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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217735


Background: As per Livestock Census 2019, Banaskantha district shares 9.4% of livestock of Gujarat. About 80–83% of farmers practicing dairy farming in Banaskantha district have low to medium level of knowledge about zoonotic diseases. The practice of handling livestock and its determinants among different populations of Banaskantha district is yet to be studied. Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess level of awareness and hygienic practice of handling livestock and its determinants among the livestock handlers of Banaskantha district. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 172 livestock handlers of nine villages of Banaskantha district. The questionnaire included demographics, knowledge about zoonotic diseases, and practices for handling livestock. One score was given for correct knowledge and practice and “zero” score was given for incorrect knowledge and practice. There were maximum 20 scores for knowledge and practice each. Results: Livestock handlers were well aware of rabies but knowledge of other zoonotic disease was very less. Average knowledge and practice score was 12.76 and 12.39 out of 20, respectively. About 1/3rd of livestock handlers (33.1%) were following hygienic practice very well. Practice score was higher in male livestock handlers and those who received training and livestock handlers with more number of animals. Conclusion: Practice of use of gloves, not using milk during treatment of cattle, testing of animal before purchase, and safe disposal of infected material were very less prevalent. Training should be focused on conveying the importance of correct practicing especially to female livestock handlers with few numbers of animals.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219806


Background:The aim of this doubleblind prospective study was to determine whether administering 1 gm Tranexamic Acid (TXA) would the intraoperative blood loss during the Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF) surgery of mandibular fracture via the intraoral approach operated under local anesthesia (LA).Material And Methods:20 patients who underwent ORIF surgery ofmandibular fractures under LA were randomly allocated to two groups. Study group was administered 1 gm TXA diluted in a 500 ml Ringer Lactate solution one hour before thesurgery. Control group did not receive any such IV infusion. All the surgeries were performed by the same surgeon.Result:Mean difference in Intraoperative blood loss between the two groups was found out to be statistically insignificant. Effect of age, gender or site of fracture was also found out to be insignificant. Conclusion:There is not much effect of TXA on intraoperative blood loss during ORIF of a mandibular fracture via the intraoral approach. Even without tranexamic, if area is infiltrated with adrenaline, proper flap reflection and tissue handling technique is used, and vital structures avoided; blood loss will be minimal.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206329


Purpose: Recently, drug delivery system with controlled and targeted drug release at the tumor sites emerged as an attractive option for improving anticancer therapeutics. Advanced Nano therapeutics must not be limited to nano scale but should find their way to target the solid tumor via direct or indirect way. Pegylation on the surface of liposome helps to become liposome as long circulating and indirect or passive targeting to tumor. Purpose of this study is to develop and optimize the critical process parameters which plays important role in the quality pegylated liposome. Design of experiment (DOE) was used to study the impact of critical process variables like hydration temperature, extrusion process temperature, ethanol concentration, drug loading temperature and drug loading time.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206321


Obesity is one of the most prevalent health concerns among all age groups & populations worldwide, resulting into a significant increase in mortality and morbidity related to metabolic disorders. Targeting one or more enzymes involved in lipid metabolism can be selective for evaluation of anti obesity action of drug. The present study was aimed to evaluate in vitro anti obesity action by inhibiting pancreatic lipase & ᾳ amylase enzyme by various fractions of methanolic extract of aerial parts Fagonia cretica L. along with their phytochemical analysis. The n- hexane (HFFC), Chloroform (CFFC), Ethyl acetate (EAFFC), n-butanol (BFFC) & aqueous fractions (AQFFC) were prepared from methanolic extracts of F. cretica L & were analyzed for qualitative as well as quantitative phytochemical study using reported methods. The qualitative phytochemical studies of prepared extract & fractions showed presence of flavonoids, saponins, phenolics, alkaloids & carbohydrates. All the fractions were then examined for their in-vitro lipase inhibitory & ᾳ amylase inhibitory activities at a concentration level of 50, 100, 150 & 200µg/ml and their percentage inhibitory effects were reported. Among the analyzed samples, BFFC showed highest lipase inhibitory action i.e. 83.02 ± 2.47% as compared to other fractions. EAFFC showed significantly higher ᾳ amylase inhibitory action i.e. 80.22 ± 1.18% as compared to other fractions.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206249


