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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198359


Background: Variation in renal arteries are very common but bilateral variation is rare and is clinically importantfor urologist especially during the renal transplantation. Generally main renal artery divides into anterior andposterior branches just before entering the hilum of kidney, but sometimes two or more polar arteries; prehilarbranching and segmental arteries arise from main renal artery .Renal artery variations are often seen and aregenerally categorized into presence of accessory or aberrant renal arteries, polar arteries and prehilar branches.Prehilar multiple branching of main renal artery variation is frequently seen.Materials and Method: The present study was conducted in 80 kidneys from 40 cadavers during the routinedissection in the Department of Anatomy Maharishi Markandeshwar Medical College and Muzaffarnagar MedicalCollege .Out of 80 kidneys studied bilateral prehilar branching of renal arteries from the main renal artery wereobserved in 5 kidneys (6.5%).Conclusion: Different arterial branching patterns was observed in five cases in which prehilar branches originateddirectly from main renal artery, entering the upper pole of kidney. Knowledge of such variation is important forradiologists, anatomists and urologists while performing renal transplantation, laparoscopic renal surgeries,nephrectomies, and other renal surgeries and diagnosis.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198304


Background: Liver is a large gland which occupies a substantial (large) portion of the abdominal cavity of humanbody .It is situated below the right side of diaphragm and mainly occupies the right hypochondrium, epigastriumand part of left hypochondrium. Anatomically it has left and right lobes which are divided by falciparm ligament,fissure for ligamentamvenousm and fissure for ligamentamteres. It has caudate and quardate lobes as the partsof right anatomical lobe Anatomical variations in cadaveric livers are present in form of lingular process ofleft lobe, accessory lobe,hypoplastic lobe, accessory fissure and diaphargmatic groove on superior surface ofliver.The knowledge of morphological variations of liver may be useful to surgeon during transplantationphysicians to rule out the liver diseases and radiologist for correct diagnosis.Materials and Methods: The knowledge of morphological variations was observed in 50 livers during the routinedissection and specimen present in department of anatomy.In 50 livers we observed 23 were present withmorphological variation this shows that 46% of liver were abnormal.Conclusion: In the present study it is observed that accessory lobe, hypo plastic lobe, accessory fissure anddiapharmatic grove on superior surface of liver are more common morphological variations .The morphologicalvariations remains asymptomatic but can lead to misinterpretations during surgical and radiological procedure.Thus the present study is useful for radiologists and surgeons to plan the surgical procedures.