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Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 102-106, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975721


Introduction“Epidemiological study on prevalence of alcohol consumption, its patterns and alcohol related harms in Mongolia” was carried out in 2006 funded by the WHO as the first consolidated study involving a large scope of sampling. It confirmed that alcohol consumption and related harms became one of the most challenging social and public health problems in Mongolia. Moreover, recent studies provided some data and provided conclusions on high alcohol consumption rate in the population of Mongolia, particularly among adolescents. Alcohol drinking is the primary cause of cancers of the digestive organs, liver, esophagus and stomach in addition to the criminal rate associated with alcohol. Moreover, overconsumption of alcohol affects the human embryos. 58.4 percent of the parents of disabled children are alcohol addicts. (Psychiatric Health Department, UHS).GoalThe purpose of the survey is to study the alcohol consumption by the youth and students.Materials and MethodsA qualitative survey was carried out (focus group interviews, observations) combined with a survey of the target groups (students and youth) selected by random sampling. The target groups consist of students currently studying in universities, higher educational institutions and VTPCs and young unemployed persons aged 16-24. In total, 56 focus group interviews were carried out and 530 people were involved in the survey.ResultsI total, 530 students and young people were involved in the qualitative survey. 72.0 percent of them are the youth aged 16-24 studying in universities, higher educational institutions and VTPCs. This section explored the youth alcohol consumption by asking during the interviews questions such as for what purpose do you drink vodka, how much do you drink one time, what was the reason for your first drinking, what was your impression, where do you drink etc. The focus group interviewees were asked about the type of alcoholic beverages that their generation or peers use. Most of the survey participants started with beer, then try vodka, and then consume both vodka and other alcoholic beverages. A half of the survey participants answered that their peers started drinking alcohol when they were 16-18 and one of every three friends when they were 14- 16. 446 interviewees (84.1%) out of 530 participants have already tried vodka and other alcoholic beverages. 226 respondents (50.7%) who have already tried vodka and other alcoholic beverages consumed alcohol for the first time under peer pressures and influence during some parties or special occasions. One of every four interviewed persons (24.0%, 127) who have tried alcohol before reported that they liked vodka when they tried it first. However, 66.0 percent (350) reported not liking vodka at the first trial and 10.0 percent said they don’t know. Therefore knowledge on alcohol consumption needs to be provided since the school years. Most of the survey participants answered that they use very little alcoholic beverages per week when they were asked about the amount of alcoholic beverages that they drink per week. The majority of the participants who currently use vodka and other alcoholic beverages (56.0%, 177) disclosed that they drink in bars, restaurants and night clubs. (28.0%, 88) of the respondents visit their friends’ home to drink alcohol and (16.0%, 50) just drink on the street. By the social status of the interviewees who currently use vodka and other alcoholic beverages, the majority of the students drink in bars.Conclusions:Participants aged 16-24 who have been involved in the focus group interviews had the following knowledge and understanding about the vodka and other alcoholic beverages:1. Majority of the interviewees demonstrate a belief that alcoholic beverages mean the beverages with lower alcohol content such as beer and wine.2. According to their knowledge, “appropriate consumption” of vodka or other alcoholic beverages means the proper use of alcohols by adults.3. The respondents know that pregnant women, breast feeding mothers, disabled people, juvenile adolescents and drivers are prohibited to drink vodka or other alcoholic beverages.4. Many of the interviewees know that drinking vodka and other alcoholic beverages is legally prohibited to those who are driving.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 164-172, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975731