Oxcarbazepine has low solubility and low oral bioavailability, so it’s a challenge to formulate suitable dosage form. In this present investigation, to improve the dissolution rate and solubility, skimmed milk is used as a carrier. Physical mixers were prepared using various drugs to carrier ratio and spray drying technology was used to develop solid dispersion with the carrier. Various techniques were used to characterize the solid dispersion immediately after they were made which includes differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy, fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and in-vitro dissolution profiles. The differential scanning calorimetry thermograms of raw drug indicated of its anhydrous crystalline nature. In thermograms of solid dispersion, the characteristic peak was absent suggesting the change from crystalline nature to amorphous form. X-ray diffraction confirmed those results. X-ray diffraction results of raw drug showed highly intense peak characteristic of its crystalline nature where solid dispersion showed less intense, more diffused peak indicating the change in crystalline form. Fourier transforms infra-red spectroscopy studies showed there was no interaction between drug and carrier. Scanning electron microscopy support the amorphous nature of mixer. The whole formulation showed distinct enhancement in the drug release behavior and solubility. The optimum oxcarbazepine to skimmed milk ratio 1:3 enhances the in-vitro drug release by 3.5 fold and also show distinct increase in solubility. It was concluded that for improvement of solubility of poorly water soluble oxcarbazepine, skimmed milk powder as a carrier can be utilize very well.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202567


Introduction: The currently available data in the publicdomain, is either from some specific regions in the countryor it doesn’t capture the prevalence of CKD specifically inT2DM population.9,14 Therefore, it was eminent to performa pan-India epidemiological study to get a clear cut idea onthe prevalence of CKD in T2DM patients. Hence, the presentstudy was conducted to assess the clinical spectrum of CKDpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional,observational, study to assess the clinical spectrum ofCKD among T2DM patients. The blood/plasma and urinesamples, were collected for estimation of hemoglobin A1c,microalbuminuria, serum creatinine, urine creatinine, androutine urine analysis.Results: When assessed blood pressures of the cases, weobserved that the mean systolic blood pressure was 138(12.4) mmHg, and mean diastolic blood pressure among thestudy subjects was 84 (6.4) mmHg. The mean HbA1C levelsobserved among the cases was 7.9 (1.27).Conclusion: Study reported higher prevalence of CKD whichwas driven by the ACR levels and majority of the patientshad reasonable eGFR. This can be a guide to select drug anddosage of diabetes drug as it depends on kidney function.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202400


Introduction: Portal hypertension (PHT) commonlyaccompanies cirrhosis of liver. Development of esophagealvarices is one of the major complications of PHT. A majorcause of PHT-related morbidity and mortality is thedevelopment of variceal hemorrhage, which occurs in 25-40% of patients. 1 Esophageal varices are diagnosed byendoscopy. Further follow-up should then relate to the initialsize of varices. In case of large varices, endoscopic follow-upis not necessary and primary prophylaxis with a nonselectiveβ-blocker should be started. Endoscopic band ligation isuseful in preventing variceal bleeding in patients with mediumor large varices. The present study was conducted to assess theclinical presentation of cases of portal hypertension presentedwith esophageal varices in tertiary healthcare institute.Material and methods: The present study was conductedat a tertiary healthcare teaching institute from July 2018 toOctober 2018 and 70 patients were studied. All the casespresented with PHT, which had been diagnosed clinically,biochemically, radiologically and endoscopically wereincluded in the present study.Results: Incidence of esophageal varices in patients withPHT is approximately 90-95%, but only 30-50% developvariceal bleeding, which is usually associated mainly withfatal outcome. Pallor (88%), ascites (80%) and splenomegaly(70%) were common signs followed by icterus (52%).Asymptomatic esophageal varices were found in 80% ofpatients, 20% had Grade 1, 26% had Grade 2 and 34% hadGrade 3 esophageal varices.Conclusions: Portal hypertension is largely a preventablecondition because the commonest etiology is alcoholism.Asymptomatic esophageal varices, which is quite common,can be easily diagnosed with invasive endoscopy or otherwisesuspected with noninvasive platelet/spleen size ratio in countrylike ours, where financial constraint is a main problem. It canbe very useful and applicable at small centers like communityhealth centers (CHCs) and primary health centers (PHCs) inour country with limited resources.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187179


