracy

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215676


Mature cystic teratomas (MCTs) (dermoid cyst) make up almost 20% of all ovarian neoplasms and 88% are unilateral. They constitute the most common ovarian tumor in childhood. However, it is sparsely seen in postmenopausal woman. Malignant transformation is seen in approximately

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184945


Background: Leucorrhea is a major problem in gynecological practice. It can be "physiological" or "pathological." Common pathological causes are infections, cervicitis, atrophy, malignant and premalignant lesions of cervix. Aims: To study the cervical cytology in women with leucorrhoea, to find any relation with age and parity, and evaluate the role of cytology in detecting lesions of cervix. Methods and Material: Observational cross-sectional study. Total 2176 women with leucorrhoea were studied. Cervical scrape smears were taken with Ayre's spatula. Statistical analysis was done wherever applicable. Result/Conclusions: Most common finding in cervical smears in leucorrhoea is Reactive Cellular Changes followed by "Organisms", Candida being the most common. Prevalence of "Epithelial cell abnormality" and squamous cell carcinoma increases with increasing age and parity, whereas prevalence of NILM is associated with younger age and lower parity. Epithelial Cell Abnormalities can also manifest as leucorrhoea. Therefore, regular screening of women with leucorrhoea is must.