Background: Eating problems are prevalent, with girls more likely to develop issues in adolescence. Concerning indicators include weight fluctuations, altered eating patterns, and excessive physical activity. Outpatient treatment is effective for most, but some may require hospitalization or residential programs for stability and care. Methods: This research adopted an evaluative research approach and employed a pre-experimental (one group pre-test post- test design), and a sample of 60 adolescent girls studying in PU College is recruited through simple random sampling technique. The investigation was conducted at selected PU colleges, Vijayapur. Karnataka, among the adolescents. Results: This study assessed the knowledge and attitudes of adolescent girls in PU colleges in Vijayapur regarding eating disorders. Pretest results showed a majority with moderate knowledge and unfavorable attitudes. Following an educational program, significant improvements in knowledge and attitudes were observed. The findings highlight the effectiveness of targeted interventions in enhancing awareness and promoting positive attitudes. H1: Post-test knowledge scores significantly improved compared to pre-test scores (p<0.05). H2: Post-test attitude scores significantly enhanced compared to pre-test scores (p<0.05). H3: No significant associations were found between knowledge and attitude scores and socio-demographic variables among adolescent girls. Conclusions: In summary, targeted interventions can enhance knowledge and attitudes about eating disorders among adolescent girls in PU colleges. Outpatient treatments and education are crucial for addressing these issues, but more research and interventions are needed to promote awareness and positive attitudes.