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Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 32-35, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-515228


Objective T o explore the characteristics of schizophrenia patients' hom icide behaviors and the influences of the assessm ents of crim inal capacity. Methods Indicators such as dem ographic and clinical data, characteristics of crim inal behaviors and crim inal capacity from the suspects w hom w ere diagnosed by forensic psychiatry as schizophrenia (n=110) and norm al m ental (n=70) w ith hom icide behavior, w ere collected by self-m ade investigation form and com pared. T he influences of the assessm ents of crim inal capacity on the suspects diagnosed as schizophrenia w ere also analyzed using logistic regression analysis. Results T here w ere no significant statistical differences betw een the schizophrenic group and the norm al m ental group concerning age, gender, education and m arital status (P>0.05). T here w ere significant sta-tistical differences betw een the tw o groups concerning thought disorder, em otion state and social function before crim e (P<0.05) and there w ere significant statistical differences in som e characteristics of the case such as aggressive history (P<0.05), cue, trigger, plan, crim inal incentives, object of crim e, circum stance cognition and self-protection ( P<0 .05 ) . M ultivariate logistic regression analysis suggested that thought disorder, em otion state, social function, crim inal incentives, plan and self-protection before crim e of the schizophrenic group w ere positively correlated w ith the crim inal capacity (P<0.05). Conclusion T he rele-vant influences of psychopathology and crim e characteristics should be considered com prehensively for im proving the accuracy of the crim inal capacity evaluation on the suspects diagnosed as schizophrenia w ith hom icide behavior.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 244-246, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-620665


Objective T o explore the crim inal characteristics of forensic psychiatry expertise in depression patients and schizophrenics w ith hom icide behavior. Methods A total of 40 depression (depressive episode) patients and 50 schizophrenics w ith hom icide behavior w ere random ly assigned into the study group and control group, respectively. D ata of dem ographic and crim inal characteristic of the tw o groups w ere collected by a self-designed questionnaire, and then w ere com pared. Results T here w ere no statis-tical differences in age, education level and career betw een study and control groups (P>0.05). C om pared w ith the control group, the victim s in the study group w ere m ainly the patient's children and parents, and m ost offenders had suicidal behavior after hom icide (70% ). In study group, the m otives of crim e w ere m ainly extended suicide and indirect suicide, and m ost offenders had attem pted suicide (85% ) and dim inished capacity of crim inal responsibility (70% ), w hich in control group had no capacity of crim inal responsibility (56% ). E xcept for crim inal site, there w ere statistical differences in other crim inal charac-teristics betw een tw o groups (P<0.05). Conclusion T here are different crim inal characteristics betw een de-pression patients and schizophrenics w ith hom icide behavior in forensic psychiatry, and these characteris-tics should be considered w hen these tw o diagnoses are distinguished in forensic psychiatry expertise.