IntroductionEvery day over the 16000 of people, every year 5 million people pass away due to accident and injury and 500 million people become invalid in the worldwide. It is 9.8% of total death caused by disease, 12.3% of total morbidity. As a result of Mongolian statistical yearbook 1997-2010, “Accident, injury” was at third place of cause of death and at fifth place of morbidity.GoalTo detect risk behaviors which influence on distracting attention of driver and to establish recommendation to change risk behavior during driving.Materials and MethodsThe research will be conducted by quantitative method (questionnaire) and qualitative method (observation and interview). There is 106.848 of cars in Ulaanbaatar and about 10% (n=300) of these is public transportation. 50 of drivers participated at separate interview to detect risk behavior during driving. Research team observed 25 public transportation for 3 hours to reveal driver risk behavior. The data was collected from central 6 districts in Ulaanbaatar.Results:The research involved 290 of drivers from central 6 districts, going to 8 itineraries in Ulaanbaatar. Participants are age of 19-64 and average was 37.4±8.3 age. Age of 30-39 was 44.1 % (128). 92.1% (267) of 290 drivers was drivers of bus, microbus. Most (36.3%, 61) of 168 (57.9%) who not wear seat belt said that not accomplished to use seat belt, 34.3% (56) said that it disturbs to drive a car. 91.7 of drivers said that they are calling during driving. Other 8.3% who are not calling during driving don’t use phone. 99.3% of total drivers listens FM radio, 97.9% talks with someone who sitting near in the car, 95.5% see advertisement near the way which influencing to go down attention of driver. 93.1% of participants answered that don’t drink alcohol during driving. Do you drive a car if there is necessary to drive when using alcohol?-60.0% of them absolutely don’t drive, 34.1 said that a car is driven by another person. 95.5% of participants said that there is no special seat for children in a car. But 46.2% of them has good habit to sit children in back side of a car. But 27.6% said that have habit to sit in front side of a car, 25.9%- anywhere. As a result of research we observed driver common views of public transportation such as sudden forcefully braking, calling, smoking, sitting with anyone in driver cabin, quarrelling with other drives.Conclusion:Drivers demonstrate following behaviors which may leading to traffic accident, involved or not involved in the traffic rule: Most of driver of public transportation bus don’t wear seat belt; Don’t require to wear seat belt from passenger sitting in the back side of car, no seat belt, and cover hasp of seat belt by covering; They have habit to drive a car when using alcohol; Call for long period, quarrel with calling person with loudly, be no normally; Incomplete machine leads to worry for driving period; Don’t convert light at night;

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975792


Introduction. “Epidemiological study on the non-infectious diseases, accident and injury causes, and relevant risk factors” has been carried out in 2009 by the PHI to determine the alcohol drinking circumstances, frequency and risk factors by gender, age and residency locations. 26.7 percent of this survey participants aged 15-24 used alcohol during the last 30 days, 21.4 percent drank alcohol during last 12 months. GIA, HD (formerly named as the NHDC) carried out the alcohol consumption survey involving 2021 students from the universities, higher educational institutions and general education schools in Ulaanbaatar in 2004. According to this survey results, it is evidenced that 61.0 percent of students use alcohol. The aforementioned surveys and studies were quantitative studies and generally focused on providing cultures and habits of the alcohol consumption. Youth understanding of the alcohols, alcohol’s negative impact and consequences, some social and other factors influencing to the youth consumption of alcohols have not been previously studied.Goal. The purpose of the survey is to study the knowledge, attitude and tendency of the youth towards alcohol and its negative impact, consequences pertaining to the alcohol consumption by the youth and students.Materials and Methods. Qualitative survey has been carried out (focus group interview, observation) and survey target groups’ (students and youth), random selection methods. Target group consists of the students currently studying at the universities, higher educational institutions and VTPCs and unemployed youth aged 16-24. Total of 56 focus group interviews were carried out and totally 530 people were involved in the survey.Results. Totally 530 students and youth were involved in this qualitative survey. 72.0 percent of them are the youth aged 16-24 studying at the universities, higher educational institutions and VTPCs. 67.0 percent (355) of total respondents involved in the survey provided negative responses for the question “in your opinion, what is the vodka”. Vodka is useless chemical substance with negative impacts on human body. Without proper consumption, it can become a poison. It can venom not only body but also the heart and soul. Generally, vodka is one type of instruments to make human beings poor.Focus group interview, 20-24 years old, Female, Orkhon provinceVery small amount of participants involved in the interview responded positively to the question “what is the vodka” - such as the best of food, fluid with 380Ñ alcohol etc. 79.0 percent (419) of the survey respondents answered that alcohol consumption rate in our country is “higher” compared to other countries indicator. A half of total survey participants (272) considered lesser consumption of alcohol for personal use means “appropriate use of alcohol”. Some participants said that it is appropriate use if vodka is served 100-300 gram or 1-3 cups of beers for one serve. Some participants defined the adults as the people aged 18- 50. Most of them said that elders shall become role model if they don’t use vodka or other alcoholicbeverages. Most of the survey participants firstly use beer, secondly - vodka, and thirdly - vodka and other alcoholic beverages. Currently unemployed youth said that their peers and friends generally use vodka. 446 interviewees out of 530 participants, which is 84.1 percent have already tried vodka and other alcoholic beverages. 226 which are 50.7 percent of these youth who have already tried vodka and other alcoholic beverages drank alcohols under peer pressure and influence during some parties or special occasions. Places of drinking vodka and other alcoholic beverages were different for unemployed youth by their gender. For instance, majority of unemployed males visit their friends’ home to drink or drink at the streets, whereas women drink only during special occasions. Some participants said that where to drink vodka or other alcoholic beverages sometimes depend on the seasons – whether it is warm or cold. Conclusions:1. The majority of the students and youth have already tried vodka and other alcoholic beverages. More than half of the survey participants drank vodka and other alcoholic beverages under other’s pressure or influence during special occasions.2. General tendency of the interviewees towards vodka and other alcoholic beverages was negative due to numerous negative phenomena related to alcohols in the society.3. Participants aged 16-24 who have been involved in the FGDs had the following knowledge and understanding about the vodka and other alcoholic beverages: Majority of the interviewees thought that alcoholic beverages mean the beverages with lower alcohol ingredients such as beer and wine.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975849


