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J. Health Sci. Inst ; 37(2): 178-181, jan-mar 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355001


Relatar a atuação do enfermeiro e dificuldades enfrentadas no contexto intercultural e compreender o processo saúde-doença na visão do indígena. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados LILACS, Scielo, Medline e BVS Brasil. Dezoito artigos foram selecionados. Evidenciouse que a falta de conhecimento, e a ausência de capacitação profissional, denota a existência de paradigma cultural por parte dos enfermeiros. Conclui-se que para compreender o contexto indígena, é preciso enfrentar as dificuldades a ele inerentes, sendo fundamental reconhecer e compreender as crenças indígenas e valorizar seus saberes tradicionais para atuar de forma a garantir a atenção diferenciada proposta pela PNASPI

To report the nurses' performance and difficulties faced in the context and understanding the health-disease process in the indigenous's view. The databases LILACS, Scielo, Medline and VHL Brazil were used. Eighteen articles were selected. It was evidenced that the lack of knowledge, and the absence of professional qualification, indicates the existence of a cultural paradigm on the part of the nurses. It is concluded that in order to understand the indigenous context, it is necessary to confront the inherent difficulties. It is fundamental to recognize and understand indigenous beliefs and to value their traditional knowledge to act in order to guarantee the differentiated attention proposed by PNASPI