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Medical Forum Monthly. 2013; 24 (1): 17-20
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-146708


To find out the incidence of thyroid ima artery in our population. An exploratory study. This study was conducted in a private hospital and Nishtar Hospital Multan. Study was conducted from 15 Jan to 25 September 2012. All the patients with the goiter and who were euthyroid presenting to the Nishatr Hospital and private hospital [Khursheed Rafiq Hospital] in Multan were included in study.Patients with tumors and huge retrostemal goiter were excluded from the study.During surgery of thyroid, meticulous dissection was done to identify the thyroid ima artery and incidence was recorded. A total no of 87 patients were included in the study. Out these 7 were excluded due to the huge goiter with difficult surgery. Out of remaining 80 pts, 65 [80%] were females on 15 [20%] were females, [ratio of female to male 4.3: l].The mean age of the patients was 45 years [from 70 years to 20 years] The thyroid ima artery was found in 4 pts only [5%].All the patients were females It means that incidence of this artery in females is more than males.It may be due to the more incidence of goiter in females [80%] than males as this study was conducted only patients suffering from goiter. In both patients this artery was supplying the isthmus of the thyroid gland. This was of adequate size. Inferior thyroid artery was also present in both cases. The incidence of thyroid ima artery was recorded to be 4% in our population

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Bócio/epidemiologia , Artérias/anormalidades , Distribuição por Sexo
Professional Medical Journal-Quarterly [The]. 2013; 20 (2): 171-176
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-127144


It has been seen that just delivering the lectures of anatomy followed by dissection may fail to produce a long lasting understanding of the subject. The students are also unable to appreciate the importance of clinical anatomy integrated within various medical disciplines. A medical college or university may look at restructuring the medical curriculum with an anatomy resource centre which can have a pivotal influence on self-directed learning. [1] To prepare an innovative resource centre for teachers. [2]. To rain student to achieve sufficient knowledge, skill and attitude when given a problem-solving exercise. The resource centre is equipped with routine cadaveric dissection. Such gross structural relationships are made more meaningful by the use of living anatomy such as conventional radiographs, CT, MRI, ultrasound, laparoscopic, videos and surface anatomy. Simultaneous presence of microscopic anatomy [histology] can help to understand cell biology and molecular medicine in great detail. It is also necessary to use plastic models to overcome the complexity of the structures such as perineum and joints. Web-based computer sites can supplement the effort and to achieve what is called 'self-directed assessment skill'. Once the students are aware of the normal structures, they can be challenged with abnormal structures or tissues. An anatomy resource centre thus, can be integrated with various disciplines. However, it is felt that an efficient clinical anatomy curriculum can only lead to the success in developing an innovative anatomy resource centre for teachers and students

Conhecimento , Atitude , Resolução de Problemas
Medical Forum Monthly. 2012; 23 (7): 41-44
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-131840


To study the thickness of the triceps subcutaneous fat measured by the caliper anthropometry, in age matched individuals having different body mass indices; and to determine if there is any correlation between the thickness of subcutaneous fat with that of the body mass index [BMI]. Cohort prospective. This study was conducted at Anatomy Dept, Nishtar Medical College, Multan from August 2010 to December 2010. Observations were made on 260 healthy men of 20-50 years of age. Regression analysis and Pearson's correlation coefficient were computed and are statistically significant [p < 0.05-0.01]. The results reveal that the triceps skin fold fat was very strongly correlated [range = 0.88 to 0.96] in all age groups. While in case of BMI it good in Groups I and II. On the other hand Age and BMI show little correlation with that of triceps muscle area. The results are statistically significant p value being 0.05 to .01. The study reflects some limitations of triceps anthropometry in estimating obesity but still has value in assessing nutritional status in special circumstances like refugee camps, schools

Professional Medical Journal-Quarterly [The]. 2012; 19 (6): 760-763
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-150315


To know the outcome of treatment of chronic anal fissure. Nishtar Hospital, Multan. January 2011 to June 2011. A total of 100 patients attending surgical OPD were included in the study. Out of 100 patients, 73 [73%] were male and 27 [27%] were female patients. Majority of the patients were from the age group 31-40 years. At posterior midline fissure in ano was present in 91 [91%] patients and at the anterior midline it was in 9 [9%]. Pain defecation was seen in all patients, constipation in 95 [95%] patients whereas bleeding from rectum in 72 [72%] patients. It is concluded that in patients with chronic anal fissure, chemical sphincterotomy with topical nifedipine ointment is a non-invasive and effective modality.

Medical Forum Monthly. 2012; 23 (12): 22-24
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-155820


To determine the pattern of major congenital malformations in neonates admitted in Nishtar Hospital Multan and evaluate their early outcome. Descriptive study. This study was conducted at the Department of Anatomy, in collaboration with department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics and department of Paediatrics Nishtar Medical Institution Multan from March to August 2012. A total of 431 neonates were admitted in Paediatric Wards including those referred from outside and from Labour Room of Nishtar Hospital. Children with major congenital malformations were identified by clinical examination and confirmed by appropriate radio-diagnostic methods. These neonates were immediately referred to the surgical team for intervention. A total of 57 neonates with congenital malformations were admitted during the study period. Thirty one were males and, 26 females. Fetal anomalies were diagnosed correctly in 17 cases out of a total of 19 inborn deliveries on maternal ultrasound while it was missed in one fetus and incorrectly diagnosed in one case. A total of 48 patients had surgery out of which 4 [8.3%] died in the neonatal period. Five cases were booked for elective surgery beyond the neonatal period. Out of 4 neonates with congenital heart disease one case was referred outside, one neonate died preoperatively while 2 infants were managed conservatively. Due to detection of fetal anomalies, early surgical intervention, and intensive neonatal care, most infants can be rescued after a successful primary operation

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Recém-Nascido
Medical Forum Monthly. 2005; 16 (9): 10-15
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-176930


Fistula is defined as chronic granulating tract connecting two epithelial lined surfaces. These surfaces may be cutaneous or mucosal. An anal fistula is a track with an internal opening in the mucosa of the anal canal or retctum. To compare fistulectomy vs fistulotomy regarding postoperative complications and long term results. All patients having fistula-in-ano of low variety were treated with to procedures, fistulectomy and fistulotomy. These patients were divided into two groups. In one group fistulectomy was done and in other group fistulotomy was done. Out of patients operated for perianal fistula of low variety, 60 were males and 20 were females. The male to female ratio was 3:1. The patients of perianal fistula present with different symptoms. Patients present with discharge were 28, with pain and perianal abscess were 38 and with perianal itching were 14. The patients of perianal fistula belong to the different categories, the 50 belong to poor group, 20 belong to middle class and 10 belong to rich group. In this study, 40 patients were operated by fistulotomy, pain was present in I patient. In another 40 patients who were operated by fistulectomy pain was present in 2 patients. It has been concluded that complete removal of fistulous tract and minimal postoperative complications are the keys to be success in fistula surgery