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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226503


Varmam- a discrete medical science and a great contribution of Siddhars to Tamil Nadu. It encompases Varma martial arts, Varma therapy, internal and external medicines. Varma therapy and medicines effectively treat neuro musculoskeletal conditions which is admirable. Shoulder pain is most common orthopaedic condition. It is the third common cause of musculoskeletal consultations in primary care. Approximately 1% of adult develops new shoulder pain annually. Common pathological conditions of shoulder like rotator cuff disorders and adhesive capsulitis etc exhibits similar clinical features like pain and stiffness of shoulder joint and restricted movements. Varma therapy rearranges and regulates the “Vaasi” and consequently helps to maintain the equilibrium of trihumours (Vatham, Pitham, Kapham). This review article explicates the Varma points for the treatment of shoulder pathological conditions, the exact anatomical location of Varma points and the appropriate method of its manipulation, certainly a key to further research articles.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226454


Siddha system granting preventive, curative and rejuvenating healthcare. According to Siddha system three humours- Vatham, Pitham and Kapham- mediate the body’s physiological function. Derangements of trihumour lead to diseases. Vatha diseases are the most common diseases presenting in Siddha hospitals nowadays. In Siddha system the primary goal of the treatment is to restore the balance of trihumours. The first and foremost treatment for Vatha disease is Bhedhi (purgation). The quote ‘BhedhiyaalVathamthaalum’ indicates purgation therapy will reduce Vatham. For this study the purgative drug Agasthiyarkuzhambu is used. Aim and Objective: To make a validation of purgation therapy to alleviate Vathaim balance. To describe purgation therapy in alleviate Vathaim balance by giving Agasthiyarkuzhambu to outpatient and inpatient Department, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai. To observe the increased Vatha symptoms and Neikuri changes before and after treatment. Materials and methods: ANon randomized clinical trial was done with 40 patients, data were collected by interviewing with structured questionnaire about increased Vatha symptoms and samples of urine were collected to the analysis. The data will be analysed using SPSS. Results: Out of 40 patients, based on relief of Vatha symptoms 45% of cases reported good relief and 13% of cases reported better relief from their symptoms. In Neikuri before treatment 40% of cases had typical Vathaneikuri (fast, irregular, Aravu pol) and after treatment the Neikuri pattern changed to Pithavatham, Pitham and Kapham and only 10% of cases had Vathaneikuri. Neikuri and Vatha symptoms are better parameter for assessing alleviated Vatha imbalance in this study.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210951


The study was aimed to study the prevalence of acute pancreatitis in dogs. Forty dogs with history of acute onset of vomiting, abdominal pain and anorexia were screened for acute pancreatitis by radiography, abdominal ultrasound and confirmed by SNAP cPL (Canine pancreatic lipase) kit test. Fourteen (0.375 per cent of gastrointestinal cases) dogs found to be positive for acute pancreatitis by abdominal ultrasound, out of which SNAP cPL was positive in nine dogs (64 per cent). Among this 64.3 per cent was secondary acute pancreatitis and 35.7 per cent being primary acute pancreatitis. Highest prevalence was observed in male, Non-descriptive dogs, irrespective of age group. The common history and clinical findings recorded were anorexia, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dehydration, tachycardia, tachypnea, praying posture and pyrexia.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210934


The study was aimed to compare various diagnostic modalities in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in dogs. Forty dogs with history of acute onset of vomiting, abdominal pain and anorexia were screened for acute pancreatitis by radiography, abdominal ultrasound and confirmed by SNAP cPL (Canine pancreatic lipase) kit test. Fourteen (0.375 per cent of gastrointestinal cases) dogs found to be positive for acute pancreatitis by abdominal ultrasound were selected and further subjected to radiography to rule out the underlying causes of acute pancreatitis and confirmed by SNAP cPL test. Out of fourteen dogs, four dogs (29 per cent) having specific radiographic changes gas filled intestinal loops with loss of serosal details, SNAP cPL was positive in nine dogs (64 per cent). Abdominal ultrasonography revealed hypoechoic pancreas, hyperechoic surrounding fat saponification, enlarged or irregular pancreas and dilatation of biliary or pancreatic duct as the major changes in acute pancreatitis dogs. Ultrasound was found to be superior to radiography in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis and SNAP cPL was found to be effective in confirming only in acute stages of pancreatitis

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202514


Introduction: Preeclampsia is a disease unique to pregnancyand it is characterized by progressive hypertension,pathological edema and proteinuria. But till now thehemodynamics of preeclampsia is not properly understoodand is debated. Study aimed to assess maternal cardiovascularfunction using echocardiography in normal and preeclampticwomen.Material and Methods: Our study was a prospective studyon 200 women admitted in the Department of Obstetrics andGynaecology, Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of MedicalSciences, Bommakal, Karimnagar, Telangana state, India. Allwomen underwent two-dimensional echocardiography at rest.Cardiac systolic parameters were recorded and studied.Results: The studied parameters like Mean Left ventricularend-diastolic volume (LVEDV), Mean stroke volume, Meanaortic root diameter and Mean total vascular resistancewere higher in the Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH)group than the controls and the difference was statisticallysignificant. The Mean left ventricular outflow tract diameterin the Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) group wasalso higher than the control group, with the difference beinginsignificant.Conclusion: Women with preeclampsia have significantsystolic dysfunction compared to normotensive controls.Blood pressure monitoring alone is insufficient to identifyeffectively.