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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 137-145, abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430591


Resumen La reserva cognitiva (RC) se refiere al nivel de adaptabilidad de la cognición frente a cambios cerebrales. Varios estudios la han considerado un factor de protección de la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). En la región argentina no se cuenta con un instrumento validado que permita medir este constructo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es adaptar el Cuestionario de Reserva Cognitiva (CRC) a la población argentina, establecer puntajes de corte para determinar desde niveles bajos a superiores de RC y analizar qué variables predicen el puntaje total de la reserva. Las modificaciones introducidas a la adaptación fueron evaluadas a través de un proceso de juicio de expertos. Un total de 177 sujetos sanos completaron el Cuestionario de Reserva Cognitiva en su adaptación argentina (CRC-a). Mediante la medida de cuartiles, se establecieron puntajes de corte para determinar niveles bajos, medios, altos y superiores de la reserva. Se realizó una regresión lineal para evaluar si el sexo, la edad y la escolaridad predicen el nivel de RC. En la adaptación argentina del CRC se modificaron 3 de las 8 dimensiones totales y 16 de los 33 ítems totales con respecto al cuestionario original. La media del puntaje total obtenido por la muestra a partir del cuestionario fue de 15.06 con DS = 3.42. Puntajes menores a 13 reflejaron niveles bajos de RC, puntajes entre 13 y 16, niveles medios, puntajes entre 16 y 20, niveles altos, y puntajes superiores a 20, niveles superiores. La escolaridad resultó ser la única variable de predicción del nivel de RC. Si bien se encontraron diferencias entre grupos respecto a la variable sexo, esta no demostró ser predictiva. El CRC-a es el primer instrumento desarrollado en esta región para medir el nivel de RC. Contar con su validación abriría futuras líneas de investigaciones sobre posibles intervenciones para la prevención de enfermedades, tales como la EA.

Abstract Cognitive reserve (CR) refers to the level of adaptability of cognition after brain changes. It is based on processes that allow the activation of new synaptic connections after neurodegeneration, which permits to better withstand the consequences. This reserve is constituted by the interaction of innate individual characteristics (intrauterine or genetically determined) and the exposure to different life experiences. It begins its development in early stages of life and continues its transformation up to advances ages. The sociodemographic variables reported as the main ones to build the reserve are education, leisure activities, lifestyle, socioeconomic level and intelligence. Several studies have considered it as a protective factor for Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Subjects with high levels of CR have lower prevalence and incidence of AD in comparison to those with low levels of reserve. CR would lead to a late onset of symptoms, despite not having any effect on the underlying pathophysiological process of the disease. The reserve would not prevent AD from developing, but it would compensate the symptoms and, therefore, delay their onset. In some cases, there is such compensation that the symptoms do not manifest. There is no validated instrument available for the Argentinian region that allows to measure this construct. The aim of this study is to adapt the Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire to the Argentinian population, to establish cut-off scores to distinguish between low, medium, high and superior levels of CR and analyze which variables could predict the total reserve score. The modifications introduced in the adaptation were evaluated through an expert judgment process. A total of 177 healthy subjects completed the Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire in its Argentinian adaptation (CRQ-a). Through the measure of quartiles, cut-off scores were established to determine low, medium, high and superior levels of the reserve. A lineal regression was made to evaluate if age, education, and sex might predict the level of CR. Three of the eight total dimensions and 16 of the 33 total items that make up the original questionnaire were modified. The mean of the total score obtained by the sample from the questionnaire was 15.06 with SD = 3.42. Scores under 13 reflected low CR levels, scores between 13 and 16 reflected medium levels, scores between 16 and 20 reflected high levels, and scores above 20 reflected superior levels. Education turned out to be the only predictor variable for the level of CR. Although differences were found between groups of different sex, this variable turned out to be not predictive. The CRQ-a is the first instrument for the Argentinian population to measure the level of the reserve. It allows to quickly explore different dimensions, considered as the most relevant for its formation. These are: formal education, courses, parents' formal education, employment, musical training, languages, reading activity and intellectual games. In patients with AD, is particularly important to have a measure for CR to prepare interventions for those subjects whose reserve levels are perceived as low, aiming to delay and, when possible, prevent the clinical manifestation of the disease. Its validation would open future lines of research on possible interventions for the prevention of diseases such as AD.

