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Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 63(supl.1): 93-100, set. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-765691


Antecedentes. Los orientadores escolares tienen como labor ayudar al manejo e inclusión de escolares con discapacidad, sin embargo no se conoce la percepción que ellos tienen de sus competencias para realizar dicha tarea. Objetivo. Evaluar la percepción de los orientadores escolares acerca de su competencia para orientar a escolares con diferentes tipos de discapacidad. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de tipo observacional descriptivo de corte transversal realizado sobre una población de 235 orientadores de Cundinamarca y Boyacá, que representan toda la población de orientadores, a los que se les aplicó un cuestionario con cinco afirmaciones tipo Likert acerca de su capacidad para atender escolares con discapacidad física, sensorial, mental y cognitiva y problemas emocionales. Resultados. Se describen las características de los orientadores teniendo en cuenta género, edad y profesión, así como el número de escolares con discapacidad que estudian en las instituciones. El 41% describe no estar preparado para orientar niños y niñas con discapacidad física, el 37.7% para orientar niños con discapacidad sensorial, el 65.3% para orientar escolares con discapacidad mental, el 67.7% para orientar estudiantes con discapacidad cognitiva y solamente el 9.9% no se siente preparado para manejar problemas emocionales. Conclusiones. Los orientadores escolares perciben tener escasa preparación para orientar estudiantes con diferente tipo de discapacidad, lo cual podría limitar la adecuada inclusión escolar.

Background. Within their work school counselors have to deal with the educative inclusion of students with disabilities, nevertheless, their perception of their competences is unknown in order to perform this task. Objective. To evaluate the perception of school counselors regarding their competence to guide students with different types of disabilities. Materials and Methods. This is an observational descriptive study with a transversal type, applied in a population of 235 counselors from Cundinamarca and Boyacá, representing the total counselors population. They were asked a questionnaire presenting five Likert methodology statements, regarding their own capacity to interact with students with physical, sensorial, mental and cognitive disabilities, and emotional problems. Results. Counselors' characteristics are described taking into account criteria like gender, age, career and the number of students with disabilities that are studying in the institutions they work for. 41 % of the counselors state they are not prepared to orientate children and adolescents with physical disabilities, whereas 37.7 % state they are no prepared to orientate children with sensorial disabilities, 65.3% to orientate students with any mental disability, and 67.7% affirm they are not prepared to orientate students with any cognitive disability and just 9.9 % have difficulties to deal with emotional problems. Conclusions. School counselors realized having a low preparation to orientate students with different disabilities, which could restrain an adequate educational inclusion.