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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202781


Introduction: Competition for admission to medical collegein India is intense as the number of applicants for nationaleligibility cum entrance test (NEET) always exceeds theavailable seats. The choice of a career in the medical fieldis a complex personal decision influenced by a multitude offactors. Current study was done with the objectives to studysocio-demographic profile of newly selected medical students,to assess reasons of choosing medical stream as a career andto determine the association of socio-demographic and otherfactors with number of attempts taken by the medical studentsfor selection.Material and methods: This was a cross–sectional studycarried out among 96 newly entered medical students ofMaharaja Agrasen Medical College, Agroha (Dist. Hisar),Haryana. Appropriate statistical tests like chi-square (χ2)test and Fisher’s exact test were applied and mean, mode,percentages were also measured.Result: Out of total 39 students (40.6%) belonged to familywhere one or more member was in medical profession.However 86 students (89.6%) choose the medical professionby their own choice. Most of students (72.9%) were attendingregular classes during 11th & 12th in their schools. Maximumnumber of students (46.9%) cleared the NEET in their 2ndattempt. Maximum selection was in students who spent 9-12hours for study for preparation. Out of total 60.4% studentsspent 5-7 hours for sleep during preparation period. Out oftotal 91.7% students were joined coaching for preparationpurpose. Majority of students (67.7%) migrated from theirnative place for study purpose.Conclusion: In our study maximum students have chosenmedical profession because of their personal interest. Inpresent study maximum newly entered medical students werethose who have attended schools regularly in 11th and 12thclasses. Adequate sleep hours for students play constructiverole in favorable outcome.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202610


Introduction: Good quality and adequate amount of sleepis necessary for being healthy. Medical students are proneto more stress due to their academic demands. The sleepamong students is characterized by inadequate sleeping hours,delayed sleep onset, and mid day nap. Current research aimedto study sleep habits among medical students and to findrelationship between sleep habits and stress with academicperformance of students.Material and Methods: This cross–sectional study wascarried out among 139 medical students of third semester,seventh semester and interns enrolled at Maharaja AgrasenMedical College, Agroha (Dist. Hisar), Haryana. Primarytool in this study was a predesigned and semi-structuredquestionnaire. Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) was used toassess daytime sleepiness. Collected data was analysed usingfrequencies, percentages and chi square test.Results: Out of 139 students, 38.8% were considered tohave excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS score >10). Femalestudents (43.1%) were found to have more abnormal EDS scoreas compare to male students(35.1%). Out of total, 70 studentssecured marks between 60-70 percent in which maximumnumber of students (61.42%) were stress free during examsand 54% had sleep duration of 7-10 hours. Good health wasfound to be strongly significant with academic performanceof the students. Duration of study hours was found to besignificant with academic performance of students. Delayedsleep onset was found to be more in female students (55%).Mid day nap was found in 76.25% of students.Conclusion: The negative effects of sleep difficulties havebeen well documented. EDS was more in female students.Also, good health had significant association with academicperformance so the knowledge of importance of good qualityand adequate amount of sleep and its impact on health shouldbe emphasized and translated into practice.