Introduction: Although short term treatments for alcoholism is quite effective but one of the most distressing problems in alcoholism treatment is the relatively high rates of relapse to alcohol use following periods of abstinence. Preventing Relapse is a formidable challenge in the treatment of drug addiction. Several authors in western countries have described relapse as complex, dynamic and unpredictable phenomena. Therefore in this study we attempt to examine the role or association between different socio-demographic variables, coping strategies and relapse among alcoholic patients. Aim: To study role of coping behavior and socio-demographic variables in alcohol relapse. Materials and methods: It was an observational study. A total of 100 willing patients of alcohol dependence with relapse were enrolled for the study. For the purpose of study an episode of relapse was defined as per ICD-10, relapse in substance dependency is defined as re-emergence of substance dependence after at least 4 weeks of abstinent period. All participants fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria and given written informed consent were analyzed through a structured interview using CBI. Results: A significant association of many socio-demographic and psychosocial variables with relapse was found. Variables like male gender, nuclear family, early age of onset of drinking, positive family history, number of past relapses etc. were found significant in determining relapse. A strong association of seldom use of coping strategies in predicting relapse was found. The average mean score in CBI was found to be 1.04 with SD of 0.25. Conclusion: This study may conclude that there is significant association of demographic and psychosocial factors with relapse in alcohol dependence. There is significant role of coping behavior in determining or predicting relapse.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186581


Introduction: Coping responses are being targeted in psychological interventions as they have the capacity to distinctly influence the illness course. Identifying the coping strategies in patients of Bipolar Mood Disorder thus becomes essential part for treatment design, due to differential coping preferences having etiological and clinical implications. Most studies till date have focused on bipolar I disorder, the current study examines the cognitive coping profiles in both bipolar I (BD I) and bipolar II mood disorder (BD II) patients, and compared them. Aim: To examine the cognitive coping strategies in Bipolar I and Bipolar II patients and how they differ from each other. Material and methods: A total of 100 participants were segregated using MINI and divided into groups based on DSM-IV TR. Participants (62 BD I patients and 38 BD II patients) were analyzed for preferential cognitive coping strategies using the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Results: BD I patients scored significantly higher on most adaptive coping subscales of CERQ as compared to BD II patients. Conclusion: BD I patients used more adaptive coping strategies as compared to BD II patients.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164974


Introduction: Trapezio metacarpal joint arthritis is the commonest of arthritis in hand. It occurs more in females after age of 40 years (post menopausal women). Pain appears in all thumb movements which incapacitates them to do their daily household work. There are various methods of treating this disease like conservative methods including NSAIDS and hot water fomentation; surgical methods like trapeziectomy, stabilizing ligamentoplasty, prosthetic replacement (silicon implats, steffee prosthesis etc, fusion of trapezio metacarpal joint and tapeziectomy with tendon interposition arthroplasty. Non surgical measures forms the first line of treatment with aim of preventing progression of disease, however, surgery becomes an option when symptoms are refractory to nonsurgical methods. Aim: To evaluate the outcomes of trapeziectomy with free rolled tendon palmaris longus interposition arthroplasty for moderate to severe osteoarthritis of trapezio metacarpal joint. Material and methods: We evaluated 10 patients (mean age 50, Eaton Littler stage 3 and 4) who underwent trapeziectomy and palmaris longus interposition arthroplasy for end stage osteoarthritis of thumb carpometacarpal joint. Clinical outcome parameters were determined preoperatively and at 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. Results: We have got excellent in 7 cases (9 thumbs), good in 2 cases, poor in 1 case. Conclusion: Rolled tendon arthroplasty using free rolled palmaris longus tendon with trapeziectomy is able to provide high quality results in moderate to severe osteoarthritis of trapezio metacarpal joint.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164909


