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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226267


In order to achieve the healthy life, it is important to follow the first principal of Ayurveda which is Ahara (diet). The importance of Ahara in life is described by Acharaya charak in classical texts, where every aspect of Ahara including its regular intake, different categories has been elaborated aptly. In Charak samhita, Acharya has classified the Ahara in 12 different categories. Among these, Shookdhanya (cereals) is first one. Shashtika (rice) Vrihi (rice), Yava (barley), Godhum (wheat) are categorized under Shookdhanya (cereals). The food of these groups has similar pharmacological properties with Madhur rasa (sweet in taste), Madhur vipak (sweet after digestion) and Vata kaphahar action. According to modern science Shook dhanya dravya are included in monocotyledon and energy giving food. Energy giving food mainly includes cereal groups like wheat, rice, maize (corn), oats, Jowar, Ragi, and Bajra. Here an attempt has been made to study the fundamental characteristics and health benefits of the class of cereals (Shookadhanya group of Ahara).

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226266


Takra (buttermilk) is included under the Pathya kalpna (dietetic preparations) because of its use as both medicine and a dietary regime. Takra is called as Amruta for the patients suffering from the diseases caused by Mandagni (low digestive power). Detail description about Takra is mentioned in all classical texts of Ayurveda. It plays important role in diseases namely Arsha (hemorrhoids), Grahani (irritable bowel syndrome), Udara (ascities) and Agni vikruti. The properties of Takra (buttermilk) according to Ayurveda are mentioned as Laghu (light), Anushna (not hot in potency), Grahi (absorbant), Dipana (appetizing), Madhur vipak (sweet taste after digestion) and Tridhoshaghna. Because of this unique combination Takra can be included in daily diet for all type of Prakruti (constitution of person). In this study Takra along with its various types, their properties, and methods of preparation and health benefits has been studied critically on the basis of principles and practices of Ayurveda. This study will bring about novel understanding of nutritional and therapeutic uses and newer preparations of buttermilk.