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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194978


The digitalization of the world has influenced people to have access on all the things through technologies like use of computers, mobiles etc and excess use of this has caused various problems and one among them is usage of these gadgets in improper position which is the causative factor for Greeva Sandhigatavata and shows Sandhi Shoola, Sandhi Shotha, Vatapoorna Druti Sparsha and Prasarana Akunchana Vedana which can be correlated to Cervical Spondylosis which also shows similar symptoms like pain in the neck, stiffness, radiating pain and tenderness. So the study was carried on 10 patients, 5 patients in each group to evaluate the efficacy of Greevabasti with Prasarini Taila in Group A and Nasya Karma with Parinitakeriksheera Taila in Greeva Sandigatavata w.s.r. to cervical spondylosis as Pradhana karma after Poorava Karma of Snehana and Swedana in both the groups. The study revealed that Sandhishoola (joint pain) and Sandhishotha (joint Swelling) where highly significant statistically and Sandhisthabdhata was significant statistically in Group A, and in Group B Sandhi Sthabdhata shown highly significant results.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194958


Cervical Spondylosis is a common spinal problem now days. It is a general term for age related wear and tear affecting spinal disc of the neck. Normally soft disc between vertebras provides cushioning, with Cervical Spondylosis the disc becomes compressed, when this happens the cartilage can wear away. Once this protective cartilage is gone, spur may develop on your vertebrae where they rub together and the nerves attached to spinal cord will have less room to pass between the vertebras. Cervical Spondylosis usually starts earlier in men than women. Usually it doesn’t lead to disability but sometimes these changes in the spine can cause compression which makes the finger clumsy. In Karnataka incidence and prevalence is 7.25 cases per 1000 populations and in Bangalore prevalence of Cervical Spondylosis is 23.25 per 10000 populations. Cervical Spondylosis can be compared to Manyasthambha mentioned in the classics. Divaswapna, Asamasthana, Vivrutho Urva nirikshana are the main causes leading to Manyasthambha. Ruk and Sthambha are the main Lakshanas of Manyasthambha. Considering these Lakshanas along with radiation of pain and Motor activity as the assessment parameters, Nasya Karma and Swedana were adopted in the study, which showed highly significant result in almost all parameters with p value < 0.001 taken for assessment in the group.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194819


Janu Sandhigata Vata is a common Vata predominant disorder mainly caused in Vriddhavastha. It is a degenerative articular disorder caused in geriatric age group and its correlates with Osteoarthritis of knee joint. Being commonest form of articular disorders, Osteoarthritis poses a huge hindrance in day to day activities of the sufferer like walking, dressing and bathing etc. Due to Vriddaavasta, Uttarothara Dhatuposhana gets reduced and finally makes the person lame. Hence this study was conducted on 10 patients for 7 days to evaluate the efficacy of Janubasti with Moorchita Tila Taila followed by Patrapinda Sweda in Group A and Janubasti with Moorchita Tila Taila followed by Atasi Upanaha Sweda in Group B. The study reports significant relief in subjective parameters like Vatapurna Dritisparsha (joint crepitations), Sandhi Shoola (joint pain) and Prasarana akunchana pravriti sa vedana (pain during flexion and extension of joint) Sandhi Shotha (joint swelling) is completely relieved after the study. Assessment of results was done on the subjective parameters which showed highly significant changes in Vatapurna Drithisparsha, Sandhi Shotha and Prasarana Akunchana Vedana, and significant improvement in Sandhi Shoola in Group A. In group B Vatapurna Drithisparsha, Sandhi Shotha and Sandhi Shoola showed highly significant changes and Prasarana Akunchana Vedana showed significant changes.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194817


Now a day抯 large number of population are suffering from low backache because of lifestyle modification, irregular sitting posture and house hold works. Low backache is a common symptom involving the muscles, nerves and vertebral column. Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of Sciatic nerve. It resembles disease 揋ridhrasi� in Ayurveda. Radiating pain is the predominant symptom with stiffness, which will hamper the daily activity of an individual. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of Erandamula Ksheera Basti in Vataja Gridhrasi. A total 10 patients of Vataja Gridhrasi were administered Erandamula Ksheera Basti in Yoga Basti pattern for 8 days. Vataja Gridhrasi lakshanas and SLR Positive were taken as assessment parameters, which showed significant results. Hence, Erandamula Ksheera Basti has better effect on patients of Vataja Gridhrasi.