Interdisciplinaria ; 34(2): 295-306, dic. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-975775


La Memoria Prospectiva (MP) es un conjunto de habilidades cognitivas que permite recordar y realizar acciones planeadas o intenciones demoradas. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la MP en pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple Recaídas y Remisiones (EMRR) con dos pruebas experimentales que evalúan distintos aspectos de la MP. Se evaluaron 36 pacientes con EMRR y un grupo control de 35 voluntarios sanos (GC), apareados por edad y escolaridad. Se administró una batería de tests neuropsicológicos que incluye dos técnicas que evalúan la MP: El Cóndor y el Test de Memoria Prospectiva de Tareas Múltiples (MTPM). Los pacientes obtuvieron un puntaje más bajo que el GC (en puntaje total de El Cóndor, p = .007, d = 0.7). En el MTPM, el GC obtuvo significativamente más puntos en la Fase de Formación de la intención (p = .027, d = .5). El 63% de los pacientes versus el 88.5% del GC, autoiniciaron la intención (p = .014). Los pacientes que obtuvieron mejor puntaje en Formación, autoiniciaron más la acción proyectada (p = .012). La educación, la duración de la enfermedad y la depresión correlacionaron leve y significativamente con el Cóndor y el MTPM. La discapacidad física se relacionó sólo con la capacidad de autoiniciar del MTPM. Se concluye que la MP parece estar afectada negativamente en pacientes con EMRR. Se encontró un deterioro de la planificación y la autoiniciación de la intención. La autoniciación fue influenciada por la calidad de la planificación. Los resultados destacan la necesidad de evaluar objetivamente la MP en pacientes con EMRR para poder detectar cualquier alteración en las etapas iniciales de la enfermedad y comenzar una rehabilitación apropiada.

Prospective Memory (PM) is a set of cognitive abilities that allow us to remember to perform planned actions or delayed intentions. It requires the recall of the content of the planned task in the form of an intention to be able to execute it at the appropriate moment. Previous studies have yielded conflicting results as some show that MS patients have difficulty in remembering the content of intentions and others in the process of self-initiation of delayed intentions. Moreover, the relationship between PM and clinical variables also remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate PM in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) with two experimental tests that evaluate different aspects of the MP. Another aim of the current study was to analyse the relationship between PM and demographic variables and clinical variables. 36 outpatients with a diagnosis of RRMS attending to two centers specialized in multiple sclerosis clinics, were recruited. Thirty five healthy volunteers formed the contrast group (CG), matched for age, gender and education with the MS patients. A neuropsychological test battery that included two techniques for measuring PM was administered. The Condor Test consists of reading a text whilst simultaneously executing many actions. In the Multitask Prospective Memory (MTPM), the participant must remember to initiate a complex intention, which was previously planned. The test yields formation scores of the intention, initiation, plan retention capacity and finally two execution scores. A depression scale (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI-II) was administered and physical disability was revealed using the Expanded Disability Status Scale. In the RRMS group, the majority of patients (80.6%) had none or minimal signs of depression according to BDI-II classification criteria. Seventy five % of patients were in full- or half-time employment, 13.9% were unemployed or in occasional employment and 11.1% were house wives or retired on grounds of age. With respect to cognitive performance 47.2% of MS patients presented cognitive impairment. RRMS patients and the CG did not differ significantly on age and years of formal education. Groups showed no significant differences in distribution of Gender. Patients scored significantly lower than the CG on the Condor's total score, p = .007, d = .7. On the MTPM, the CG obtained significantly more points for intention formation than patients, p = .027, d = .5. Sixty-three percent of patients versus 88.5% of the CG self-initiated the intention, p = .014. Patients who obtained a higher score on Formation, self-initiated more often, p = .012. Education, disease progression and depression measure with the Beck Depression Inventory, significantly and mildly correlated with the Condor and the MTPM. Physical disability was only associated with the intention planning phase of MTPM. PM appears to be impaired in patients with RRMS. A deficit was found in planning and self-initiation of planned actions. Self-initiation was influenced by planning quality. Education, disease progression and depression were shown to influence recall and execution of future intentions. Physical disability was only associated with the intention planning phase. Some previous studies have not found a significant relationship between physical disability and cognitive measures. This study suggests that PM can be affected in patients with a low level of physical impairment. Results highlight the need for objective assessment of PM in RRMS patients to be able to detect any disorder in the initial stages of the disease and start appropriate rehabilitation. Amongst the limitations of this study, the observational, non-blind design must be acknowledged, as well as the small sample size. Also, the instruments used to assess PM are relatively new and studies of their psychometric properties are lacking. Nevertheless, the use of an instrument like The Condor is notable, given that it was developed for local population.