Introduction: Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) is a simple, quick and inexpensive method in the head and neck region. It also affords a practicable and means of rationally planning surgery and causes minimal trauma to the patient and carries no risk of complications. Aim and objectives: The aim of this study was to see the frequency of various pathological conditions detected on FNAC in patients presenting with head and neck swellings and to evaluate the role of FNAC in diagnosis of head and neck swelling. Material and methods: A retrospective study was conducted in Department of Pathology, SMIMER Medical College, Surat from July 2014 to June 2015which included 250 patients with head and neck swellings presenting to Outpatient clinics. Fine Needle Aspiration Diagnosis was correlated with detail of relevant clinical findings and investigation. Results: Maximum incidence was observed in the age group 31-40 years with higher incidence among males. Out of 250 cases, 160 cases of lymph node lesions were diagnosed of which non- specific lymphadenitis was the commonest diagnosis (47%) followed by Tuberculous lymphadentities (25%). 57 cases of thyroid lesions were diagnosed, in which incidence rate of benign thyroid lesions was (84%). 12 cases of salivary gland lesions were found, among which pleomorphic adenoma was common (67%). Conclusion: It was concluded that non-Specific lymphadenitis is the commonest condition in patients presenting with neck swellings. FNAC is a simple, safe and inexpensive tool for the assessment of patients with head and neck swellings. It could differentiate the infective process from neoplastic one and avoids unnecessary surgeries. Thus, FNAC can be recommended as a first line of investigation in the diagnosis of head and neck swellings.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164775


Background: MDR-TB is defined as resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin with or without resistance to other drugs. India is one of the countries with largest burden of MDR TB in the world. Second line Anti-tuberculous therapy is now available for patients with MDR-TB under the RNTCP Category IV. but there are many challenges for MDR-TB control in india. This study was done to analyses the RNTCP data for MDR-TB maintained at a TU, in the city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, and to compare it with the data available in literature. This study also aimed to identify challenges faced while treating MDR-TB and to address the same. Material and methods: We had restropectively analyzed 353 patients referred to the TU from the respective Direct Microscopy Center (DMC) with suspicion of MDR-TB during a period of January 2014 to December 2014. Results: Of the 353 suspected MDR_TB patients referred to the TU, 48 patients (13.597%) were diagnosed to have MDR-TB. Of these 48 patients, 46 patients had pulmonary TB (95.833%) and 2 patients had extra-pulmonary MDR-TB (4.166%). Of the 48 patients, 08 (16.67%) patients were transferred to their respective TU and 40 patients (83.33%) were enrolled for Cat IV from our TU. Of the 40 patients enrolled at our TU, 30 patients (75%) were continuing Category IV at the end of 2014 (25 were on intensive phase and 05 were on continuation phase), 03 patients (7.5%) died during treatment, 01 patient (2.5%) defaulted treatment, 05 patients (12.5%) refused treatment and 01 patient had XDR-TB (2.5%). Of the 40 patients, 05 patients (12.5%) had ofloxacin resistance. NO patient had intolerance to any oral or injectable ATT. None of the diagnosed MDR-TB patients had HIV co-infection Conclusion: Drug resistance in tuberculosis is a “man-made problem”. Anti-TB chemotherapy must be given optimally by (i) ensuring adequate absorption of drugs, (ii) timely diagnosis and management of drug toxicities and (iii) treatment adherence. To ensure that all patients get adequate treatment and to have a close follow-up of defaulters and patients who refuse treatment; we need to strengthen our existing management information system and also incorporate private sectors into our system.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-156743


Objectives: Present study is a little effort to understand factors responsible for pedestrians accidents, to determine risk factors, sources and causes of mortality involved in pedestrians accidents, to reach a conclusion regarding prevention of pedestrians accidents and reducing pedestrians mortality. Materials and Method: Present study is a retrospective study based on an analysis of 156 autopsies on cases of pedestrian accidents at Sheth V.S. General Hospital, Ahmadabad during two consecutive years from May 2008 to April 2010. Result: Following risk factors are identified from this study- old age, heavy motor vehicles, city life, morning hours of the day etc. Pedestrians are the most vulnerable to vehicular injuries and victims of road traffic accidents. There is less awareness in pedestrians as well as in drivers of vehicles regarding road traffic accidents and its consequences.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-156740


Objectives: Present study makes a little effort to understand patterns of injuries over pedestrians during road traffic accidents, to set on record a statistical statement of the severity and survival period in pedestrians accidents and to define, delineate and compare present study with other available studies. Materials and Methods: Present study is based on an analysis of 156 autopsies on victims of pedestrian accidents at Sheth V.S. General Hospital, Ahmedabad during two consecutive years from May 2008 to April 2010. Result: This study shows the males (80.8%) are outnumbered the females (19.2%). Evaluation of patterns of injuries shows head injury is overall most common in pedestrians. In primary impact injury head injury (41%) and lower limb injuries (36.5%) are most common followed by pelvic injuries (12.1%). Head injury (33.9%) is again most common in secondary impact injuries. Chest injuries (16.6%) and abdomen injury (12.8%) are most common secondary injuries to pedestrians followed by head (8.3%) and neck (5.1%). Road traffic accidents are the major contributors of unnatural deaths worldwide. Pedestrians are the most commonly involved victims in such cases.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-672112


Forced degradation is a degradation of new drug substance and drug product at conditions more severe than accelerated conditions. It is required to demonstrate specificity of stability indicating methods and also provides an insight into degradation pathways and degradation products of the drug substance and helps in elucidation of the structure of the degradation products. Forced degradation studies show the chemical behavior of the molecule which in turn helps in the development of formulation and package. In addition, the regulatory guidance is very general and does not explain about the performance of forced degradation studies. Thus, this review discusses the current trends in performance of forced degradation studies by providing a strategy for conducting studies on degradation mechanisms and also describes the analytical methods helpful for development of stability indicating method.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-152397


Introduction: Verification or determination of the age is prerequisite for personal identification in living as well as dead and age estimation is one of the important tasks for a medico-legal practice. Skeletal examination is important for identification of an individual either living or dead especially for the estimation of age. Material and Method: In the present study, authors have tried to work out the criteria for determination of age of the deceased with the help of sternum. Authors have studied 109 sterna procured from the cadavers with known age brought for post-mortem examination at the civil hospital, ahmedabad. Fusion of manubrium and xiphoid process with the body of sternum was studied radiologically. The data thus collected, were analysed statistically and conclusion was drawn. Result: According to the present study, for males, the age of fusion between xiphisterum and body of the sternum is at 42 years, for females, the age of fusion between xiphisterum and body of the sternum is at 44 years. In males, the fusion at manubrio-sternal starts at the age of 50 years and it completes after the age of 59 years but the exact age for complete fusion at manubrio-sternal joint could not be defined. Amongst females, the cases showing first degree fusion are seen increasing from the age of 54 years and complete fusion after the age of 64 years. But here also the exact pattern could not be defined. Conclusion: Estimation of age by radiology will be of very much helpful to the medicolegal experts in determining the age of unknown deceased as well as skeletonised remains.

J Environ Biol ; 2012 Nov; 33(6): 1051-1055
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148469


Phaeophyscia hispidula (Ach.) Moberg, foliose lichen is widespread in Garhwal Himalayas and grows luxuriantly on different substratum in polluted as well as non polluted sites, where no other macrolichens are able to colonize. The elemental concentration and biochemical parameters in P. hispidula collected from Dehra Dun city were analyzed to assess its tolerance to heavy metals. The major source of pollution in the city is automobiles. Among the biochemical parameters protein was significantly and negatively correlated with pigment concentrations (r= -0.3838 (Chl.b); -0.5809 (Carotenoid); -0.5034 (OD)) however it is significantly positively correlated with Cd (r = 0.6822: P<0.01). Among heavy metals, Cd was negatively correlated with Cu (r = -0.4639), Fe (r = -0.2676), and Zn (r = -0.0549). It was observed that the chlorophyll and protein content increased parallel to the level of metallic pollutants indicating the mechanism of stress tolerance in P. hispidula. The study shows that P. hispidula is tolerant to inorganic pollution and a useful tool for biomonitoring of air quality in the Himalayan region.

Indian J Cancer ; 2011 Apr-Jun; 48(2): 199-203
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-144452


Introduction: Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is rare and accounts for 1-2% of all primary intracranial tumors (ICT). There are conflicting reports regarding the increased incidence of PCNSL over the last two decades in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients. Aim: This study was designed to study the clinicopathological characteristics of PCNSL and to access the trend of PCNSL at our institute. Materials and Methods: All the histopathologically proven cases of PCNSL were reviewed from January 1997 to December 2009 (13 years). Immunophenotyping was performed on available paraffin-embedded tissue blocks. Immune status was evaluated and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) serology was performed in all cases. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) findings were recorded whenever available. Possibility of secondary involvement by a systemic lymphoma was excluded in every case. Statistical analysis was done using χ2 -test. Results: During the study period (13 years), a total of 4715 cases of ICT were diagnosed, out of which 66 cases were PCNSL, which accounted for 1.4%. The age ranged from 10 to 75 years with a median age of 46 years. All the patients were immunocompetent. Frontal lobe was the most common site of involvement. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma was the histological pattern in all the cases. CSF involvement was seen in only one case. Conclusions: In this study, no significant increase in the incidence of PCNSL was found at our institute. Association of PCNSL cases with HIV or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was not found in our study.

Adulto , Idoso , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/epidemiologia , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/metabolismo , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/patologia , Feminino , Seguimentos , Humanos , Técnicas Imunoenzimáticas , Incidência , Índia/epidemiologia , Linfoma/epidemiologia , Linfoma/metabolismo , Linfoma/patologia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prognóstico
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2010 Nov; 58(6): 471-475
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-136109


Background: Diabetes is one of the major causes of cataract. Some drugs prescribed for the treatment of diabetes are the modulators of CYP450, which may alter the risk of cataract. Objective: To study the effect of CYP450 modulation in galactosemic cataract. Materials and Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley suckling rats were allotted to four groups (n = 6), as follows: Group 1: Normal control, Group 2: Galactose control, Group 3: CYP450 inhibitor pretreated and Group 4: CYP450 inducer pretreated. Cataract was induced in animals of all groups except group 1 by feeding them galactose (50%), 21 days after parturition. From the eighteenth day of life, CYP450 inhibitor (nifedipine; 8.1 mg/kg) and CYP450 inducer (pioglitazone; 3.8 mg/kg) were given orally to groups 3 and 4, respectively. The maturation pattern of the cataract was observed by an operating microscope, every third day. Biochemical changes in the lenses of all groups, for example, CYP450 activity expressed as µM NADPH oxidized / unit time, alterations in the levels of total proteins, soluble proteins, and reduced glutathione (GSH) following the induction of cataract, were estimated. Results: The microscopic examination of the lenses indicated that CYP450 inhibitor pre-treatment delayed (fourteenth day) the occurrence of cataract, while CYP450 inducer pretreatment demonstrated an early (ninth day) cataract as compared to galactose control rats (twelfth day). A significant decrease and increase in CYP450 activity was observed with the CYP450 inhibitor and inducer pre-treatment, respectively. There was no alteration in the GSH level, but a significant increase in total and soluble protein was found in groups 3 and 4 as compared to group 2. Conclusion: CYP450 may have a role in the initiation of cataract without any effect on the maturation pattern, as revealed by the delayed occurrence of cataract with the CYP450 inhibitor and an early onset of cataract with the CYP450 inducer.

Animais , Catarata/induzido quimicamente , Catarata/metabolismo , Catarata/patologia , Catarata/prevenção & controle , Sistema Enzimático do Citocromo P-450/antagonistas & inibidores , Sistema Enzimático do Citocromo P-450/metabolismo , Galactose , Cristalino/metabolismo , Cristalino/patologia , Masculino , Nifedipino/farmacologia , Ratos , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Tiazolidinedionas/farmacologia
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-134501


Poisons are known to mankind since time immemorial. Of the various substances used for suicide in India, Organ phosphorous compounds form a significant group as observed by much workers. The study was aimed to generate a baseline data on the epidemiological factors contributing to the incidence and mortality due to O.P. Poisoning. So as to highlight the problem this requires planned and concentrated effort in dealing with it on a broader horizon. Since prevention is the only logical approach there is an urgent need to take appropriate steps to prevent loss of lives. The analysis of the data revealed that 65 cases of O.P. poisoning brought to the mortuary of Smt. NHL MMC, Ahmedabad for medico-legal autopsy, during 5 years period i.e. 1995 to 1999.The age group ranged between10 years to 40 years and above, with maximum incidence between 21–30 years and males outnumbering females. The main mode of poisoning was suicidal by ingestion.

Estudos de Coortes , Humanos , Índia/epidemiologia , Inseticidas/intoxicação , Inseticidas/toxicidade , Compostos Organofosforados/toxicidade , Intoxicação por Organofosfatos , Intoxicação