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Neurology Asia ; : 145-151, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-732547


This study described the clinical and paraclinical features of south Indian patients with longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM) and contrasted the findings betweenaquaporin-4 positive versus negative patients. The subjects were recruited between2010 and 2013.The distinctive features among71 LETM patients were compared and it was observed that 56% of the total subjects were found to be AQP4-Ab positive. The ratio of female tomale was found to be higher in the AQP4-Ab positive group. Magnetic resonance imaging showed holocord involvement more commonly in AQP4-Abnegative than positive group. The presence of hypointense lesions did not correlate with severity. The main distinctive features between AQP4-Abpositive and negative cases include older onset age, higher proportion of female, low frequency of conus involvement and higher prevalence of coexisting autoimmune disorders in AQP4-Ab positive cases. Therewas no difference in attack severity, onset of optic neuritis, and spasms between the two groups. Our results suggest that the clinical and spinal cord neuro-imaging information can aid in distinguishing between the positive and negative group of patients with LETM. The early detection of AQP4-Ab positive status predicts the recurrence of LETM or occurrence of optic neuritis duringthe study period.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183804


Background:The proportion of the patients attending the psychiatric consultation, once the disorder is recognized islimited. Lack of adequate knowledge regarding mental illnesses and help seeking attitude from other methodslike faith healers, priests are the common reasons for delay in psychiatric consultation. This delay has areasonable effect on the prognosis of the illness.Aim:To study the delay and reasons for the delay in first psychiatric consultation, and their relation to socio-demographic variables.Methods:A semi structured interview containing socio demographic variables and the reasons for delay is used toassess the patients attending psychiatric outpatient department of Mamata General Hospital. The diagnosiswas made according to ICD-10 diagnostic criteria.Results:Out of 100 patients assessed in the study, the most common reasons for delay in psychiatric consultation wereignorance about the illness, belief in magical and religious methods. Stigma towards psychiatric illnesses,financial problems, caregivers' education also influence the delay duration.Conclusion:This study emphasizes the need for awareness in the population regarding psychiatric disorders for a betteroutcome of the illness.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183827


Background: Persons with psychiatric co- morbidity have markedly high risk of suicide attempts.Aim To study the socio-demographic variables, role of life events and prevalence of psychiatric diagnosis in suicideattempters. The present study has been undertaken with an intention to have deeper insight in to the mental health ofsuicide attempters.Methods A semi structured interview consisting of socio-demographic details, a proforma to document suicide attemptdata, Presumptive Stressful Life Event scale (PSLE) to know the desirable or undesirable life events. Mini InternationalNeuropsychiatric Interview plus (MINI Plus) was used to assess the psychiatric abnormality. Data was statisticallyanalyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences - Version 10 (SPSS -10).Results: Suicide attempters experience peaking of stressful events in the early months before the attempt. Most commondiagnoses were depression, personality disorders, followed by alcohol dependence and anxiety disorders.Conclusion: Suicide attempters are more among the groups of young age, female gender, rural background, married,belonging to nuclear family and low socio economic class. Majority of the suicide attempters are suffering with psychiatric illness.