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PAFMJ-Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. 2016; 66 (1): 98-103
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-178748


Objective: To determine frequency and nature of near-miss cases in obstetric patients in a tertiary care hospital

Study Design: Cross-sectional descriptive study

Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in obstetrics unit of Combined Military Hospital [CMH] Kharian from Jan 2013 to June 2013

Material and Methods: The WHO near miss criteria 2009 was followed including clinical, laboratory and management based criteria for case identification. Main outcome measures were frequency of near miss and maternal mortality cases, near miss on arrival and during hospitalization, ICU admission and total hospital stay, calculating the mortality indices, maternal mortality ratio, mortality to near miss ratio, near miss cases/1000 deliveries were calculated

Results: There were 76 near miss cases. Maternal mortality ratio was 676. Near miss cases were 70.3%. Maternal death to near miss ratio was 1:10. Mortality index for near miss cases was 8.4%. In near miss group most significant was cardiovascular 46% and hematologic system 32%. Interventions, renal, neurological and respiratory were 9.2%, 5.2%,3.9% and 2.6%respectively. In near miss cases 86% were referred and 14% booked

Conclusion: This study showed that uniform criteria for identifying near miss cases can be used in a tertiary referral hospital setting especially for comparison of results and audit. Near misses provide relevant controls for maternal deaths since most women who die presumably pass through a phase of organ dysfunction before dying and evaluation of circumstances leading to this can help in formulating and revising health care protocols

JSP-Journal of Surgery Pakistan International. 2015; 20 (2): 52-55
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-173323


Objective: To find out the frequency of osteopenia and osteoporosis and to evaluate their etiological factors in women

Study design: Cross sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fatima Hospital Baqai Medical University, in October 2014

Methodology: Females visiting the outpatient department were randomly selected. These were offered bone mineral density [BMD] test and calcaneal ultrasound. Variables assessed were marital status, parity, lactation status, dietary habits, covering body / using hijab [veil], profession etc. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 15. Chi square test and Fisher Exact test were applied. Results were considered significant if p value was < 0.05

Results: One hundred and thirty two women were evaluated in the study. Mean age of woman was 34.27 + 9.04 year. Osteopenia was detected in 71 [53.8%] women while 20 [15.2%] were in the category of osteoporosis. Significant association was found between anemia and bone density while no significant association was found between working status of women and bone density. Lactation and veil also played important role in BMD scores

Conclusions: Osteopenia was common in pre-menopausal period. The frequency of osteoporosis was found to be less than osteopenia