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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202169


Introduction headache is one of the most common symptomand collectively headache is among the most commonsymptom of the neurodisorders, however there might beseveral reasons behind different sort of headache, headachecan also be classified as1. Odontogenic headache2. Non odontogenic headacheCase report: Here we are going to discuss an unusual casereport of headache. A middle aged Asian male presented withheadache in the department of cardiology with a history ofmigraine of 20 years ago and he was suspecting the headachebecause of high bp 90/ 160. He was prescribed with Aceinhibitors. Still he was suffering from daily persistent headachewith pain intensity 4/10. Subsequently he was suggested to seethe neurologist. the patient was without any red flag sign, headand neck examination was normal. This headache was alwaysworsen in the evening and night hours, after taking calciumchannel blockers headache was relieved for several hours butagain started in the early morning hours. This was wakeningheadache. This headache was also relieved after maintainingcross ventilation in the room. Headache was unilateral, nevercrossed the midline, intensity varied from mild to severeshooting pain, worsened by hot and cold winds directly orindirectly on the head. Patient also had acupressure therapy onyin tang and tai-yang acupoints but he can't get a stable relief.Conclusion: Careful and thorough history taking skills arethe key points for diagnosing exact cause and origin of aheadache. It may reduce useless financial burden in the stabletreatment of headache.