Background: Due to their limited ability to perceive dangerous situation fully and their inability to react quickly, children are prone to become invalid or even death caused by trauma and/or injury. World Health Organization reports from previous years suggest that illness and death caused by trauma/injury are on steady increase. NTORC records from 2008 indicate that 81.9% of patients aged 0-4 were burned and 15.4% were injured from fall.Goal: The main goal is to study illness and death caused by trauma/injury among children aged 0-5.Materials and Methods: Retrospective analysis was conducted in statistic records of NTORC. Real numbers of illness and death in outpatient, hospitalization were collected and analyzed in SPSS 17.0.Results: Results were introduced in following 2 groups. One. Results of analysis on trauma/injury among children aged 0-5 in outpatient clinic of NTORC: There were 25486 patients aged 0-5 in 2006-2010 totally. Of them, 58% (14790) were male and 42% (10696) were female children. Majority of patients were children aged 1 -2 (45.8%, 11668) and there were no difference in sex in this age group. The most common cause of trauma/illness among children aged 0-5 was burn from heat and chemicals (T20-T25, T26-T28, T29-T32), 2nd most was head injury (S00-S09). Additionally, most of the cases were registered in winter time in 2006, but this difference in season was disappeared in 2007¬2010 records. Two. Results of analysis on hospitalized children aged 0-5: 6393 children received hospitalization between 2006 and 2010. 51.7% (3307) of them were female children. Children aged 0-5 who were hospitalized due to trauma/injury were increased to 25.7% in 2010. Most of the children who received health care because trauma/injury was children aged 0-1 (55.2%, 3526). In source of hospitalization of children aged 0-5, burn from heat and chemicals (T20-T25, T26-T28, T29-T32) was placed first and birth defects, anomaly and chromosomal defects (Q00-Q99) were placed second. From the last 5 years of data, we could see that increase of hospitalization due to burn among male children (47.3%, 1461). Although there are records of burn from heat and chemicals in every month, there are slight increases of cases in May, June and October.Conclusion: Cases of trauma/injury among children aged 0-5 were increased as shown by statistical records of NTORC in 2006-2010. Of all kinds of trauma and injuries, majority of cases were caused by burn from heat and chemicals as indicated from statistical records of outpatient clinic and hospitalization.Recommendation and suggestion:1. Observe trauma/injury among children aged 0-5, particularly burn from heat and chemicals.2. Train statisticians and public health professionals from provinces and soums in methodology of surveillance and research.3. Improve understanding on health effects of burn in children among public, particularly health care workers.4. Organize public health interventions in view of seasonality of some trauma/injury among children aged 0-5.