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Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 62(3): 27-31, may.-jun. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136649


Resumen Introducción: La hernia de Bochdalek es el tipo de hernia diafragmática congénita más frecuente. Existen menos de 200 reportes en adultos, lo cual representa el 5% de la literatura médica. Por lo que su diagnóstico es excepcional. Caso clínico: Mujer de 23 años de edad, ingresó referida de su unidad de salud con diagnóstico de neumotórax espontáneo tras presentar dolor en el hemitórax izquierdo y disnea 24 horas posteriores a trabajo de parto. En el servicio de urgencias se colocó sonda endopleural; sin embargo, al no obtener reexpansión pulmonar, se solicitó TAC simple toracoabdominal e interconsulta con los servicios de radiología y cirugía. Se realizó diagnóstico de hernia de Bochdalek incarcerada y laparotomía urgente con cierre primario del defecto herniario. Cursó con adecuada evolución y fue egresada al cuarto día postoperatorio. Discusión: El diagnóstico de hernia de Bochdalek se asocia a errores diagnósticos hasta en 38% de los casos, dada su baja incidencia y variedad de presentación clínica. En este caso se realizó un diagnóstico inicial de neumotórax con colocación de sonda endopleural, lo cual pudo haber ocasionado graves consecuencias. Conclusión: El diagnóstico de hernia de Bochdalek representa un reto ya que el retraso del manejo se asocia a riesgo elevado de complicaciones.

Abstract Introduction: The Bochdalek hernia is the most common congenital diaphragmatic defect. There are less than 200 cases reported in adults, which represent about 5% of the cases in medical literature; therefore, its diagnosis is hard to make. Clinical case: A 23-year-old female patient who was referred from her medical institution with a diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax after suffering from left hemithorax pain and dyspnea 24 hours after undergoing labor. At the emergency room, an endopleural tube was placed, but since there was no pulmonary re-expansion, an unenhanced CT scan was performed and a medical petition was requested to the radiology and surgery department. A diagnosis of incarcerated Bochdalek hernia was made and the patient underwent an emergency laparotomy with primary closure. She recovered successfully and was discharged from hospital on the fourth postoperative day. Discussion: Bochdalek hernia is misdiagnosed in about 38% of the cases because of its low incidence and the different types of clinical presentations. In this case, the main diagnosis was initially a spontaneous pneumothorax with endopleural seal placement, which could have caused several complications. Conclusion: The Bochdalek hernia represents a diagnostic challenge because delaying its management is associated with high-risk complications.