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Ciênc. rural ; 45(6): 1107-1112, 06/2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-747091


O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a capacidade crioprotetora das lipoproteínas de baixa densidade (LDL) presentes no plasma de gema de ovo, adicionado ao trihidroxiaminometano (TRIS) para congelar sêmen ovino. Trinta e seis ejaculados foram coletados para formar 12 "pool". Cada alíquota de sêmen foi diluída em TRIS-gema de ovo (TRISG) ou TRIS- plasma de gema de ovo (TRISP) antes de congelar o sêmen. Para a obtenção do plasma da gema de ovo, foi utilizado o método de ultracentrifugação. Após o descongelamento, não houve diferença entre os dois extensores em relação aos parâmetros seminais (motilidade, viabilidade, membrana acrossômica e plasma). No entanto, no Teste de Termo Resistência Lenta (TTRL - 4h/38°C), o sêmen congelado com TRISP resultou no aumento do número de espermatozoides com acrossoma intacto (P<0,032). Conclui-se que o diluente TRISP é uma alternativa para criopreservação do sêmen de carneiros, pois permite uma melhora da característica seminal em relação ao diluente TRIS gema, mas sem a necessidade do processo de purificação das LDL.

The present study aimed to evaluate the cryoprotectant low-density lipoprotein (LDL) present in the plasma of egg yolk added to the extender trihidroxiaminometano (TRIS) for freezing ram semen. Thirty-six ejaculates were collected to form 12 pool. Each aliquot of semen was diluted in TRIS-egg yolk (TRISG) or TRIS-egg yolk plasma (TRISP) before freezing the semen. The plasma of egg yolk was obtained by ultracentrifugation. After thawing, no difference was detected between the two extenders in relation to seminal parameters (motility, viability, plasma membrane and acrosome). However, in the thermal resistance slow test (4h in a water bath at 38°C), the semen frozen with TRISP resulted in higher number of sperm with intact acrosome than those with TRISG (P<0.032). It was concluded that the TRISP extender is an alternative for cryopreservation of ram semen, once it improves the semen characteristics in comparison to TRISG, avoiding the purification process of LDL.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 55(3): 371-374, May-June 2012. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-640186


This study aimed to compare the pregnancy rate using the conventional artificial insemination (AI) or deep intracornual artificial insemination (DIAI), with low number of spermatozoa (4.0 million sperm) in 270 Nelore cows. The animals were divided in two groups (G: G1 (135 cows) conventional AI was performed (=semen deposition in the uterine body) and in G2 (135 cows) to DIAI, in ipsilateral horn where the dominant follicle in the ovary had previously been detected, by ultrasound examinations. For both the methods, a single artificial insemination was carried out after visual estrus observation, checked three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening). The pregnancy diagnosis after 45 days was conducted by ultrasound. Results showed a better pregnancy rate in the DIAI group (67.4% - p<0.01), when compared to conventional AI (48.8%) with low spermatozoa concentration.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 54(3): 517-521, May-June 2011. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-591189


The aim this study was to compare two protocols of induction for ovulation by desloreline acetate and hCG in Quarter Horse mares. The choice of the animals was based on the observations by the estrus, by rectal palpation of the ovaries and by ultrassonography of the follicular dynamics. After estrus detection and follicle control, the measurement of the follicles and the classification of uterus were carried out. The animals that had dominant follicle (diameter more than 35 mm) and swollen uterus were used. In these conditions, the mares received hCG or desloreline acetate. Once ovulation occurred, the artificial insemination was carried. Two groups were performed: G1 (20 animals) received 1.5 mg desloreline acetate and G2 (20 animals) received 1700 IU of hCG. Following 6h intervals, the control follicular was performed by ultrasonography. The follicular average diameter was 42.6 cm for the groups and set up a score of 0 to 3 of uterine edema displayed by the device as well as the time of ovulation. In conclusion, the desloreline acetate showed better performance than hCG, because the ovulation was induced in less time (nine hours than hCG) (p<0.05).The pregnancy rate was 80 and 75 percent, respectively in G1 and G2.