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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202772


Introduction: Midazolam, a water-soluble benzodiazepine, isnon-irritant on intravenous injection and has a shorter durationof action than diazepam. In this research, we evaluated theinduction time achieved with midazolam and compared withthiopentone. We also observed the hemodynamic effectsfollowing induction with midazolam and thiopentone. In thecurrent study, we also studied undesirable or unwanted effectsof the two drugs.Material and methods: The present study was conductedat Civil Hospital, Aizawl Mizoram in thedepartmentofAnaesthesiology and Critical Care. The study was conductedbetween November 2018 to October 2019. A clinical studywas carried out in hundred patients with a physical status ofASA I and ASA II patients, patients between 20-50 years ofage and weight 45-70 kg were selected and were divided intotwo groups each group consisting of fifty patients. Group A– Midazolam (0.2mg/kg) and Group B – Thiopentone (5mg/kg). A routine preanaesthetic check-up was carried out beforethe operation. The procedure of anaesthesia to be given wasexplained to the patients and written informed consent wastaken accordingly.Results: The mean age (in years) of the midazolam group was35.54 ± 8.5 and it was 34.06 ± 10.2 in the thiopentone group.We found a statistically significant difference of weight,spontaneous closure of eye, Loss of lid reflex between boththe groups. Patient Good acceptance was good in 16 (66.67%)participants in midazolam and 8 (33.33%) participants in thethiopentone group.Conclusion: We conclude that midazolam is a satisfactorysubstitute to thiopentone.