Anu. investig. - Fac. Psicol., Univ. B. Aires ; 21(2): 277-284, nov.2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-758624


Corroborar la presencia de disociaciones entre Teoría de la Mente (TdM) cognitiva y emocional en la variante conductual de la Demencia Frontotemporal (DFTvc). Muestra: 20 pacientes, media de edad 67 años, y 6 de escolaridad. Para diagnóstico de DFTvc se administró: Lectura de la Mente en los Ojos (LMO) como prueba de TdM emocional, Falsa creencia de primer orden (FC1O) como prueba de TdM cognitiva, y Faux Pas como prueba mixta. Resultados: El 80% de los pacientes mostró alteraciones en LMO y el 45% en FC1O. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre LMO y FC1O, y entre Faux Pas y FC1O, y dobles disociaciones. Conclusión: La TdM emocional sería la más afectada en DFTvc. El hallazgo de disociaciones entre tareas podría deberse a que la TdM afectiva es procesada a través de la “teoría de la simulación”, mientras que la TdM cognitiva lo es a través de la “teoría teoría”...

Humanos , Demência/psicologia , Emoções , Transtornos Dissociativos/psicologia
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-662122


La variante frontal de la Demencia Frontotemporal (DFTvf) se caracteriza por un severo trastorno de la conducta y la personalidad, explicado por alteraciones en el procesamiento emocional y/o en la Teoría de la Mente (TdM). Objetivo: Evaluar los procesos cognitivos involucrados en a resolución del Test de Caras (Baron-Cohen et al., 1997) en comparación con el test Lectura de la Mente en los Ojos (LMO) (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001) y la utilidad de ambos para el diagnóstico de alteraciones en la TdM en pacientes con DFTvf. Población: 20 pacientes con diagnóstico de DFTvf, media de edad 66,9 años y escolaridad 6,25 años. Resultados: Correlación significativa entre LMO y el Test de Caras. Doble disociación entre ambas pruebas. Conclusión: La presencia de correlaciones indica que ambas pruebas se afectan en esta demencia, resultando herramientas de igual valor clínico. El hallazgo de disociaciones indica que cada una de ellas evalúa procesos cognitivos parcialmente independientes.

The frontal variant of frontotemporal dementia (FTDfv) is characterized by a severe behavioural and personality impairment, explained by alterations in the emotional process and/or in Theory of Mind (ToM). Objective: To assess the cognitive processes involved in performing the Faces Test (Baron-Cohen et al., 1997) in comparison with Reading de Mind in the Eyes Test (RME) (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001), and the utility of both in the diagnosis of ToM alterations in FTDfv patients. Subjects: 20 patients diagnosed with FTDfv, mean age 66,9 years and mean education 6,25 years. Results: Significative correlation between RME and Faces Test. Double dissociation between these tests. Conclusion: The presence of correlations indicates that both tests are affected in this dementia, being both useful as clinical tools. The dissociations founded indicates that each one assesses partially-independent cognitive processes.

Investig. psicol ; 10(1): 59-72, 2005. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-677975


El estudio del Retén Grafémico y sus alteraciones selectivas por lesión cerebral se ha basado fundamentalmente en evidencia proveniente de investigaciones de sujetos agráficos hablantes del inglés, francés o italiano. Casi no existen reportes en la bibliografía sobre pacientes con déficit de este componente en el español. En este trabajo se presenta evidencia empírica desde el español que puede contribuir al estudio de este Retén. En primer lugar, se compara el rendimiento en escritura de dos agráficos hispanohablantes con alteración del Retén Grafémico. Luego, se contrastan estos casos con los descriptos en la literatura internacional a fin de establecer semejanzas y diferencias translingüísticas en la organización cognitiva y en los patrones de alteración del Retén.

Humanos , Agrafia , Relatos de Casos , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas